The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1211

Springs: "........."

He now understands Kelly's words mean.

Nima has to say this in the first time!

You said, even if you don't know how many magic people are there!

Silvia was scared to hurry to play a circle: "Gando, don't talk, I will introduce you, this is the second prince of the second magic, the Barcelono Temple, and this is the first magic Big emperor, Tila ..... "

Her name has not been finished, Gandophse is hopped: "Not interested, it is not interested. The old man is not for them."

Barcelocho is black with Tildad face.

"Cough and cough." Sylvia coughs: "Who is it?"

"You ask Kathy to go, I don't do this, the old man is coming to find a lot."

This guy has just fallen, a sharp female voice is wore: "Gando caves you a bastard !!! Actually trapped the old laseze in the maze! You don't want to live!"

Then, the whole air temperature is sharp!

The water next to the water rushed to the sky, turned into a icicle, the next moment, the icicles were suddenly broken, a woman who looked 50 years old came out of the broken ice, her face was cold, a pair of eyes Dead stare at Gandov!

That is murderous!

And Silvia has obviously loosen.

"I have no time to talk!" Gandof squatted his eyes, and then wording, people have disappeared.

"I still want to run!" This woman's teeth bite, the wand in his hand is going to do, and Silvia immediately called her.


That woman hand, she looked at Silvia, and he looked at the one of the people behind Silvia, a moment! Icy feelings instantly dissipate.

The temperature around it immediately, and she is going to go quickly, the voice has also become cold from the cold, it is like a lot of Bai Lao, which is like a lot of a lot: "Oh, Silvia is here! I blame me, actually Did not pay attention. "

"Kathy Gen." Carlis said next to Hunchi: "The Master's Specialist, the strength of the half-step legend, is known as the descendants of the frost wizard."

"I am sorry, I am sorry." At this time, I had a smile that I had disappeared, she wanted from this Sigus and others: "I am sorry, Gandodov brain is a bit Not normal, since I last frozen him for two years, it seems that he frozen his brain. This guy said that you can don't mind. "

This time, it is not only a hand, Til Dad is also straight.

With the legendary posture, it is actually so polite to everyone .... and ... a casual sentence seems to spit what terrorist information.

Everyone is to see that she has just been in the same moment, seeing this incomparably warm mason, who is very warming, always thinks of his fucking.

And people said that Tildard and Barcelo are also given.

Tildad is really giving face. But Dusus feels that Barcelono knows that he can do it.

"Don't stand here." Kathy saw greeting, continued: "The city of the sky has prepared a residence for representatives of all countries, Well, you are still the first, come with me."

Under Sylvia's illustrated, everyone keeps the footsteps of Kathy.

Leave it, is a magician who welcomes the guards.

Looking at everyone, they gave a peak.

A guy is finally couldn't help but asked.

"That ..... we come?"

PS: Eat a few friends at night (not author) .... Several guys who are sleepy.

And I, I am playing a rabies vaccine and seeing them drink a silly crane.

Chapter 111: Seafood?

Everyone walked up from the lower shutdown, and he could see the real sky city.

The city of this sky is like a aerial garden that looks extremely rich!

Why do you say this, because Barbara is straight!

All roadside planted, all is magic plants!

Barbara stunned to pull the Sudu: "Boss! I doubt that I will come to Croaty's farm park you know!"

Winter Municipality also has its own magic base, which is a farmland built in Croatha, which is used to plant magic plants from the ground.

There are many plant transformations, they can send the shellball to the army.

But this ... What is the road to planting the magic in the roadside ... Springs are still the first time.

It may be aware that everyone will have doubts, so Cased directly explained: "The above magic is responsible for collecting free in the air, to provide energy for the city of the sky, although .... less poor, but total ratio Not strong. "

Duus looked at these magic plants, always feel that they are really .... Too much.

However, this is the matter of the Master of the People's Master, followed by Kathy, everyone came to a suspended platform.

On a platform, you can stand three to five people, but if it is a demon, it is a human size, and it is also biased toward the bloated body shape, and it may only stand two.

Anyway, after boarding the platform, these platforms rose, then become a separate square, start moving towards the city center of the sky.

Kathy did not board the platform, but in the middle of the platform, flying together, then explained: "The most central Master Tower is the observation tower of the sky, the next day, we will also sit there. In this Before, everyone can walk in the sky, the city of the sky does not have any banquet, as long as you don't disturb the life of the residents, don't bother some magician work, don't bother the college students. "

Zunus looked around, strange: "It seems ... In addition to the mage tower, there is no high-rise building here?"

Kathy replied: "This can be an aerial city, we have to consider there are many things, we will not increase the burden for this city, we will not increase, the number of households in the sky, the housing specifications are strict planning Even in each building, there is also a weight testing method. Within this building, what is the weight of the object that is not more than much, and it has a strict regulations. "

Barbara is scratched: "It's so troublesome."

"This is for safety considerations." Kathy said: "This is in the sky, if you have something, in addition to the sanctuary, other residents will fall into danger, this is the thing that the sky is not allowed."

Barcelo Koh suddenly opened on the road to heard the city of the sky: "Should you follow the movement speed of this city?"

Cases did not deny: "We always have to consider more things, or the city of the sky can't do it in the sky. He can always stand in the sky, which is from our magician's cautious and compassion. The rule is a rule, and each data is calculated by heavy. If you want to get some, you always have to lose it.

to be frank....

Barcelono is a bit not understanding.

Kai Squarea said too much, Barcelono originally used a universal language, this moment is really a bit.

Xuncus saw his dilemma, hurriedly said: "Well, it's true, there is reasonable, such a miracle city now seems to be part of the sky, it is indeed unparalleled with the magician."

Barcelocondon cast gratitude.

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