The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1213

Kelly blinked: "That is to say .... this is limit."

Case, I think so, this is the boundaries, this place is about 20 kilometers from the coast, but we don't know what happens if these black stone columns extends to this distance. "

"Death creature will pollute the sea water in the sea, transform the offshore into a place of death, gestation as the temperature of the undead. This is not the boundaries, this is .... The expansion distance of death." Side next to Duus, Wei Wei Li Suddenly open: "With the death of death, death will continue to expand. These pure crushing energy is more than one layer than when the land is expanded, but the effect is almost, or ... "

Wei Wei was toned, and then the opening: "This is the expansion of 'death king' '."

Everyone's eyes gathered in Vivie's body.

The serious expression of this girl is gradually disappearing. She rely on Xunci, then nodded: "Well ... I am a dead mage, so .... Know these."

"The Master of the December!" Kairy saw Silvia: "The death Master will follow you?"

This is not surprised.

The attitude of the Holy Empire to the Master of the December is even the most embarrassment in the human empire.

As for the reason ...

After the start of the Hunch, the Holy Light and the enemy relationship, but since I saw the wall of the sigh, I would like to know that the sacred Empire has such a harsh reason to say that the sigh is there. The relationship is opened.

In their view, it is to destroy the fisherman, which is the power of these dead.

Silvia explained this: "Miss Wei Wei is the winter in the city ...." Employers. "

Casement: "No wonder. However, we also found the Mr. of the brotherhood, how do they say nothing?"

"Will n't." Wei Wei blinked: "These as long as the death mage should feel it? Or say that the Master of the Death is not created by the" death country ", but pollution is every death. A spirit of cultivation of the mage will cultivate the ability. "


This is the next to the chin, and then laugh: "If I ... I don't dare to say."

"What do you mean?"

"You please come over, people look at this scene, they tell you that they are the proliferation of death, what will you do for these death mages?"

"we will...."

"You don't have to answer me." Differently said: "It is obvious that those who have the answer."

Wei Wei said as a little nervous next to Hunus: "I ... isn't there?"

"It doesn't matter." Springs comforted: "There is anything directly to say."

"Will it pollute the offshore and let death expansion?" Barbara frowned: "This problem is very serious."

The Kathy expression is also very serious: "Yes, this is obviously the form of changing boundaries. After entering, it is generally identified as 'death', if it is really landing ....."

After she didn't finish it, she was interrupted by Barbara.

"No, no ....." Barbara said: "I want to say, if you are polluted, don't we have a seafood to eat? Squid shabu, delicious!"

PS: Say a fun thing, this time has been following the rabbit, and the trumpet of his diamond. Then we now play gold 1, you have to rush. This guy borrowed my number yesterday.

When I came back last night, I got back the record, grace? Bailing Board Loss? I look at it, Well? What is the top ten games?

I asked the rabbit to take a moment.

This guy tears .... too dish! ! I want to pull my classmate! ! I am embarrassed to spray him, I can only marviate friends!

Then I start listening to him to tell the fairy operation, I can't stop laughing at the hahaha.

Chapter 113: New guest

The visit is over, and everyone will be heavy.

It's more heavy.

Dusus looked at Barbara around, this guy did not expect the expression like this.

The motto now has Kessa in the mind, and you are still unparalleled with a gentle face, become black as the bottom of the pot.

Now I remember that when they got, several magicians were gone to pick up: "Lying! Yes! No seafood is eaten!"

"You are a disaster with Barbara." Kelly evaluated the road next to Shunus.

Barbara has: "I ... I just ask a very practical problem. Death the army may only log in for half a year, but the seafood of the Seafood Master, the seafood may stop in a month, oh is right. This should have no outsiders know? "

Word 1: "What do you mean?"

"If this is passed out, it is estimated that the seafood of the Master is now crazy. I am thinking about them. I am going to pollute the sea, and I will have a seafood. Otherwise, I don't have to eat! I believe I, Iron and Buy! "

Kelly jumped: "Just the Master's Guozhong Coastal waters will have problems, there is no problem in other places! And, even if there is no sea product, there is a land waters!"

"Hey." Barbara hooks: "Don't worry, those talent will not take this, it is estimated that inland fish shrimps will have to rise with prices."

Dussen said: "Don't believe it, Barbara, you are careful to be lyion."

Barbara: "........"

Come to the room to arrange the country of the Master, this is a room for a ...

Barbara is still quite fresh, but a lot of Duste is seen.

The cabin of the spacecraft in the sci-fi movie is such a building.

"Hey, I still see the place to design the guests in the place of the guests." Barbara was shocked after the house was turned over. "The Master Head is really a ghost."

"In order to save space." Springs said.

Wei Wei is strange: "But the city of this sky is so big, so much in the air? Why do you save space in this place?"

"For the magic node." Carlis explained next to: "Don't look at the city of the sky, but we should notice when we come from the air. His residential area is not very intensive, but a piece of one, this is very Like the house built above the magic node. "

The snow also lifted his head and said: "Yes, I remember that the residents of every city of each sky must provide magic for the city of the sky."

"Are you talking?" Barbara refers to the export of several rooms in this house.

Each exit has a small disc.

In addition to the door of each room, this discs, like artworks of crafts on the ground in this room, on the wall, even on the ceiling.

Duus opened his eyes, the flow of elements made him confirm what it was.

"How do you find it?" Wutch looked at Barbara.

Barbara is a very easy look: "I only don't spit ... I usually care, this is instinct."

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