The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1221

"A Forest Elf." Cui Di said: "According to the record of the Mozu, it is the last continental forest Elf King."

"This is impossible!" The previous forest elf brush up.

"I have a magic shadow, the father of the father, let me bring it." Cui Di said, took out a crystal ball, a magic magic shadow appeared, that is the dark fierce army, and their leader, It is also a wizard, green hair and dark black skin is so uncoordinated.

But the face of this elf is clear.

That forest elf has been forced: "How ... how .... How to this!"

Cui Di then said: "This is also the reason why you haven't come, they have to deal with these dark spirits."

Yesika is serious: "It seems that the kingdom of death is faster than we think! Their legend has admitted. The agreement needs to be revised, about the Third Mozu ..."

"Humans temporarily deal with the situation here." Tildad was also serious: "The Mozu, we can temporarily handle it, yes, I also got an intelligence, saying is the father of the father. The coast border, I still don't understand what is going on, now ... it seems to be the cause of this dark elf. "

Said, Tildad looks to the Wushes: "Under the House, the Mozi is here."

Dusi nodded: "I know what to do, but ... I am worried that it is not this."

Just when the Shuus is ready to continue, the entire meeting room suddenly flashes red light.

A urgent broadcast sound also sounds.

"Warning! Warning! Detect huge space energy fluctuations! Heaven! There is a door to death!"

"They are here!"

PS: Five more done, recently wanted to show the situation here, after all, many plots have been related to this, there is a bit of a bit of water, hurry back, take the right track.

PA: Also, why do you want to see Barbara?

Now I think it is incredible ... When I start Barbara, there is still a bunch of people spurt. I was almost didn't give this role to marginalize this role, but I thought ... I have to think about the new name new role to the new plot, forget it. And I also like this role.

About Barbara's plot, will soon explain.

Chapter 11:00: More important

Death country!

Everyone didn't expect that they actually appeared at this time!

Younica opens: "Don't move, stay here."

Said, the Three trips of the holy disappeared will disappear.

The door opened, and a group of people outside has already rushed.

"Lying! Boss boss! You are so fast to come out!" Barbara called ran.

"The San San Festival said that there is no movement." Cui Di sat on his own chair and shouted with a confused.

"Who is this stupid?" Barbaramo saw Cui Di at a glance: "Don't stop it, don't don't mess? They let you die, how can you die?"

"what happened?"

"You come out to see it."

Duus came to the corridor outside the conference room, which inside the material of crystal glass, can clearly see the situation outside!

I saw the sky, ten huge black magic arrays have been formed, and a lot of undead is inclined from above!

"It is the door of death." Wei Wei opened his mouth next to Shuus: "A banker can directly call the death of undead from death! How to ...?"

The speech, Youka suddenly appeared in the conference room.

The outside of the outside can hear her shouts inside: "Everyone, it is refuge."

The city of the sky has risen the magic shield but when this magic shield has not closed, a lot of undead has fallen to the ground.

They roared and began to destroy the ground.

"Japan, I feel that this place is not safe." Barbara is angry: "Now, it is really not safe."

Inside the house, Cased has already gone out and told anything: "The city of the sky has an air in the air, and the underground setting is not just to reduce the weight of the sky, where it is the escape and escape device We only need ....... "

"We need to counterattack!" Kaili first stood up: "Caser adults, in addition to a few of the few, all the strengths of the Shengya, the sky is not dangerous to us, those who are also! In contrast, these residents of the city of the sky need to be refuge, we have to do anything to fight! "

"The Council of the Council is going to do." Kathy said: "The security is now the most important."

"No." Kelly shook his head.

Duus also opened: "Kelly said it is right, compared to the underground refuge of the city of the sky, I am more willing to believe this broad sky, if these guys can threaten our holy area, that hidden Which is the same. It's better to take the initiative, right, holy three seats? "

"The door of death." Silvia opened: "The San San Festival is trying to close the door of hell."

"What is the limit?" Dussen did not understand: "Where is the restriction of the living world?"

"This is summoned magic." Wei Wei explained on the side: "It is .... Social to the Master of the Decell, temporarily gave the ability to walk in the living world."

"That is to say, the Master of the Death summoned the door of death?" Asked Barcelol.

"Perhaps .... is not a dead spirit." Springs squinted: "The San San San Knows our strength, so let us go to avoid refuge in this situation ......."

The dramatic voice has not fallen, and suddenly a burst of loud noise among the sky!

Fortunately, the shield of the city of the sky has been formed, and the huge vibration is three times, and every time it is crushing around the sky.

"It's the deceased." Springs said: "Those legendary masters ... or a death leader of death of death."

"The San San Safe has tried to introduce them into the city of the sky." Kathy said: "But we don't know if there is no new, so .. Now we don't expose, quickly evacuate is the key."

Tildad looks in the distance, the eyes have been squint: "Perhaps .... The death is not so thinking!"

I saw a lot of death in a large number of giant stone, I took the crowd!


"This is dead! Why do you want to build this place is so constructed!" In the ruins and constantly collapsed buildings, Barbara is shouting: "This is so high, not to tell others. Come here! "

"Springs Hall! You can don't let your guards shut up!" The magician of a Master, shouted at this time.

Just currently concentrated on this Master, but it did not destroy the Master, but it also caused a small damage. A few half-step is busy to save people, and the Springs and others are looking for the way.

As for why not flying?

As Barbara said, it has become a place where the dead spirits that jump in will.

The outer magic attack is like the crash rain, especially if you can see the undead of the sky in the sky, suddenly go out at this time, Springs can you have to support it, but the snow is still around him, this mage There are also a lot of staff in the tower, adhering to the principle of being saved, now Springs have gathered a lot of people.

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