The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1223

"Do you really have to stop them?" Barbara deeply suspected this.

"Don't worry, at least short time is still no problem." Deng said: "We are coming! Don't worry, they can't open it now."

The feeling of tremor is soon stopped, and the Springs and others looked at the air. The three half-step legendary undead hit the shirt, as if waiting for something.

At the next moment, the shield in the whole sky suddenly blinked, then .....

Brush, disappeared.

PS: Today, I have mixed a meal, I feel the guest's place .......

Chapter 113: I understand slightly

Barbara looked at the air shield barrier that disappeared, and his face was green.

"Why didn't I see it out? Your old man has a boss!" Barbara shouted.

"How can it be like this?" Deng did not have a shock on his face: "The shield is clear!"

On the sky, the shield is full of undead, this moment, all of these undeads have fallen down!

Duus did not say that the Shengguang barrier directly!

Next moment, a shot of the sound of charcoal barbecue sounded from the head of the hand!

Then, all the surroundings are the roaring sound of the undead.

The harsh huge voice makes everyone a headache!

However, the Shengguang did not drive away the undead. On the contrary, the undead did not have to rise to this!

"Hey!" Deng didn't smash it, it fierce it, and a Olympic radope brushed out from his body!

This is a clearing Aoe, the undead of the people is all cleared in a moment!

However, the same, the outbreak of legendary power makes all surrounding grounds to all kinds of black smoke.

A huge vibration came again in the entire sky!

At the same time, there is a low in the sky: "On the side!"

Next, the three undead of the sky were also scattered, and the first time gathered in this side!

However, they will not come smoothly.

Deng many stars, a flame long dragon whistling to the human desperation!

At the same time, the sky in the distance suddenly smashed a holy light! I am on the orcs.

The ground is on the ground! The stab is a dwarf.

A moment of kung fu, the three half-step legend in the sky city of the sky has appeared around everyone.

"Walk!" Silvia shouted.

"Know!" Duchn Qingjian stepped under his feet, and clarified that this group of people rushed out after they came! When I left, I didn't forget to shout: "Barbara! Leave here with Xueren!"

"I am going to chase!" Kalais did not say, rushed to the people.

Wei Wei looked at Barbara and looked at the snow around him. And the side of Allen and the pigeons were confused: "Walk?"

The half-step legend in the sky is still fighting, and several sanctuary have already surround them.

Barbara crying face: "Mom, is this what you can walk?"

Kelly has been armed at this time, she blocks in front of Barba: "After I break, you will go first."

Then, the paladin sounded: "They die them! Shengguang!" I have rushed the group of death.

"Lying in the trough! Is there such a sister!" Barbara rang with the snow, shouting.

The good news is that Kelly has really attracted many undead, but most of the undead is still to attack the state of Barbara.

"These undeads are rushing!" Allen has reacted what is going on.

But when he is easy to clarify the relationship, he heard the legendary shouts in the sky: "Don't let go of the charm below!"

Deng many angry: "Don't worry about garbage!"

Allen looks to Barbara: "Ah? Why is there you?"

Barbara is a face: "How do I know that the death of the death is so beware!"

The undeads have already surrounded up, running ... it is not easy to run.

At this time, the free federal pigeons were deeply depressed: "So many people, I thought I could touch the fish, and the results have to exercise."

I saw him playing a song, and the sacred amount of the feather brush brush all flying out!

The surrounding undead was pierced, but this kind of injury was slightly smashed by the undead, but at this time ... those flying back, the feathers falling in this top of this guy are full of death. And those who undead have been in the ground into a black fog.

"Thani Francise Master!" Allen's sense.

"Don't say nonsense." Barbara ran in the snow: "Run!"

Barbara is flying. Wei Wei followed, Allen quickly chased the past: "How to run, you will run!"

The heavens in the heavens classes a map: "4th and evacuation points!"

Allen is a higher level, jumping up and catching this map, the map is simple and clear, confirmed the position, Allen is stupid.

"I am going, how do this charm know how to evacuate? Hey! You wait me!"

Allen shouted: "Special, the guards of people are all!" Laozi's guards go !! "

And on the side of Springs.

Dusus completely regardless of the undead, the eyes searched by the city of this sky.

"His Royal Highness." Kalais chased it up.

"How are you?"

"Not bad, Barbara's escape ability, you can still rest assured." Kalais tightly: "Have you looking at things?"

"Wen?" Said: "Looking for the control room."

"Control room?"

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