The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1230

Next, Qinghong Jian was suddenly stepped on his feet, and the dramatic brush flew outside the city of the sky: "Goodbye!"

"Looking for death!" The orcs suddenly shot! Standing in the same place, a punch is going to work!

Wen Gru face slightly changed, he suddenly twisted, stop this orc!

"What are you doing!" This orcs stared in Wen Gru.

"You didn't see it!" Wenger louder: "This guy is going to die!"


After Shu, there was a lot of distances, and Wen Gru was shouted: "Springs, we can't leave too far, but .... We can use the residents of the sky to threaten Three seats, they can have no restrictions. At that time, the alliance relationships in your mainland will be what you think about it. "

After the brakes, he turned back and slammed his mouth: "I hate the guy who doesn't drop the line. I have a request."

"Say!" The orcs came.

"I want you all things to change this, don't you live?" Springs said: "After all, I am just a devil, let me take this expensive gating to save a group of humans, I still have a little awkward."

"There is no space props on us." Wen Gru said: "There is nothing worth anything."

"Why didn't n't you?" Xunz looked at them: "Your weapon, clothes, this is not all bringing out, letting these all, a no longer left. So I agree to exchange."

"Do you insult us?"

Xunzu joke: "You die, then you have to face it?"

"What is the meaning?" Wenger Lu asked.

"I am cool."


Xuncus said: "I am very uncomfortable here by you, so I only see that you are not cool, I am cool, oh, I have thought of a relatively robust way."


"Wait." Said: "How do I go back to death in the beginning of Si Si Tro? When you are rejected by the living world, we will exchange it when you have been forced to pay. When he is also the premise Same, you give me all things on your body. "

The double-sided magic lookup: "Why do we listen to you?"

"Because you didn't have to choose." Shuzu said: "Otherwise, now kill me, believe me, even if you kill me, you can't get what you want."

Wen Gru looked to Shu: "We may kill others."

Duus walked two steps in front: "Don't worry, as sincerity, I am willing to leave the San three-seat protection to do the hostage, as for this bead."

Duus put it in his mouth, then swallowed it: "Just in my body."

"You are not afraid that we take you away?"

"Sicroic can't do anything." Springs played these guys: "What do you count?"

PS: Why do you go to the toilet every time, this dog must squat at the door .... He is squatting at the door, and he can squat at the door ...

Chapter 111: I can't communicate!

Dusch walked to them, and said: "This way, how are you started?"

Several legendary faces, Wen Gru even asked: "You .... How to take it out."

Xunze refers to his own throat: "Press it, and spit it out."

"You ... come over." When Wen Gru said this sentence, I always feel a bit wrong.

The hand is looking back and looks to Barba Kay: "I believe me."

Barbara is bitter: "This makes me let me know."

"You can't die." Springs said.

"Hehehehe .... Boss, do you think about it again?"

This sentence is that these undeads sound, it seems to be a wonderful thing in Concision Barbara.

But .... Only the monarch and Barbara know what it means.

"I believe in you, you also believe me, go back to the salary."

"Is it possible to go back?"

Dusc did not pick up, but continue to walk toward these legend.

"Wait!" At this time, Yichka suddenly shouted: "Don't have to pass the Hall, do you have to have passed?"

I heard Younica said that Wen Gru immediately said: "No, he must come over!"

"Really His Royal Highness." Dominik opened: "You give them something, we are doing these consequences, we are not afraid, what are you afraid?"

Springs look at the holy three: "Do you think?"

"Listen to us." Curtis couldn't help persuade: "His Hall, give them something, we may be able to take a loss of the risk of the beads who don't know what to use, but .... If you are Human beings have a matter of things, this is really lost to us. "

The kingdom of death, a few legendary discovered that they didn't have the appointment after each other: "Hand!"

Four people rushed to the Sushu.

Younica face change: "Let Schnsla are back!"

Looking at the two sides rushed to yourself, the scenery is black: "Hey! Can you call me !!"

The first grabbed Springs, Wen Gru also arrived next to Shugu, You Nika did not want to wounded, Wen Gru, did not know what the death wanted to win the life It will be restricted by the rules, or it is still a bit dare not take risks in the appearance of Dusus. So the two sides are restrained.

This is also like this.

So, I saw a group of legends, I didn't have to have the ability to see the tricks there, but even so, Mrus also felt that she was the same as thrown into the drum washing machine, and the city of the sky was also handed over. The remaining wave flies all things.

Carlisle stepped forward, Barbara stopped him: "I said Carlis, you don't want to mess up. Believe the boss."

"Too dangerous."

"The boss is the kind of guy who sent death? This kind of obvious behavior, others don't know, are we not clear? May ... this is his plan?"


Barbara is dead, staring at the battlefield, said: "I can touch this thing from the death of death, you can touch it again from them, let alone ... If you follow the boss's plan, he I have helped me to eliminate all obstacles, just .... What is the holy trip? "

When I said these words in Barbara, the orcs suddenly screamed: "He is dead! Are we fighting like those streets!"

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