The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1235

He looked to the snow: "I met again."

The snow jokes.

"Take away." Timad said

Looking at the approach of the devil, the snow smiled: "You think .... Is your flaw like this?"


Snow laughed: "Brother, I have highly praised a guy."

"What?" Timdal's Kung Fu, a portal suddenly opened!

Next, the surrounding air is distorted, the four teams wear the uniform's Lock Kingdom's Shadow team appeared here.

And their middle, there is also an Allen that pinching a reel!

The devil being prepared to do is vigilant, and the movements in the hand have stopped.

"I heard the first magic master mother once a double child." Allen came out from the crowd, smile: "But the two magic natural character is huge, but now it seems that I don't seem to be a lot. , Is it? Under Timadar? How is your brother feeling? "

"Allen !!" Timdal took the teeth and looked at Allen: "How can you ..."

"How do I find it right?" Allen is open: "In fact, it is very simple to logic."

"You said that you escaped with Shu Scout, you evacuate the cabin, and the detachable compartment is also broken, but the death is trapped there. This is the first point of the flaw, because I know The evil ability of Shu, I believe that there should be no one in this road. This is more clear. At the beginning, the high-level strength ran out of a group of holy area, you said that he would be not ignorant Undead is trapped? "

"More people say, Springs are trapped, you just want to save him, why do you want to find us? It is going to find snow? It is a bit a bit of a bit of mind. She is just a mid-term, she comes out to save people. In addition to energy What else can you do? You have a devil who is fighting from the sky from the sky, knowing the strength of the undead, but also pull a little girl to save people? What is the logic? "

"Even if you have a good relationship with Xu, busy save people, don't go to the first time to find the Master's people to go to the professional assistance team, but come to us? Do you even if you are looking for a three-magic, I don't feel suspicious, But your choice, but I have to ask me to ask why. "

Timdal has been completely covered. How did he think of it, a set of herself that he is in an urgent thinking, actually in the eyes of these people!


Timdar looks to the snow: "No! I must take you today! It's just a few humans! Packing them! You can't run!"

"You think more." Allen yawn: "Light looks at your site selection, you know that your guy has been going to break the boat, the legendary battle, the battle of the sanctuary, here is a perceived accuracy The worst place! It is the place where there are no flight tongues in the legendary sages, let me think about it, what you have to race? "

Tildad black face: "What do you mean?"

Allen laughed: "I mean, as a guest, I should have a thing that should be doing, such as reminding the owner here, there is a mouse,"

Then, the sound of the blank sound came!

That is ... the rescue team of the Master Head!

And Timadar, his face has been completely white.

Everything in front of you seems to rupture like the foam of the dream!

PS: It's really, when you are, you want to sleep when the codeword is.

Chapter 115: He didn't choose

The real summit is being convened in the conference room of the sky.

There are more people in this - Springs.

"So?" Springs looked at the legendary: "This time the so-called summit is just a bait?"

In fact, a lotus has never responded that he is a bait.

Cruze is a bit helpless: "Our original plan is to lead the death of death, and its existence is a threat. In fact, his movements have proved to us."

Nasrez also said: "Just we didn't think that the death of death did not appear."

"That is to say failed?" Sprint asked.

"Nothing to fail." Youka open: "We have destroyed five legendary deaths, although I don't know what damage caused to death, but .... The black stone column that extends to the east coast has already Stop, this is a good news. "

That Tie Legend looks at the window: "" "Hands with the guidance of our own race and kill them, or feel a bit wrong."

Duus snorted: "I don't think that the Lord of death will stop here."

"We also don't think." The Queen of the Blood Wizard said: "But the undead who destroyed the kingdom of death can limit their actions. This is true, so this is also a good news. At least we have more Time to prepare things. "

"I know." Duus nodded: "Just hope that if you have similar actions, you will notify you in advance. I will not bother everyone."

Said, Dusch directly turned away from the meeting room.

Looking at the lanes, Cruze complex.

When Springs came out, the face was a bit ugly. Who knows that he was treated as a bait, and he would not be comfortable.

The same is true.

"Not happy?" Jia Pilan, who is outside, came to Springs.

"Why don't you be inside?" Dusus looked at Jia Pilan.

"I am dragon, not your wisdom creature." Jia Beilira said: "And, Cruze came over, I would like to help. They will open them, what do I go in, what?"

"Please help?" Dusse did not understand: "According to his character, how can this matter will ask foreign aid to help? Special ... still find you?"

Jia Beilira deeply watched a look: "You think .... The battle with the Lord of death is really simple?"

The film is slightly changed: "You are ...."

"Cruze's injury is still not good." Jia Beilira said: "It is also, just, the guy is in order to protect you, the injury is much more serious. After all, the Lord is the god, the legend is the mainland. In the top, it is the most close to God, but we are not God. Fighting with God, we will not ask whit cheap. "

Xunus quickly asked: "How long does he have been hurt?"

"More than one year?" Jia Pilan is unsure: "Or five years of ten years? Cruze didn't choose the monarch, when I found it, they know that the Lord of death can be for you. The world's world is still staying for so long, will definitely come for the second time. "

"From the current situation, the land of death, their human beings are one of the most unlucky, so no one has their own abacus, and ... Cruze must come."

Duus eyes flashed: "Because he is hurt?"

"Yes." Jia Pilali nodded: "Because he is hurt, I don't know Cruze, I only know, when this guy comes to me, say that if he is not injured, will definitely refuse the proposal However, he didn't have to choose. Once the brutal devil can bear the risk of destroying the Covenant, but the current brutal devil is not. "

"So you are to help him share the pressure?"

Jia Pilan is unable to laugh: "Yes, there is a lot of commissions, you have a lot of drawings than you are."

After Shuus is silent for a while, it will only be opened: "It seems ... The situation is more serious than I think."

"Yes, in this continent, only strength is the most stable guarantee." Jia Beilira said: "There is no strength everything is empty, just like the world of Warcraft is also a truth, so you don't have to blame him. The guy is much more than I think. "

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