The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1237

Seeing the look of Springs, Tildad can only look at Gandotf.

"Gando Philoxel, this matter, you see ....."

Gandoph also looks to the Shu: "Don't you do this?"

Dusi nodded: "I have been remembering my and all kinds of guys, if I am so easy to let go, who can I come to hit my attention?"

"I need to let some people know, I want to pay for life, I want to pay my life."

"Well." Gandophphy is not vague: "Anyway is your magic thing."

Said, he shouted at the guy of the Master, the guy of the United States, "See what is watching! How is the heavy city! Nothing to do it, you will take me, the city needs to support!"

When a homeware of the man's country, the guild of the country was relieved, and the blacks were returned to the back.

Hardi is already stupid, he looked at Timadar, and his eyes were full of expressions.

Allen came to Shu, whispered: "Friendly reminds, noble games don't play this. You kill human beings, kill the same family, consider the consequences."

"Those who are not suitable for me." Springs slowly said: "I have changed early."

Hardi's eyes are full of despair, seeing no one can help himself, he suddenly screamed: "I fight!"

The seven fear of the magic saw the far two princes at the station. At this time, I understood what happened.

They roared, and they rushed into the past while opening.

Duus did not move, watching them rushed over, said in the mouth: "Hadi left me."

Next moment, a Dragon Yan suddenly spurted from the repair!

That is the pressure of the dragon!

That is the legendary breath!

The moment of Dragon Yan appeared, everyone had a bones that were not affected!

A bunch of sorrows that must be determined to be determined is not enough to be burned in an instant!

The Shuzu has appeared next to Hadi. He shook his head with the neck of the latter: "Two years .... actually is still a high level, lose the magic?"

Hardi face was pale, he looked at Xunz, did the final struggle: "I am ... I am a king ... I am ... I am ....."


Dusus threw Hadi to the ground, he glanced at Hadi's body and shook his head: "No ... you are nothing."

"Wei Wei." Duus turned around: "Can ensure that this group of guys will not go to death."

Wei Wei did not know the seriousness of things, just laughed: "No problem, fresh."


Waiting for everything, Jiamilila has left a hand of the monarch.

At the scene, Timdal looked at the gray-white Hardi body, and it was full of dissolution, shocking, and a variety of complex emotions.

He couldn't believe that Mussen really killed Hardi, and he was still writing so.

Tildad slammed his brother's collar, and his anger was reprimanded: "Look at it! Take a look at what kind of monster you are going to provoke! Any confeling rules don't get any effect on him! He Will do anything you want to do! Timadar! You will celebrate your lives! "

Timdal's face is white ... his lips have a little trembling: "I ... I ... I should ... how to do it."

"Pray." Tildad turned: "Pray that you will never touch him again!"

PS: The third chapter is ready to sleep, but I want to think ... It seems that I have owed some to .... and I have a little sleepy. It seems that I don't don't sleep. A chapter.

I'm going to bed....

Ask a monthly ticket blade!

Chapter 117: Find a place

Death country.

The Lord of Death is sitting in his throne, looking at the fifteen stars across the lobby, fooling five, there is no anger in his expression, but it is full of interested interest.

"It's a group of races like struggle. I haven't encountered such a creative for 20,000 years."

On this big temple, there is still nine legendary lords, they lowered their heads, and some of them are not thinking about their own country.

The Lord of Death recovered his eyes and looked at the death of the following death: "Is there anything I want to say?"

"This .... this is just an unexpected national master." A legend said: "We ... I didn't think that this group of people actually be so embarrassed!"

"I have seen the opponent more difficult than they." The main tone of death: "I ask you if there is anything else, not let you come."

"Blocking." There is a death leader to say: "Blocking the Yinghe, let the undead can't enter the reincarnation, so that the living world can only die."

The land of death is silent.

I thought about it for a while, he waved: "Come on, throw this shameless giving me out."

"Ah?" The death lord suddenly became a sudden: "The Doctrator! My way of the landlord is not the country!"

There have been two legends driving his body.

"How many years, only long strength is not a long brain." Sicline is impatient: "Hurry throwing out, waiting for the IQ for a while, I have to pull it down by this guy."

The guy was thrown out, a death lord has disdain: "If we can control the River's turn, is it so troublesome?"

The Lord of Death is looking to him.

This guy quickly bowed: "Domestic."

"I also throw it out of this horse behind the nonsense."


So, another legend was thrown out of the hall.

The remaining seven legends have seen each other, and the eyes are almost you say that you should say it first.

"Ask you?" The Lord of death pointed to the two people: "You said."

These two legends looked at each other, and then said: "Don't know ..."

"The people, put these two waste,"

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