The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1241

"Not us." Barbara said: "Is them, then I haven't born it yet? And they also discovered one thing, that is, .... Perhaps these nobles are also a good choice."

"Where did they come so much?"

"They certainly don't." Barbara said: "But this doesn't mean that they will not find someone to cooperate, or, in fact, I have been working very well."

Springs have moved in the heart: "Dark Brothers!"

Barbalard point: "Yes, the Dark Brothers, anyway, everyone is doing things that you can't see people, the two sides work together, the dark brothers will solve some troubles that they can't solve, they solve some dark brothers can't solve it. Or there is no problem solving trouble. "

"How did you guarantee that the internal staff do not discret?"

"Loved ones, gold coins, you." Barbara said: "Three-tube is now, first is your own sketched, this is what everyone knows what happened, it is very simple, there is always Some troublesome guys need to handle it. It will be done in action with the team. Every time everyone is on a boat, I don't have to say it? As for the gold coins .... This is the most fucking. "

Barbara said that it would not beat one: "This gold coin is not handed over, but it will help you save, no one has to pay, reach a certain age will return you, or you enter the core After that, give you it directly. Do you know the boss! This is a lot of money, but more useful than paying more! "

Thinking in the brain: "Wait ... you said, I want to think of some things, the territory of the Duke of Roster, is called the aristocratic land, which seems to be violent every year. Some aristocrats, the second Mozu is a race without male Rosekin family has .... The ability of someone else. For this, Rose Jin family cut, do not know how much rumored guy. "

Barbara: "Boss, I don't say it ... Let a duke have taken a long time, and they have not found out what the nobles are going on, the brothers are all in place. They are all accidents."

"This Nima Ross gold family knows the truth! No one in the tube is, you have to die with you!"

"It is them." Barbara corrected.

"You have been using them ..." said that half of the words suddenly shock: "Wait! No. 9 knows your situation! That is ....."

Barbalard point: "Yes, the nine is also, but she is the kind of thorough mankind."

"But the 9th is the head of the magic region." There is a message in the brain, "" Dark Brothers Headquarters! "

PS: Mom, today is hard to write five points! sleep! I am hungry and I have eaten a bowl of bubble surface.

Ask the blade monthly ticket!

Chapter 1121: There is a big problem

Seeing the excitement of the hand, Barbara quickly pressed the hand: "Stop the boss!"

"Don't know the headquarters, but the dark brothers will do have one, wing .... Is it similar to the headquarters? I am just a peripheral member."

Springs reminded: "You have been named outside."

Barbara: "........"

"So, now everything is said." Xunzun slammed the eyes: "Why is the person in charge of the Second Mozu is a human, why is you stealing a magic mixed blood, these obvious means of professional training Is it also a dark brother? "

"Almost." Barbara smiled: "Most need to rely on talents."

"So there is one of the problems now." Springs looked at Barbara.

"What?" Barbara confused.

"Who is your mouth to learn?"

Barbara was silent for a long time.

"Boss ... can you still chat?" Barbara inquiry: "I will reveal your heart with you, you will fight me everywhere."

"Cheng Cheng." Dusi nodded: "How do you think of telling me now? Do you have a margin?"

"Do you want to buy a nickname?" Barbara blinked his eyes: "I will ask, you see that my default, you will also pay it."

"Can I pay this?"

"Nothing has no precedent."

"You fucking is the dark brotherhood or seafood Taiwan! Relying on the breach of money!"

"Don't be excited, I will make a joke." Barbara said: "In the past, he said to you, it didn't use guys who didn't want to run out, but when I left, they only control. About three Marquis, later I heard that a guy did not know how brain smoked to tell, and they were forced to have helpless, only to take over a new city. "

"God fucking is forced to help! You kidnapped it! The so I said it is the ice and jade!"

After saying, Mrus is still strange to count Barbara: "According to reason, they say that they are not small."

"But most of them are mixed." Barbara said: "When we are mixed, we may be a bullying object, but when the scale of the mixed-boring is large, when they have a certain place. .... "

"You have become a threat, become an object to be cleaned." Springs went on him.

Barbara shrugged: "Yes, that's it."

"So I am curious." Xunz scratched his nose: "You said that you let the duke's back pot, kidnapped the aristocratic, secretly manipulating the city to develop himself, can you low-stroke?"

"Is this not low-key?"

"You all lend taxes, fucking, is it low-key?" Xunzun was eye-catching: "How did you do it?"

"How do I know." Barbara replied: "Anyway, every time some people can find out someone, some people are sinned, and the Dark Brothers will have a complete and highly and improvement of investigation and leaking taxation. So how is it? Leaking on the top, their experience is also very rich. "

"I feel that these two are complementary."

"Hey, what do I do with you?" Barbara hooks: "I just think, some things should be told you. And ... isn't the winter in winter?"

Dusus is a smile: "Winter Municipality is missing, but nothing is going, you are going to make me getting a group of miles with rich aristocratic experience, and maybe in the clinical work experience of clinical work "

"I still have to be in the winter in the future?"

Barbara quickly shook his head and said: "No matter where it is, some people have a bitter, those guys who have no talent, actually can't do this, just simple life."

"Just alive?" Springs asked: "Do you have something else?"

Barbara is smashed: "There are some, such as .... Organizational allocation, what is the partner of the organization, or what is not your parents, they say that this is the need to pay."

"Do you want me to take these people?"

Barbalard point: "Two in one game."

Dusc thought, then nodded: "Understand, we will return to the Mozu tomorrow morning, this matter will be said to the winter city."

"Ah?" Barbara: "Boss, you don't go to Rosekin Duke territory?"

"Why do I want to go?" Mrus stood: "I know the secret of the dark brotherhood this side, talking about it is good, first, first, I can't fall into the disadvantage, but you look Let's now. "

"If you have a self-protection ability, the ability of the self-insurance is to look at itself and followers, we now bring a Nelief and a lot of paladies, and some of the people of the Master, I have seen it. If you change your home, I have never seen it to go out to go out to go out and go out. Go back to the winter, we plan to plan. "

Barbara blinked: "Which is so troublesome, with our strength, send people to send these guys back, then we are steady, don't you come, then you come to a goddess, Jiaji Lila's hometown of the family, is there anything to say than what we said? "

She was a white: "You write the novel! I idiot!"

"what happened?"

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