The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1252

"No." Cornsus sway: "This is not my credit, is Anna Miss, and she has bry the number of times since the elements are more and more powerful."

Anna Black Face: "Do you tell you less than you don't talk?"

"Okay." Springs played a round field: "Cornsus, how is the natural element collection device you made?"

"Oh, this, you are coming to me." Cornus quickly took the road in front and then took a laboratory with Shuzu: "You look at the Hall."

At this point, there is a half-size cylinder inside this laboratory, and the things I have seen in the sacred Empire were very similar.

But a little smaller.

The water flow is attracted by this laboratory, and this cylinder is turning it.

"Success?" Surprise was surprised.

Cornas sighed: "I can only say that it is half success."

"What do you mean?"

"You see this, so big." Cornus opened a switch, the introduced water flow began to accelerate, the device rotated faster, but ....

A magical light is bright, but the light is floating.

Cornus said: "According to the information you give, we used two months to patter this, but .... You also saw it, the conversion rate is too low."

Xunzi eyebrows: "Do you try magic agents?"

"We tried to add an element liquid into the water flow, the result is natural, but this does not make sense, you need something naturally collected, if you add an element liquid into it, what is the meaning?"

"Is it the reason why the water is too small?" Asked.

"We have considered, we have also calculated some, the conclusion is even greater, put them in the canal, the conversion is still poor. Then ... it will discuss and ask the magician of the Master in a few days ago. Let's take a transformation detection, then .... The conclusions they give are almost. "

"Take the water in winter to the city, put them in ... it is estimated that it is not enough to activate the phalancin element of the wall."

Sprint: "Why?"

"Two reasons." Kolsus said: "This is a canal, the canal, the water flow is relatively gentle, it seems to have such a big impact. He studied this to be more Use in the water flow, preferably ..... "

Korta thought I thought, then said: "In the tide! We think this may be a tidal element collection device. His Hall, you are sure he is ... here?"

Wrinkled frowned, he suddenly thought of, according to the lazy sex of the fishman, they didn't move this thing directly from the sea. It was not impossible!

"At least those guys have succeeded." Springs said: "What is the second question."

"Elements escape." Cornus said: "This thing is actually collecting a lot of elements, from the water flow blowing out a lot of water elements, but ... really can be used, can be captured by this device Element power is too small. Most of them have been separated, I don't even think that this is used to use a rain machine, better than element conversion unit. "

"What is escape because?"

"Because it is useless." Cornus referred to that magic light: "For example, after using a part of the element that transforms, it will run directly. And the water flow is unstable, leading to this magic light. The rays are not stable, we are thinking how to solve this problem. "

The hand is bright, and the opening: "Can you first collect the elements first, then use these collected elements to output out?"

Cornas scratched his head: "What does it mean?"

Xuns thought, then said: "For more than one, now he is down, who is, who is, this situation is better than the current machine."

"Well." Corsace nodded.

"And I am a lord, I am too slow, I have too little, then ... I let my leading people go to pick up, then I will get more, I can get more."

Cornas eyes bright: "A second collection device!"

Zunus shakes his head: "Not collecting, it is stored! Then, then the device outputs an element output from the device that stores enough elements."

Korosa is head, but suddenly the face is difficult: "Don't you, you .... This is not a similar information."

Xunus took the shoulder of Kolsas: "I have given you these clothes, remember, you study science, science is to constantly innovate, not imitation."

Cornus thought, then he was noddablite: "I understand the Hall! I will try it."

"Remind." Springs said: "If the collection is completed, don't forget the problem of the output stability rate of the elements."

"Well, understand."

Word Duan Anna: "Do you have any supplements?"

Anna thought about it, then asked: "Is this a large-scale production?"


"That is to ensure its security." Anna is serious: "Add a self-explosive device not too much?"

Springs: "........"

PS: Wow! ! The PC version is finally come back! ! It finally came back! ! ! !

Chapter 112: The use of the system

At the Weapon R & D department, they were still very satisfied after the digestion of those fatigue knowledge.

Moreover, Mrus also found that those fish did not have any killing stuff, which may be related to them in the water, and what is almost insulated.

However, a spatial point in Space in Cornus is seems not bad.

Probably a space point is built in a place, then build another one in another place, connecting both sides, so you can share items on both sides.

Of course, this requires a lot of spatial sputum, which is a lot of flicker before the draw.

And now there is a lot of gold coins in the hand, all of which are given over the Holy Empire.

However, the space of the spatial stone is precious. This specific experimental hand is preparing to wait for the Master's national distribution to some space magician, now this thing is Cornsus, please ask Croaty, in Croatya Help it makes it.

A probably finished product is a distance from about 100 meters, as for the space size ... probably a slap.

After completing these, the Shuus has a city and built several new steel plants in the south of the Canal.

The recruitment work is handed over to Fisi, and after the order is issued, the productive forces in the winter in the city should also be put.

For this kind of miracle, I have no blame, and the system's factories are not the machine tool industry in the traditional sense, but is similar to that combined with magic.

These, or the evolution obtained after the data is collected.

In fact, this factory is only one shell.

Now, with the upgrade of the system, there will be things in the winter in the city, will also feed back to the system, and then the buildings of the system will be built according to this.

For example, the gun body furnace and production line, this is something that is already in the winter, and the dwarfs are drumped, and the new machine needs to be built again, but the Springs' factory is already there.

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