The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1256

Now, you have met the Royal Lord called the sandy love song.

Please live!

Chapter 1135: Black and evil!

The snow came again in the winter, this is the third year of Zunus in this world.

Like us, even if it is in winter, there is no footsteps for the construction of the winter.

And those mixed-borne are also in the winter of this time, and this group of guys is desperate after seeing Shahua High-ground snow, but after living in the residence of the winter in the city, this group of talents is completely peaceful. Down.

Just in these guys, I just didn't have a day, and they panic again.

In order to adapt the group as soon as possible, the way to check that these people have some mental incomplete guys, and they will contact them with Barbara.

After remembering the nine, when Barbara is coming, I ran this group of people to the street.

It's hard to come back, this gang looked at Barbara, it is called a tear.

Duus even skeptical, when Barbara is allowed to go out, in order to make Barbara make money, still simply don't want Barbara to mess around.

However, this group of guys handed it to them, and the number of these mixed-blooded bloods has also exceeded the expectations of Shu, and the foot is five thousand people.

In the second month of winter, this year's refugee tide is coming.

If the Dragon is promulgated, these refugees are not possible to die in their territory.

But now, no one dares to stop this.

This refugee tide is relatively small, about only about 10,000, those nobles have done some remedies, such as they have never relieved some of them.

In this way, it is used to effectively set the problem of loss of population.

After all, for these civilians, it is not forced to have, who is willing to leave the house?

In the fourth month of winter, according to past time, it should now be a time to thaw, and each supervisor is also reported.

"Today, the double city population will exceed 100,000, but the population explosion growth has also brought a lot of safety hazards." Fiis reported: "Specific Let Marcus said to you."

"All district crime cases are rising because of winter." Marcus said: "The winter is still good, but the new city is more chaotic. However, after all, the new city is uneven, this is also Normally, I hope that I will allow some police to go to the new city to conduct public security maintenance. "

The hand has a note at this time. He looked at the above content and then burned it. He said: "The city defense army took two hundred people together. I heard that there was a mouse in the new city. The phenomenon of assignment, many gangs appeared? "

"Yes." Mucus said: "This is inevitable, and those who live in the bottom can live in such a way."

"No." Xunzu shakes his head: "They can go more effort, now there are still many positions to make people hand, they do ... Just because of profitable, or more make money. Marcus, This time, you personally, give me a clear investigation. "

"Yes, the His Royal Highness." Mucus nodded: "However, don't use the city defense army so trouble? I have communicated with the special police team with the local police station, some mice, we have the ability to handle it."

Duus shakes his head: "No, my purpose is not to deal with them, but clean them! Winter Municipality only allows us to have an organization, these guys are speculative garbage, without any value."

Marcus screamed: "But there will be anything like this, many people are actually ..."

"Actually, just follow it, but isn't it?" Duus interface: "This is called to prevent it, any diameters are directly killed, and the winter in the city welcomes the legal residents of work, not here to fish. The mouse. This time, it is not only to go, but also contact the propaganda department after completion. This is the determination of winter in the city, remember, let go of these mice, it is not responsible for those legal residents! "

Marcus took a breath: "I understand the Hall."

"This action code." Springs said: "It's called black and evil!"

"Amount ... Yes! His Royal Highness!"

Anna opened a mouth: "The situation on the R & D department is not bad, the output of the alchemy laboratory is also increasing, but I think it is necessary to add a few alchemic laboratories."

"What about money?" Croaty asked: "Your progress is good, but all this is on the basis of crazy burning."

Anna : "Do we not sell a lot of arms? Is that a big income?"

Croatia snorted: "Compared to your experiments, the things that sell them are not in the place where they are not allowed, and the winter in the city needs money, it is impossible to give you the R & D department. "

Said, Croatia's looks to Shu: "I suggest that the factory is built, but this also needs money, it is your side, their output is good."

"Do you have anything that is not enough to build it?"

"There are several factory production of shells is a large income. The stable and high yield of the factory pursues are not new."

"But the winter in the city needs new patterns."

Duus lifted his hand: "This is not a noisy, and the R & D department does not stop."

Anna looked at Croatya.

But Shu Scout said: "But the financial burden of the alchemic laboratory is really big, so I will slow down. I will build three alchemy laboratories, let the alchemist who take a good thing into the station, not Based on human head. Then .... "

Refractory to Croaty: "Is there anything possible to get money?"

Croatia was a bit: "Really, don't ask me when spending money, I will ask me every time I make money. Yes, we have to put the money of winter people, come here The money, there is also the money that the caravan works guys here, and I will take it out from their pockets. "

"I am coming!" Barbara jumped from the side of the brush.

Croatia glanced at her: "Regular way!"

"Goodbye." Barba pulled back.

"In the first floor of high-end, there are more shops, our own shops. There are shops in the east to add some, including the wizard of the pub, of course, this may take more elves. Then. .. The land near the winter in the city cannot be just our construction, too much money, we can sell some big chambers, let them build ... "

Listening to a report and solution, Springs know that he has spent the beginning of entrepreneurship, and now the team is already the kind of that can be operated.

PS: New month, ask for a monthly ticket to seek blades! ! Really ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! I want to go to list! ! !

Chapter 136: The most deadly (five more)

The plan to fight against evil is very smooth, and the construction of all sessions is also very good.

Just when Monas thought that everything really had to go on the right track, the new blow came.

In the fourth month in the winter, according to reason, this should have been treated.

But this year is not.

Even a new strong snow!

It is this snow, so that the original plan of Winter City is completely chaotic!

The caravan of Kaichun was trapped on the business, and the caravan in the winter is not going to come.

A snow, the winter is getting the city.

After four months of reserve grain, the consumption of the four months is, and it is reasonable that the caravan in the south should come over and conduct some food deals, but now they are blocked.

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