The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1267

Xunus looked two eyes: "Okay, let's go back."

"What?" Barbara is all: "Go back?"

Dussen nodded: "Cannot play the snacks not."

"Do you remember?"


"Well." Barbara said, holding a map drilled out.

When she came back again, I found that Springs had a mistress, and in front of the Dus, it was a map drawn by Shun!

"Lying, God, boss!"

She was a white eye: "I am puzzling this ability. Can you discover this?"

"Don't I slap it?"

"You ... forget it." Xunci shake his head: "I just took the time to ask Croaty, there is an ancient map, and ..." Springs pointed to several Point: "This ancient tree should be places where food will be stored."

"What should we go in?"

"To confirm something in this place." Springs said: "I will go with you."

"Ah?" Barbara hurriedly waved: "Forget it, it is good, the boss is good, in case it is found, it is not good."

"Think of your brain." Wonderful glance: "Where is the place where the winter is watching?"

Barbara blinks: "The mine, big, police station, city hall, the weapon research department ..."


"High Order .... Oh! I understand!" Barbara surprised: "This place doesn't have a strong person!"

"Yes, especially for the elf, they never lack food, this kind of stuff is just a high-level care. In the elf, it will not pay attention to it. Let's go, I With you."

Duus took out the cloak and shadow Baozhu. He earliest after the magic, followed by Barbara to the first place.

As a result, the granary was not allowed to guard the two elf, Barbara light and easy to get the key from them, and the two successfully mixed.

After seeing the food in the house, Barbara is shocked: "They ...." "

This is a huge granary, but the granaries of Dusi and all over the world will be stored, or in the bucket, or a snake bag, or in various containers.

But the elf is .... Springs and Barbara have a pile of food on the ground, and many of them can't even be named. The two don't know, but these are piled here, A sign that is erected, indicating that it is awkward.

"I didn't understand what it was much better before." Barbara is stunned: "This is really much, I didn't expect this elf looking at the light and bright, the result is the case. "

"This is not something that elf eat." Springs said: "The Elf Islands is not just the elves, and their attachment groups, these should be their things."

"We move this?"

"No." Xunzu shakes his head: "Go to another place to see, this place is not filled with our space rings and there is not much.

This is serious, after all, the space ring is so big, this ordinary thing is still not too much.

What he wants to find is incomparable to the wizard, even as a fond of strategic power.

According to the map, Springs are turned around with Barbara with several granary nearby, and the result is the same as the first one.

All is ordinary granary.

"Croaty is not reliable." Barbara is very dissatisfied.

WINZUN Parbara: "Croatty is more than 300 years old, the knowledge about the Elf Islands is recorded in the night elves, even if there is a record, this is a thousand years ago. This thousand years The location of the spirit of the elf has not changed, but the situation is still there. "

"So let's stay here slowly?"

"No." Xius turned his head: "If the two elves are coming back, we have no chance to get started."

"But the wizard is so big, where do we find their strategic resources?" Barbara: "How long is our light? This is still a map know the destination, I really want to find the boss, what should we find? "

Xunzu wondered: "We can't find .... I can find people to have a way."

Barbara eyes bright: "Catch a tongue?"

Xunzu shakes his head: "Can not catch, let us not know where we can catch the place, if you catch the wrong one, then it is difficult, but I have another way."

Duus is next to Barbara, with a few words, Barbara is bright.

Springs deliver a few scrolls of Barba: "Remember, catch some mice, do not leave the reel."

Barbara smiled: "Boss! Dirty or you are dirty!"


In the foreign minister, a bunch of long lives is still shameful in the discussion.

But at this time, a wizard suddenly ran in: "The old! It is not good! Granary, granary is there."

The elders frown: "What?"

"Several confident granary suddenly broke out a lot of death! Many eating were polluted!"

The elder brush stood up: "Dream! What's going on!"

"No ... I don't know." The guy said: "Suddenly breaking, first is the third, then the No. 2, then the guards are all, the door lock is good. "

Other elders looked at each other, and the elders immediately said: "Fast! Notify the Elf Cozen, strengthen the guard! Let them test!"

"Yes, elders!"

PS: Sleeping sleeping, 3 train. So tomorrow ... Oh, today's update may have to be seven or eight points ... I hope everyone will forgive me. If I can be early today, maybe there is one more. As for it, it is not good ...

It is now at 4:30 in the morning.

Chapter 134: You come to help me.

The elf's elders are ready to go directly to the wizard, but the earliest follow-up suddenly stopped the footsteps.

"You .... first pass." The elder said: "The two people come together with me."

They are not other places, but the residence of the Duus.

The elf is a lot of the house, and the sound of the monarch is ringing: "Who!"

"The Hall of Hemato." This elders said: "We suddenly discovered a lot of dead invasion, I want to see how the situation is here? Is there injured."

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