The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1275

Those beasts, they are full, maybe.

But ... this time they didn't run out, it was a group of Warcraft in front of them!

Tesla didn't know how he ran out, he only knew it, everywhere, everywhere is miserable!

He is also unfortunate.

A wild wolf stared at him, but when this wild wolf rushed over, a feather is nailed to the wall.

At the next moment, Tesla was heard of a shouted voice!

And in front of him, a black foggy guy appeared, and he said with the general language: "Nothing."

To be honest, if it is not the appearance of this guy's clothes, he can cry on the spot!

But now, he dares.

Devil ... don't eat human beings? But it seems that the devil has a emerald?

Holding the mood, Tesla went around.

That is a demon of a good equipment!

They protected humans and drive to Warcraft.

It is clear that it is a devil, but it gives people a feeling of unparalleled heart.

"What is your name?" Tesla took back by a voice. He looked at the owner of this voice, let him accidentally, this is actually a human beings!

"Oh, self-introduction." This man is in Tesla: "My name is Edi, Winter Mountain Anti-army, one ..." This man refers to his own Staff: " As you can see, a magician, although only a few magic. "

"People ... Human?"

"If a fake package is changed." Edison said: "What about you?"


Devil's army has already contacted himself a day, they brought some food, so that everyone will not starve, but only.

There are a lot of humans in this demon, and their appearance gives himself great peace of mind.

The body of Warcraft has no waste, but Warcraft runs too fast, but ... diluted broth is enough, although no one dares to eat meat.

Because it is the treatment of those devil armies.

I have already washed the soup.

However, let Tesla are unexpectedly, there are many demonicism to take the initiative to eat things.

In terms of their words, they can walk into the Shahua Highlands.

The most exciting pearl in Shahua Highlands is a city of Mo's prince.

That is called a miracle city, the winter of the city of God!

They said that winter in the city is now bathing under the sun! That is only the sunshine that the His Royal Highness can be brought to everyone.

To be honest, Tesla does not believe.

They have been tortured for half a year by this yin.

It seems that the sky will never make it, everyone is abandoned by the bright.

However, looked at those demon, no, it is the way of human beings, they are not like lying.

They also said that the winter in the city is a place where all kinds of peace coexistence, there is devil, there are people, there is a dwarf, and it is energetic.

Tesla does not believe!

No one can do this!

He has seen that all races of too many multilateral bodies have nothing to do with a knife.

Is peace coexistence?

Is that dram be God?

However, there are a lot of fools to believe.

Or, they have collapsed, crash to believe in these lies to support themselves.

Turkra found at least five or six thousand refugees, but now only one-third of it.

"I just want to eat something, I don't let myself starve." Tesla said to himself: "I will never stay in the damn magic! I am ... Human!"

PS: Nowadays, I am afraid that my content is reviewed. Once it is reviewed ... Editors don't go to work, everyone can't see the new chapter. I suddenly saw the two chapters of the two chapters in the morning, I didn't surveyed the card to be manually reviewed.

Chapter 1,53: That year (four more)

Today is the third day of this group of demon.

Trans feels that he has been familiar with this feeling.

There is even a kind of ... follow them busy and safe feelings.

Although Tras wants to deny, but have to say .....

Although there is a feeling of hard to these ugly demon, but ... they are in front of the refugee team, protecting everyone to advance, driveing ​​to the way to fake World of Warcraft ... really good!

Tesla even discovered some human girls. If this ugly appearance is still a girl, they have begun to talk to those demon.

Tesla did not do this because he was very disgusted.

That is every night, this group of demon army will gather everyone together and began to tell the beauty of winter in the city. Tell everyone that city is just like a place where you live.

There, everything is that Mrus gives it.

That Sprinter is not God.

Tesla did not have the brain so that they didn't have the eyes of the year, and like the father of the serfs in the family, they lied to the way.

Trans is fully immunized to this set.

This kind of saying, it's okay, it may be just this group of devil to pull you in the past.

However, Tesla is just in his heart. He has been in contact with many business people, and the essence of businessmen is, no matter how thought it is, the surface is laughing.

Today, the team finally walked out of the sun.

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