The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1285

Anderson only felt a huge pressure from the body! Let him have a little one who can't move throughout your body!

"This is dead!" Anderson's face changed: "I know that this method is not as simple!"

This black shadow is just disdain: "I told you when I traded with you, I want to get the power to pay the price! This is the price! The level of death is more than what you think, everything is With the directance of the country's order. So, Anderson, when you choose to join us, you should have this kind of prepared. "

Anderson took a deep breath: "But I will not go to the thing! The second magic is not as simple as you see! If I have, I must act in accordance with your order, but now! I am listening to you now. That is to go to the white! In Shahua Highlands, there is a legend there! "

However, this black shadow laughed: "You said Jia Beilla, rest assured, she is not a threat."

"are you kidding me?"

"I am talking about it." This is a black film; "The second magic once stopped the plan of the country, now the country needs a big news against the mainland, then ... Cozy, the second magic is a Inevitable Choice. Anderson ... "The voice of the black shadow suddenly suddenly," "You are not the only one."

"So, grasp the opportunity! Grasping the opportunity to express yourself! One area, maybe we only need a manager."


Han frost fortress.

At this time, it is time to change.

Under the night, the way to change the way to shot the shoulders in front: "I have worked hard."

"Hey, hard work." This point of the magic said: "It is not the army to suddenly ask us to increase the guard, the attention of the past, the secret whistle is still staring at us, it can't be lazy as before. The dead, the third magic is clearly tangled with the dark spirits, let's talk about it, how can we get more and more tired? "

"The generals have the idea of ​​the generals." Changed the way to get the same thing in his hand from this family, said in the mouth of the forehead, said: "Let's do our own things is not good. I have heard that several generals who don't live in the army are coming back, an estimated .... There is something big. "

"Can you have a big thing?" That point of the magic took a set of steel claws to hand it to this, said: "The third magic is still can't come. This is a few years ago. I have a letter. But now we are afraid of them? If you are behind the Shahua Highlands, there is a legendary dragon as a guardian! The second magistrate is now the most powerful magic. , I am afraid that the garbage of the Third Mozu? I haven't seen any results in two years. "

"Don't complain about this." The black corner magic of this shift made a full set of equipment, said: "Let's do your own lives, I haven't hit it."

"It is also right." Changed that the magic of the change handed the last thing to this, said: "Brothers, see your eye, new?"

"Isn't it?" This point of the magic replied: "It used to be the guards of the generals, hey, the aristocrat is."

"That is very miserable." This black corner of the magic said that this guy should be directly going to the camp, but suddenly the three-in-one talers have jumped off next to the way. However, just fell, he felt that the feet were in the foot, as if stepped on what was clustered.

"Hey, what East ....." The moon stood up and looked at the place where he was falling. He looked at him. "This .... This is .. .. "

"You should go back to the camp." After his body, the familiar sound sounded.

The moon suddenly turned back, seeing the way to talk to him with himself and looked at himself: "You .... I have a chance to live, but I haven't been there."

"You .... Who are you!"

"The Third Legus of the Third Legion, the magic soldier." This ground point showed the right to bring the metal, said: "And there are many things like me!"


Several gates of the cold frost have come to a sound of the gear rotation, followed by the wind, the wind is slowly opened.

A large number of black shadows have sneaked into the frost fortress.

They quietly quietly, and they saw them came in, only those destination of the destination.

Like elsewhere, this is a long-awaited attack.

PS: When I arrived in Hangzhou, I came to the dog today .... What kind of grain is almost the same. The two bowls are drunk, it seems to consider the automatic water dispenser with the food.

PS: Thank you Yesterday's 100 blades of the 184 starting 488! ! Thank you for thanks! As for why not write a full name .... Because of the back of the yellow, you .... is a sensitive word! !

Picture: "You are involved in yellow", location: "Images / 1554637231-100072907-103052576.jpg"

Chapter 166: This is the theme!

The cold frost fell into the fall.

After the first magic, the Third Mozu has worked in an accident, the second Mozu also welcomed his head.

The cold frost is falling!

The portal between the second magic and the third magic is open!

"Where are they so much?" The conference room, Fiis's voice is full: "How can the Third Mozi will fight with the first second magic?"

"Because he is not just a third magic." Carlis said: "They still have dark spirits behind them, and there are deaths of death, what? From now on, the first second magic is temporarily like People. "

After saying these, Kalaire looked at the West: "His Royal Highness, how we do now, the latest intelligence is the third legion, the brigade is retreating, are we going to meet or stick here?"

Zunus looked at everyone in the house: "What about your opinion? Black shadow, you are the head of the city defense army, what do you think?"

Black shadows thought, then said: "I don't recommend this to do this, the third army 30,000 high devils, this is defeated, that proves that the number of each other may, and the winter in the city will add two 150,000, even if the expansion in the past year, the winter of the city army will barely arrive at 20,000 people. In these 20,000, it is responsible for several urban safety. Now it is actually not much. "

Croatia said: "But if we can save these third leggings, if you say that winter, you can get a lot of power."

Barbara is cheout: "It is a big bug, and it is not necessarily us."

"This is true." Carlis said: "The Third Legion is jurisdiction of the second emperor Barcelo Koo, saving him is also saving."

Everyone looks at the words, everyone knows that this decision can only be reached.

Duus looks into the black shadow: "How much is it possible to adjust the sanctuary?"

The black shadow looked at the house and then said: "Now you are thinking about what you said, outside, the Kaili Knight's Discipline Inspection and the police station can help."

"What about people? I said that I don't affect a few cities around the city."

The black shadow bite the teeth, then said: "Forced to attack, you can give you two thousand people."

Well-waved: "Five hundred, you must be old soldiers, don't use the assault group, give me a Justice group. Also, who go to Jia Beilila, we may need her to support it."

Carlisle said: "Is it so serious?"

Dusi nodded: "Schako is a famous sanctuary. After the cold frost, we reminded that the six holy area will come back, even if this is a cold frost, it is still unfair. We have to make a more than the enemy's strength High estimation. At least, I have to enter a half-step legend. "

Carlis nodded.

The black shadow is a bit awkward: "Just .... As long as 500?"

"Yes, right, Anna, you go to help, equip it."


"Carlisle, pull the mount from the orc there, we need some mobile."

"Those second-order giant wolf?"

Dice nodded.

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