The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1304

"Well?" And the place where the rocker traitor was still underwear, heard someone questioned his face. "Isn't it? 56 1

"You said that he is because of the undead and the third grinder to give up the magic defense?" 2975,

"This is not what I said." That traitor's hole said: "It is what they do."

"But your idea is this."

"Stiring, they all do this."

"But they know that we are coalitions." The dark fierce said inexplicable: "The coalition refers to the coalition of the dark, the magic, the undead, and even when they have been handed over. We have the secret although There are not many people, but, most of us are magicians! You have nothing to do.

The moon is cold: "What is wrong? Although you are more magical, there are fewer people, so many dark spirits are lost, how much is it? In addition to you, left left Both of them are some soldiers, this time is not very normal?

But that dark spirit said: "Then, have you ever thought about it.


"Because they have seen it." This mission is dissatisfied: "I said what have you elf? This is also a raised?"

"When they came to see, the cold paced was not collapsed." This dark spirit replied: "After the time, Sterler is taking the team, the legend, you think that winter, the city may know our Is the team constructing? "That a moon hit. And this dark spirit is to continue: "If you are the commander of the winter city, I don't know the other team, I will feel that the other party has no magic after it is at all after a month. Did you say it just now, taking a half-month holy water.

"So, what should they do not give up magic resistance? Instead, deliberately do it.

That level of the pointed: "But why do they do this?

The dark elf also confused: "I also want to ask, why do they do this? It is so unreasonable, I said.

Next to them, a blood show suddenly said: "Is it because they have the means of dealing with the Magic Master? After all, the undead magic martial arts acts together with the undead, and even difficult to distinguish these magicians before they shoot. They are not afraid of death and death as the soldiers, and some wisdom, I want to mix into the death army. If a Dawn magic throws the past is also the common feelings? "This moment, this side is mad change!

"Not good!" The dark spirit is low: "This is a trap!"

At this time, the Master of the Undead seems to have found the way to deal with the ruthening of the holy water, and the kung fu for a while, has already lost their lives, and a large part is also in one of the undead magic. When the teacher opened his own goal, the magician's vigilance made him seem to feel.

He slammed to the right side, then, then,

An unknown object has penetrated his brain!

Then, the stock of Shengguang out of his brain!

This undead mage directizes the coke!

The direction of the winter in the city, the final part of the formation is two groups of sniper troops!

Their hands are also a long stick, but they have different three shots before, they must come.

Even if there is a lot of people, but the sound is not intensive!

At this time, a black corner magic took a new Shenggui to put it in the demon, he stunned: This group of spiritual martial arts really give us something, one is hidden in their own undead military array Inside, we don't even have to worry about misunderstanding. "

Also said that if the trigger is thrown, the Yuanso supply, the whole version of the radius of the radio shouted, and then a holy light flashed.

The observer next to this black corner is light: "Sitting in the hit, did not cause any damage, how, how did your magic becomes holy light after using the Shengguang bomb? Can you use the time to blow? Take a good time! "

That is just an accident. This black corner is a sentence. In the next undead military array, there is always a holy light of the road. Every holy light is lit, it is a Master of the Undead to be completely purified.

PS: Thanks to the six salted fish of the sea.

Moon ticket 67, blade 31, reward 36, situation? Now let me not satisfy me! !

Chapter 1188: Shield is also hitting

The Undead Master was completely pressed by the sniper of the winter city, and the situation just got up was unfavorable. This time, those holy areas understand.

problem occurs! After starting from the white blade, they put all the attention on the huge rogue of those three meters.

Although these small jumps have brought a lot of trouble, they did not put them on their hearts. Because these guys have lost a lot of effects in this white blade war, just like a bow. The archer may have a knife to cope with white blade war, but the guys in winter in the city seem to just take a stick.

Although they are constantly being output, the frequency has long been slow, and even these holy regions have also seen they hurt the magic.

It is at this time, with the unbailed sniper joins, as these truly selection veterans appear. Because of their existence, the spirit of the spirit is not dare to open. Even if you are not afraid of death, you will have three things that exude Shengguang in an instant. These holy areas are very confused, the main battlefield and the cold guy who put the cold arrow there are at least 1,500 meters!

What do they do?

The reacted holy area will not sit still, a bloody voice: "No! Can't go on, so we can only be beaten, let the suture of the undead and the high death

"It should be so much early." A witch is dissatisfied: "I am very worried about what you are here.

"Winter Municipality is not moving, let's move?" The ground hole grinding the south area: "We have already eaten this kind of loss! Now no longer have to lose! And, Your commander ordered you Did you forget?

That is also at least to see the situation early.

The Lich said if it has controlled the suture of the descending of the knocks around ten meters. Sewing is a very strange creature, and the Shenggui will cause damage to them. Magic will harm them, but these guys even don't even have ordinary undead. Other undead can still make their souls in the soul. But this suture is more likely to be a promoted machine!

It is completely dissatisfied with the blow to open a hole.

Instead, it is dead and swept and huge strength. Just a way to take off a ground point magic, and a punch is smashed, and there is no middle-level strength to be smashed. Their goal is no longer those who are demon, they are going to rush through the magic arrand of the demon, go to the people behind the winter men's soldiers! Not just them, the high spirits of a headless knight have also cleared the enemy in front of you, then come backwards! And their wearing CHA, if there is no high-level land magic, can't stop!

Looking at the endless undead, they broke through the pockets of the demon, and the sky was on the sky. In the sky, the film has been opened.

"Morphological switching!" I saw that all of the city defense military gates who were still shooting were good. Then they took a gold exhibition bayonet from the waist. Of course, there are also some choices. In addition to their, the soldiers of the Winter Municipality of a row of shields have also come to front.

Those soldiers behind the backwards were taken out of their backs of their back, they shake, and these small bats flipped, became a long bow! The two sides are fighting together, and the soldiers in the winter in the city have not been moving, so even if they are in the main battlefield, there is also a five hundred steps.

A flattery of the devil rushed out of the third legion, but just rushed out, it was fell down on the ground. But behind, this is also miserable, all kinds of wounds, and look at it. But after the passing of the squirrel, a big bunch of parts on the ground spelling him, let him seem to be resurrected. It is a teamless knight than the squirrel. About fifty is about fifty, the strengths of all high-level strengths. Five hundred steps have no blocking terrain, giving them enough acceleration distance! This 50th ride gathers into the shape of an arrow, come to the Winter Lincheng Army! The distance is getting closer, and it is increasing.

Just clearly in the winter of the modern war, I was degraded with all, the forefine was the shield soldier, and then the spear hand, as if returned to the original form. However, these winter men's soldiers have no slightly cry, and the mouth of the black shadow is rising: "Yu!" The first row of half-shields suddenly sent a roar!

In the moment, their group flashed a yellow ray.

In this way, the shields in their hands are also magnificent! The headless riding wall with the header, because in front of him, it is no longer the gun with the shield! Is an incomparable shield wall! The first headless ride directly hit the shield array! Then slamming the impact!

Counterattack, high-level headless riding soil shocked this military array, there was no problem after wearing it!

But at this time, they followed a few tens of meters thick walls! The undead war horse under the arm has made a grief! The bang is scattered! And these headless riding soil is worthy of high-level strength, they instantly jumped up, and they broke out, they want to run with dead shields!

However, waiting for them, but a whistling feather arrow!

What is the most likely that the feathers are blank, and they are shining on the arrows. It seems that in order to be their assumption, the first headless knight is taken directly by the arrow, the body is more flying out! The sound of the black shadow sounded again: "The winter men in the first row of the shield has issued a neat voice again.

The shields in their hands are slammed down.

That huge shield is also smashed! A slash, the earth is shaking. The spell is still going forward, but they see the headless riding land inside the ground, but also, stand up again, and the same Lincheng Shield Wall with nothing. .

PS: Also said five more, now I can't even satisfy me now? I have to accumulate it tomorrow? 561

Let me not be more! ! ! ! This 69 months, 42 knives, 36 rewards, plus yesterday's 17, talented 164, or equal to say this 64 to tomorrow, I think five more!

Chapter 1,89: Deliberate?

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