The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1308

After seeing this guy, Duus looked at Allen: "About the border

I said. "Allen is not a vague:" You will give me a lot more.

Allen seems to find anything, he stood up: then you will deal with your own things, I will not bother you. Allen leaving, and the hand is looking to the NPC.

The game world is connected to the Duch.

If they are looking for them because of what happened, there is only one reason, that is, the monks give them a trigger condition to find their own trigger.

"what happened?"

Note, the latest information on the barrier detective, from Longxi Province. "

"Guo Security Bureau." Xunz reached out this information, this NPC, or these NPCs are the contacts set up to the Guoan Bureau. After all, the Guoan Bureau has contacted some secrets and black. Live, if you don't have to orthocular rocking, it is trying to avoid it.

This is not said that he does not believe.

But the intelligence is transmitted, it does not need this variable, it is only necessary to convey the information to the information that receives the intelligence.

Therefore, the film is selected is the transmission of the NPC for information. However, after seeing the information, the watch Qian became flavor.

He pays attention to the crack of the line, then slightly waved, and people have appeared in the Sky Parliament.

This is a countember, which is built on the sky, the foot is cloud, but it will not let everyone fall.

"I have wanted to vomit this place every time." Barra is a bored: "What is the boss you get a high conference room?"

Gigger. "Kelly sat down at a position.

"Reassured." Anna looked to Barbara: "We are not intended to do this problem, you said that you are thinking? And, you look like a body with a door, don't want the girl's clothes

"Sliced," Patiana nodded: "Progress is quite big, right, do you know that you have no butt?"

Barbara is black, then said: "The mating wants it to do? It's also the boss. Is it a good thing?" Anna's face brush's hand: " Sick, you Barbara! Right, Kalair Black Shadow? "

"I will come in." Barbara smiled: the boss, come, Croatya expression is plain: "Oh, is it not too powerful? How is the meat, more value.

Wei Wei: "??????"

Vivieli looked at this thin body. PS: I forgot to count yesterday. Month ticket 124, reward 137, blade 1015! Counting the day before, owing the twelve chapters!

Yesterday, I also had three chapters, I owe 10!

However, today's blade 5, monthly ticket ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 more days is over! ! !

Chapter 119: Threat

"The current situation is like this." Xuus looked at everyone: "The second family can now be described as a wind sweater.

"The magical invasion of the southern, the eastern busy army is crushing. Our northern is also a bloodthirsty owner personally brought the team." The Duus expression is denied: "Plus the internal Rosekin Duke version, Anderson Duke's probability is also thriving This is an incomparably severe thing. "

"The Duke of Anderson should have not qualitative?" Fiis asked luck. Zunus shakes his head: Division, after they met a bag, other Dukes jumped out, this is the script, result ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .

Fiis bite Kelle is the opening: "So this is strange, the border is thrown directly to the first legion, if the first army has a problem, the dragon is over, there is the old nest of the Anderson family, you have seen it Do you want to support your elsewhere? Moreover, Anderson's family has never been what, loyalty. The black shadow is confused: That's what you mean, Anderson is doing this? "

"Because he knew that his family won't do something." Springs said softly: "As for why you know, what you think that the group suddenly appears, is actually this explanation of the Anderson family?" Everyone glanced.

Xunhu continued: "Anderson said that the Locke Kingdom is in the army, and the first legion is not allowed to pass any news because of the cause of the Undead. According to our information. Seven eight, but the winter in the city did not receive one. Even the communication law was also destroyed by the undead, is it very uniform? "

"However, these guys don't think about it. Our people have the story to give us a message. The dream world is a channel. He can't think that Allen guy discovered that the mill attacked their villages after the first time was not aggregated. The army conducts defense, but to contact me how to go. Carlis nodded "In fact, if we can communicate, this is estimated is a double misunderstanding. The Anderson family put in the community and fake news, the first army letter thought it was really strict. And they sent a team of demon hit the Rock Kingdom, let the Rock Kingdom aggregate the army. In the absence of between the two parties, it will be considered to be a ghost. Then the first legion was killed in the pendulum.

"In fact." Anna passed the intelligence in the hand to the next person: "Now the brutal riot family can use only the second, fifth, and the sixth army can still move, the problem is, these three legion will not Accident.

"That is to say, only the fifth Sixth Legion in the king family now?"

"It is accurate to say that sixth." Fiis said.

"Why?" Anna stunned. Fiis smiled and smiled: "Because the Fifth Army is in, the EGBet family territory, that is, our home, now a Duke version change, a Duke has been in the royal family, you think our home Is it trust in the two hions? "Springs have a slight move in his heart:" No, things don't make it as simple as we think.

"What happened?" Everyone looked at the West. Duus expression is dignified: "We are now directly put the Anderson family in the hostile face, but we seem to have forgotten it, what do those nobles think?" Croaty said: "What you mean is, Double spring? "

Dussen Head: "Yes, we almost leak this, you think, the Rosekin family launched the rebellion, the road moved to the devil, they had their own banner, but this banner can not find all the nobles, noble private The army has always been a problem, including the local guard! They face the Rosekin family, only two reactions? Subcord, or, resistance. Croatia's words continue to say: "If they have recovered those obedience The aristocrats and local armies, then, Anderson family played J Roose the name of the Qin, and took the nobles and local army against them. Phiis has fallen his eyes: then, it is more than one city, and even a reinforcement is not!

"Yes." Said: "There is a vibrant province, there is the birthplace of the second Mozu, and is the royal family, from ancient times, only accept the king of the kingdom. Say there is:" But they are the third magic Trouns is sleepy in the border. The black shadow said: "The nobles of all over the country may be a chance, which is to see that the two princes are fast, or the Ander Migong is fast.

"In addition to them, there are us Shahua Highlands." Carlis said: "But the same, we are also trapped here. To be honest, six years ago, I really didn't expect that we will actually influence so much.

"So now the magic has only desire to count the ordinary nobles?" Crowdy asked.

"Almost." Moriati said: "However, what should we think about what the first magic is going? Is the group of guys come to the third Mozun?"

"People have already done this." Said.

"Is there anything else?" Anna is a little indiscriminated.

"Yes." Fiis suddenly said: Also, the territory of our family, Eigbot is the semi-step legend of Xinjin University, the brutal riot family Father's sincerely, I can guarantee it with my own life. Only, "Fiis smirk: However, Xunzu frowned:" Fiis, what are you talking about? '

Fiis nodded very seriously: "Thousands of true, this is the matter of the second family.

Duus took a deep breath: "Then,, it is equal to the family, in fact, is it the biggest help now?" Fiis said: "What do you mean?"

Xunus looks like Fiisi: "Compared to the devil, your home, is it more easier to deal with?"

PS: lying trough, 355 knives, thank you sixteen night Yushui's five hundred knots! ! !

Chapter 1195: Help

The new problem is in front of everyone.

"If they really have a premeditation rebellion." Mr. Zozi: "I don't believe that they will let go of your family's big hidden danger. Carlaire sound is also sinking:" And, many ways to solve your family, such as pull You have brought the opportunity to kill your father, or the two parties meet, directly to your family, and then push the past. Or or deal with the legendary shot.

"The last impossible." Springs said: "The legend of the other party should be prepared for the father, it will not be shot, I think, perhaps directly swallowing this probably the biggest biggest. Our time is not much. Philippine Nishi stunned: "What time? "

"We still have the time to choose the opportunity." Springs got up, and the expression is more dignified: "I don't like to give the choice right to the enemy, leave the passive to myself. This matter is absolutely can't just follow each other, No matter what is, the winter in the city must grasp the initiative! "

"Only we are not in the case of them, we can have more choices. And those guys in the dark, will be anxious, thus giving up some of their own plans."

Croatan's first understanding: "Do you have to take the initiative?"

Duus nodded: "Solve the third magic of the winter, completely liberated the winter. If our guess is established, this is the only chance to rescue the EGG.

Carlis Looks to the West: "How much time do you think we have?"

Xuncus blind eyes: What do I want to know how long is the dragon lizard to the Winger? "

"Then there should be half a month to consider what to do." Springs got up: "How to solve this enemy of our doors!"

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