The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1329

They found this, is it too easy to get it?

"This guy is my friend. It is also a side of the anti-tyranny." A face whitening sheep demon looked at the companion in his feet, then he looked at another Ni De Mon. "Why did you kill him! This cattle devil is also awkward: "I, I thought he, yes, such a situation in all places.

Until a support army settled until dozens of wings were descended from the sky, they looked at the mall that made down, but they were unlike, they were strange: "What happened?" As a result, group two and five The mouth is said.

"Stop!" Leading Wings Women's Devils looked at this demons: "You, how much?"

"Waiting for you, adults!"

This feather female magic face change: "Not good!

He is to leave, but the explosion of the roar covers two battles.

It is a bit helpless to see if the Barcelono's sound next to the blessing in the distance: "There are many innocent guys inside.

"They are the sacrifices made for us." Koso took his shoulders: "Theater can't stay down, their sacrifices are valuable! '

Barcelo Coalned his head, he took a deep breath, then laughed: "It is also right! And I feel that the magic firwork can be like this, beautiful!

PS: Four, accidentally, one game is playing, it is a transparent version of the game, the difficulty is very difficult, there is a symptom of the black soul. Call "Magic, Night" Sorry for Well, this tour is very dizzy,

Chapter 125: What happened?

A thousand people are in the south.

"It's strange." Xin Dijia said it is very dissatisfied: "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

Obviously, the advancement of Cindya's advancement of the Shuzun army is very dissatisfied.

The human army, from the winter to the city, the emergency army has to be around 20 days.

Sindika is now following the Monarch, and the original Dila is in the winter of the city. In this way, even if the Springs took 15,000, the five-drying army, 10,000 third military doctors, and the winter in the city can also pay the various dangers that may arise.

"The bottom card must be opened one by one." Springs responded: "The open card will only let the other party think of the shoulder means. Those Dukes know that I have Jia Pilal, which is, so sure to the legend. There are some responsive means. We diamond directly into the magic, let's talk. It is going to send it.

What is the Sindijia grown? "

"Slow down, slow work out.

In fact, even if you can go directly, Mrus is not intended to go directly. Winter in the city has already shown a financial crisis. Today's war is a good time to repair money! On this way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The aristocrats in the South Bank of the Rhine, stood a row. It is difficult to see the winter in the city of the river, these noble faces are hard!

Six years!

From Dusus to the Shahua Highlands, then blood in pumping the dragon.

This pumping is six years! This group of nobles didn't like a prince on the side. I originally the emperor of the sky. Everyone told how good, the results suddenly appeared next to the prince. But they didn't work, thinking that the Shathua Highlands is so messy, this prince is estimated that they will not work. It is possible to say that it is possible to die in Shahua Highlands. After all, this place is a lot!

It is troublesome.

The results of it? Flying 6 Longxing province This aristocracy has opened a few members, and the winter is more than a few holy regions! When they reacted, they didn't dare to work in winter.

Shahua Highland is really a lot of people, and it is the kind of income of the kind. Then, the winter is beginning to exploit blood to the flying dragon. The nostals are unbearable, but the people of the local Senate people will not take care of you, and they went to the Magic Senate, and the Magic Senate opened directly. Later, I couldn't even accept them.

As a result, it is a denial of three connections.

No way, can't manage, the acceptor

This makes these nobles are extremely desperate, can only form alliances themselves, to resist the vampire behavior on the winter. As a result, this is good, and the three princes are even directly broken, and there is still a lot of resolute supports, and a rebellion of one by one. Someone brushed the death of the brush, and some people brush the rebellion. I don't know what happened, I followed my rot, and I betrayed my own camp became two or five.

After this, the Dragon Dragon is completely dare to worry.

Moreover, it also became the blood bag of Shahua Highlands, and it is ready for the winter of the three princes.

The most disgusting thing is that this three princes don't even take care of them, and there is no talk to meet. Now, six years! Six years! This three prince finally met with you.

However, people come with a military.

"Hey, this group of nobles arrived at this time." Barbara laughed: "I remember the boss's first time, the flying drain has not worked. "

"Hehe, I will come up with a lot of thousands of army last time. This group of bastards will be greeted." Xunzu watched it on the side of the river: "Well, the ferry is coming soon."

"Is it necessary to wait for the ferry?" The new two-third head stretched out: "Ma will not bother? Wasting time is not.

If the mouth of the old three is open, a cold cream is sprayed by him.

I only see the river in front of this cold looks instantly for a piece of ice! The ferries that open to half are directly frozen on the river! Without magic sing, there is no Master, just spraying. The opposite group of noble faces are essential! Is this warning us? Is definitely! I have already known that I have a legend in winter in the winter. Is this going to go out with a legend!

This group of nobles didn't have a face on the face. It was a faceless face. After seeing this scene, he climbed with his face with his face!

They don't want to become ice sculptures!

Although Mr. didn't know if the results were used on the ice, it was said that there was a lot of feelings. The team quickly walked to the river, and those nobles hurried up. Duus did not take care of them, but to see the wall, the caravan could not go.

"Simple!" The face of the old three appeared, he looked up, and there was a black sphere in the sky.

The ball fiercely smashed on the ice. In an instant, these ice was like a huge shock.

Then, a snoring appeared, then the huge sound of the sound sounded! I almost didn't scare the group of collishers! After the treatment, Springs went back to the head, looked at this group of nobles, he smiled: "Well, labor is coming here to pick up."

"Envelory! This is our pleasure!" If a group of aristocrats robbed, there is a smile that is more difficult to cry.

What is the situation, what is the situation? Is Moriati to do it in advance? What is it to scare?

I thought about it, and the dramatic trials: "I believe that the purpose of this king is clear, this king needs south, but this loss,

"We provide food!" A noble shout immediately.

"We provide iron!" Another noble shout!

"We offer a tile work!"

"We offer carriages!"

"Let's help you share the army!"

Mr. Xi Dynasty

This group of nobles, how suddenly it works?

PS: Last night, I am a little embarrassing, causing, I found that I forgot to count.

, Added to the wealth of wealth, owing 1, now owing 18!

Chapter 1226: Vehicle blood in invisible

A group of nosthers is simply a question, and the last one even provides you with a private army. For their enthusiasm, Mrus is naturally accepted.

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