The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1331

At this time, a military doctor ran in: "The His Royal Highness, we took out the three-camp things and found the ingredients of the tongue.

Sprinter swing: "Don't give me the whole term, what is this?"

It is not something that it is. "This military doctor said:" You can understand the food that is lose weight, many of the aristocratic lady drinking tea to lose weight is to promote the gastric peristalsis, then, diarrhea. The effect is very good, so you can't use it. Otherwise, there is no problem to kill the magic. "

Sprint: "Isn't a poison?"

"Yes." This military doctor said: "The logistics department has sent the devil to check."

"I found it to Piès.

After a while, Piès appeared in the military account of the monarch.

"Is it until?" The Duus is not good. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "

Scherped: "Is it so clever?"

Piedz wiped the sweat of wiping: "After all, we haven't eaten the military grain before."

Xunchi's brow did not start, I thought about it, he tried his hand: "Piedes, you go to the things, Elina. You go, Cui Master.


After a while, Pislus dragged a few packs of wind-dried vegetables came to the military account of Hunus, and Elina also walked over Cui Fu.

Dusch rushed to the eye, Piece understood what it means, hurry out some tongue in the table and put it on the table.

Xunzu said: "The vegetable bag of winter in the city is ready for a week. Cui Fu, you should have the most research here, I want to ask you to see these two things?"

"Oh." Cuifei nodded: "I didn't ask God."

Cui Fu came to the side of the two most windy and vegetables. I saw him lifting her hands, green rays appeared in her hand.

Then, Cuifu put his hands on two most vegetables. Next, just as the dead wood is in the spring! The two most vegetables have actually began to gradually be busy, and the original look is recovered. After a while, the two most vegetables blocked to the initial look.

It is clear that there is obvious difference in them, and the leaves of the slings are full, and the other, the vegetables are more and more.

Word looks to Pices: "What did you see?" Piedz bite to teeth, whispered: "The His Royal Highness, they have been manually hand!"

Pis Piece refers to the vegetables of winter in the city: "Our vegetable farmland is destroyed in the previous legendary war, even after new farming sites, it takes time. And for the convenience of Cay Cream Titan Food, our outstanding military grains, its practical use of previous materials. And these things, Pisades refer to those tongue: "This is being added later!" And see this ,,,

"Fresh Tongue." Ai Lotna opened: "Where is the origin?"

Everyone looked at that military doctor.

That guy thought, then said: "There are many places in the southern part of our family.

Xunzu eyes: "What about this place?" That military doctor looked at the map behind Shu, then nodded: "Yes." Wonderful Horn raised: "That is to say that the poison guy may still nearby?"

PS: Three more three more, the dog didn't take pictures, Bao Zheng was still treated. Then today, the blades and monthly tickets are so bright! ! ! !

Chapter 1228: Terror Barbara (Five)

The conclusion of Dusus makes everyone stunned.

"Can you go with a poison?" Ai Lotna asked strangely.

Inside the army. "

Cuifu wrote: Why is it not poisonous? '

"Because it will be inspected," black shadow opening: very clear,

Barbara scratches the head: "Castida is there.

"Maybe Waiting for Xin Di and after?" Springs Explore: "Shahua Highlands and Fei Longxing province are the key coverage of the National Security Bureau.

I know that our movements come to slap the horses.

Ilina nodded: "That Barbara, the people who arrested people will give you.

Barbara knife: "I am counting, I

"Yes." Barbara face is inexplicably

"I am coming." Springs speak: "Ilina, remember to induce my position?"

"Ah? You," I just finished, "her whole person stopped here.

The lakeside wings stopped by the wings, all the people who were talking, all stopped this moment!

Outside, there is no anti-wind town straightforward, and he falls in the sky.

Now, the only one can move, it is a lot!

At this time, the hand was held in the hand of the dragon, and the fine sand was constantly chasing.



Can only exchange items!

This is not the first time that Xun is practical, in Xin Di, the Springs use it twice.

Take this to show your strength.

The hourglass of the sand can be expected over time, and his role is in turn on the hourglass, and the time is time to stop within the range.

However, how many of the specific scores are tested, and the anti-regular is just a long time.

Moreover, the more surroundings, the shorter the time to suspend

The last Sindi has, and the scorpion is more than a hundred soldiers, but now, this sand is mixed!

This place uses up to three times a week, and now it is a new week.

And each time you use, you need to consume 10 yuan.

But now, in order to catch a guy who can do his hands and feet in the military waves, Springs decided to use this.

And this place is actually not hard to find.

A place that can clearly observe the army bills, and it is best to observe

The empty eyes were swept away, and the Springs determined three places!

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