The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1333

"You finish me!" Barbara bite his teeth, if this image is.

"Spray." This shadow is shaking: "Your frog grinding the blood is inheriting your father?"

"Your mother! You have already completely worthless!"

This shadow is cold: "There is a matter of your SHA!"

"SHA is cheaper you!" Barbara black face:

This shading addiction disdain: "Say it is really like.

"The guy is still the Barbara. Sundus is Ai Lian

The Springs of the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding: Really? "

Barbara took him to the third yard.

Ai Lota is a little worried: "Is that guy really useless?"

"The stolen of a kind of intelligence has, Fosford:" Say that it is useless, but there is not so important that I have a little disappointment for the fact that I have encountered a story. It can be set out that it will be such that it will not come out. only,

Dusc has received a tone, looks there: this is a generation of Barbara? "

Ai Lianyuan blinks "I have to see how Barbara got him?"

Zunus pulled Ai Lianna, the expression is very serious, "I believe me! You don't want to see it!"

"It's he!" The oldest zone of the second camp is odor.

At this time, the movie magic was in the pillar. Under the ban, he can't even turn into a shadow, can only keep the devil's form,

And around him is around a group of land governments!

Barbara is a speech that is incomparable from blood: "It is this shadow! It is him,

Hey ~ "I don't know who put a fart.

Barbaraton, continue to rope: "It is his ,,,,,

"In your food, you will have a hand feet." Barbara said that he fiercely looked forward to a moon.

That's the moon quickly grabbed his own PI service.

Barbara is only a way: "It is him.

The shadow is white!

"Bastard! You can't,

puff! ! A loud voyer like a high pressure water gun

The eyes of the movie is full of despair!

After an hour, Barbara returned to this place again. At this time, it has been cleaned, but the body of the movie

Barbara is far from the old: "How is it, are you ready?"

The magic looked up, watching the eyes of the color Barra's eyes, but this family is hard: "You give me this shame, I will

He didn't finish it, Barba picks up: "Get it, it seems that you don't see the coffin, there are still a few teams,

"Do you think that this disgusting thing will let me open!"

Barbara is on the back of the body.

8 of the Batachi Laya's 8th "This sentence is the most, the most is the most! Let's take him with a wooden soil to take him breathing and then treat this parent! Who has a funnel plug to his mouth? , Convey the new command with the back, tonight, everyone is quasi-shooting! "

PS: Two five more completed! ! !

Today is still three chapters! I owe 15 more!

Then this month's ticket 58, reward 50, blade 9, so that the parents are relieved. I am burning incense tomorrow morning,

Chapter 1229: That person

Early the next morning, Mrus received a long interruption report.

It seems that if there is a stroke of things in front of him: "He said?" Baro nodded: "Say, is it very strange?" Springs seems to think about what, the corner is smashing, said, Just, now the guy now?

"Related to Ruo." Barbara refers to a point of view, and he said to Shu: "He is one of the ivualists of the Rosekin family, which is serving the Rosekin family, but he is the sanctuary, saying that he reports The organs of the intelligence should be the Anderson family.

Duus nodded: "Not surprising, is he uncertain?" "Yes.

Well, it seems that Anderson is still very cautious, how do he report information? "

Barbara went to the map and pointed to a location: "Place the intelligence in this place, they have a dedicated dark language, he is only responsible for collecting information, no online, put the intelligence in this place. "

Pingering, then look at Barbara: "One takes away?"

Barbara shrugged: "I don't care.

"Let everyone come. No, this time the holy city is pleased. Two Second Legus of the Magic, Shadow and Shadow Team Another Sanctuary, Barbara, Elina, Wei Wei Li and Kelly are there.

"About this guy's intelligence we have collected almost." The report on the hand handed the news: "This is a specific thing, you take a care, next, I will take Airina, Barbara has Kelly Vivie to find this Rosekin family's information, see what we have exposed in the end. You have everyone, continue to listen to the first legion meeting with

"Top one or two days of work." Springs laughed: "A small site. After the layout is properly, the Springs are also prepared slightly. After everyone is ready, it will fly out.

However, a strange phenomenon is discovered, that is, where Barbara appears, whether it is the soldier of the Third Legion or the city defense army in the winter, the eyes of Barbara, the fear Barbara may just respect, know this is an adult, but now, full of fear

Yesterday evening, I went to see what happened in the third camp. No matter the devil or the city defense army, I left the shadow of Barbara in the heart. As the matter last night, the more the name of Barbar is getting loud. Soon, the entire army knows the temple, there is a woman who is known as the devil! Although only half of the demon, it is a genuine devil! The guardian of the temple is a devil to make Barbara! After about a few hours, I looked at a bad town in front of him, and I was to the head: "This place?"

"Here, then, we have to find a meat, the southwest of the meat, there is a small road, and the road is moving forward.

Barbara is going to go, and it is called back.

I saw the slight waving slightly, and the light of a few magic lights up.

"Integration into the magic." Springs opened: "Cautious, so excused by the devil.

Integration into the magic is a hidden magic. The effect is that there is a guy with this magic, will be seen as a most uncomfortable look. There is a feeling similar to a blue hat in a blue without ear robot.

However, if you have done something that others disgusted, others will notice your appearance. If the family of households is paid by the category, it will be recognized soon. It will even be found by some warning magic arrands. However, these Springs are not afraid, others have noted him, and he will definitely notice the guy.

"Hey ~" Ilina reached out and shook his head.

"After all, we have been so conspicuous." Kelly said: "What do I see you still? That is to say that if our appearance is noticed, will it be immediately exposed?"

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