The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1344

Dragon City.

The Marquis of the Dragon was very panicked. At this time, he took a communication water crystal, and the opposite side of the newsletter was not someone else, and the Mrs. Anderson was.

"People, we can't go on! That Sprinter is crazy! He is crazy, do you know!

"I know!"

No, you don't know! "This dragon is called

Anderson ladied calm: "Calm, Kris Marquis, Springs this is in a bluff.

"Do you know what is the year?" Mrs. Anderson said light: "He is integrated with all nationals, conducting a racial integration, this is a normal brutal devil who will be in the past? He is in the virtual situation, if He said that it is possible to attack the city or it is true, how is the Tucheng? "

"Why are you so confident?"

"Because that Mrus didn't dare to do this." Mrs. Anderson said: "This is the contradiction between the noble and the royal family, and the city is equal to the demon civilians, the demon businessmen of those other territories, not to mention you. Dragon City has some human business people, these guys are innocent. If Zhaus is Tucheng, it is in the vast majority of contradictions!

"But the group of damn businessmen have begun to run out! They have to leave the Dragon City."

Anderson's wife did not change: "It is very simple, then stop them, there are them, that is the hostage of you Dragon City. There are them not dare to make.

"But if he did it?"

"That is also a siege." Anderson said: "The purpose of Mons is enough to get enough sense of life, organize to go to the magic diligent king, so you can support it, it is good to surrender when you can't help it. If you don't If you can rest assured, you can give yourself a backward road. For example, come to the Dragon Liza, we will protect you here. Or when you get the truth, you will be stressed by the people below.

"I believe me, I really need it at that time, it's just a step, you gave him, he went to it. You only need to fight for enough time for the Dragon Liza City. Time, we still It should be embarrassing, and it is not a handleman. This Kso thought I thought, and then asked: "I can't stand directly, then follow you? "

"I said, Longxi City needs enough devil to guard, the Duke will take a lot of defenders, we take time to assemble. This Ksa's Marquis still wants to say, but Anderson has interrupted him:" Remember Why is your Dragon becomes now? This is not all the cruel magic of the year? Khaja, this hatred did you forget? "The Mrs. Anderson continued: 'Even if you are disgusting, you have a disgusting, the dragon is one of the second magic eccenters, and even the result of the fourth big public is Cruze is destroyed! How many dragons are there, and you all have forgotten! Kshen holds his fists, and some can't speak.

"So, drag them." Anderson's wife persuaded: "Mr. didn't dare to do so, this is a less chance of your Dragon to make the royal family, Kris, you have to hold it.

"The most important thing, do hundreds of thousands of residents in the Dragon City! Do you dare to slaughter! Think about it!"

Cher thought that he finally took a deep breath: "I know how to do a lady!"

Elina has handed a letter, said: "This is the situation inside the Dragon City, the sky, the number of people in the Dragon City, there are people who have various families, each other The businessman, adventurer, and a large number of civilians, the civilians of the Dragons. The specific thing is written above. Elina looked at the Sudu: "Do you really want to Tug City?

Duus referred to that information: "Take a go, this place is useless. Yes, I am sure. If they don't listen to the words.

"But there are still many unfortunately

"They need them to run out." Duste didn't lift: "If they have not come out, they can only give up themselves.

"But I look at the Dulong gate."

Screen: "If this time, the Dragon City has a rope because of the city, then I may get the hand, if there is no happening, then the group of guys does not care about the king's warning, nothing cares about the royal words. Such Guy,,, if there is no use. Springs say if, look at: "What is the situation? "

"Many people make trouble, then go back, there is no change.

Word looks to Ilina: "See, the royal warning and notice is a fart in this group of guys." Om

"Prepare to action. The sun gradually falls in dusk, and the Springs came to the sky, he was located next to the hourglass, and several peaks around the holy area.

The hourglass falls in the drip, the time passes in seconds.

Below, the city wall is a dragon soldier, the street e is the spontaneous body of the residents to ship the materials.

Springs have an answer, and the tone is full: "is ignorant.

Look if the hourglass, Springs slowly: "It seems that time is coming.

"Why do you have to wait for these time in the Hall?" Hufu asked.

It is also very refreshing to amended: "Because I want this to have time to pass. Ready to record and guardianship.

"Yes, the Hall!

With the last most fine sand disappeared, the Sweet cold voice resounded throughout the Dragon City.

"It seems that you have made a choice! Pretreating, you have chosen to obstine!"

The huge emotional fluctuations have sounded in the air, and the sound speed is extremely fast, but it doesn't understand the language. Everything in this language is like a boring thunder in the sky, each sentence of this language seems to have excited the most primitive fear of everyone!

He is not like a speech, more like a dragon on top of a food chain is roaring if!

Among the sky, a huge red magic is in the shape of the road!

On the ground, the Dragon Marquis has been completely panicked: "It is a ban!! It is a ban!!! Let him stop!" The Dragon City has a few holy domain, but ,,, The three arms director snorted and greeted it directly! The spell has been prepared for a long time, and the Dragon City has already thought of countless remorse, the city gate has been opened, and many devils run out. Aerial, Muscan of Mantra suddenly opened his eyes, the sound is very majestic: "Liu Sand show the police, the sand is Tucheng! Welcome your South Guard!"

In the sky, the huge faucet is forming! The horrible fire rain falls from the sky! Dragon word! Dragonfly!

Chapter 1,246: What should we do?

Forbidden, this is the world's most horrible ultimate magic.

The power of the curse has always been presented by the top combat power.

Why did the Christine family are jealous of each family because they can put this horror power to go out. Under normal circumstances, all of the curse is like this, and it is necessary to prepare for a near hour. This time, there are too many unexpected.

This is also a priority of Shuus, unprecedented psychoat, if it is a holy area mage, a ban may have to prepare for a long time. And the ban is completely uncontrolled, smashing, there is no control and avoiding friendship. On the battlefield, the ban is almost unleasing, because the enemy will not be able to stop you.

But the Dragon City, there is no capital! Dragonflamitis is under the sky, it is not sorry for his name, all of the burner's ban! The entire land of Longcheng burned it!

No, it is a whole floor to burn it!

Trees, houses, stones, walls! Some things that are not possible is burning! The horrible high temperature makes the joints outside the one kilometer have to retreat one kilometer, live, only those who run out early, the rest is slow, even if they are not used!

In the beginning, the city will also pass a miserable call, but it will be no.

Under the high temperature, there is no life to survive, even if it is ,,,,oner!

The lucky people who escaped looked at the air of the air, there were civilians in this, there were merchants, and even some soldiers and small aristocrats. They looked at the Sundus in the sky, only the rest of the eyes,,, fear!

No magic believes that the hand is really dare to do this!

Including those who have already followed the diligent military commanders! They don't believe in the people in front of them, but they are in their hearts. At this time, it is not a dissatisfaction with the draft! Not a fear of Springs, but a kind of fanaticism that cannot be speechless.

The mill is born to be strong. If Andon's Due of Andon achieves legend, he does not even care about the so-called question. These are also the same as Wang Jun, they are now excited, excited, ,,, own, follow the so horrible devil! There are many times in the Jucheng Road, but most of them enter home after breaking, there will always be some places relative to safety.

Even countless devils have an idea in their hearts: Xuus said yes. It is better to say that it is a trial of the two words in the mouth in the mouth. Judging everything that despising kings!

After the local Dragon City was completely gone, the Springs flew back to the military array, but the mouth is a new order: 'Current! Go to the next place. "The army opened, this time, clear they didn't do anything, but it seems to have endless fighting spirit and war!

They wrapped around the Dragon City and saw the lucky people who ran out. These lucky faces were very pale, and huge fears made them even fleeted.

However, the coalitions did not look at them, and the pace of followers went to the distance. In the end, after all the team of the coalition, these lucky people have no exception, all , , on the ground.

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