The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1347

Anderson's face is a black: "Research decided? How did I get a message? Longshang Senate, Anderset Home is the Speaker?"

"The Duchess is." This Laizon said: "But now the big public is not there, the old husband is a proxy for the vision. Anderson's lady took a table:" Do you don't put Anderson home in your eyes?

This old lizard looked at Anderson: "Mrs. Mrs, Dusus, 300,000 Army, exhibited, the two major legion, the peak of the three sanctuary, Longxi City played?"

"This is not, surrender." An old aristocrat slowly said: "The territory of the aristocrats is the king's book, and the aristocrats have swatched their superior aristocrats and the royal family. Now the royal family wants to enter the city. How do we say Can you still? "

"Ha?" Anderson's voice is high: "Do you have this? Isn't you not a magic shadow record, you all have forgotten how it is a chicken family!

"Oh." A noble said: "Mrs. You can't say this. It's going to say evidence!"

Anderson's lady is very pleasant: "The ability of the blink of the wrong words is really amazing! '

"We, just to consider Longxi City." The depth oftend the mouth: "Longxi City is not just the Yulong City of Anderson, or the city of the Lizard, but also the city of the aristocrats, and At this Wonder, he all the way, everyone is also clear.

"He is the son of the brutal devil. After we doubt it after the hourglass, this Springs are really dare to hit the city! In fact, the lessons of the Dragon City are in the eye. This draw, he is a completely Demon! He doesn't care about innocent aristocrats, not careless civilians, don't care about the innocent caravan. As long as he doesn't open the door, he will be Tucheng! The most important thing, he did two times! We can't take a risk! "Anderson said High: "I am trying to have this time you can't see it! Longxi City is not the capital!"

"But why do we want to fight!" A noble standing, angered: "The odd blame! Everyone is the second Mozu's noble! We are all loyal to the royal family, now the royal family?, We have to play Are you? Why do you want to rebel? "Anderson's lady took a table:" What do you mean! "This noble old man shot his chest:" I will always support the status and rule of the cruelty family! I will never get up my promise! " "

Anderson's wife got almost vomiting blood, but she biting his teeth: "No matter what to say, I don't agree!" At this time, the old lizard sighed, then sway: "come in."

There are more than a dozen shadows, there is a devil, or orc, or even humans. "you guys,,,

A vampire opening: "The hemolytic agent will beg the Senate to open the city].

"The Road Chamber of Commerce urged the Senate to open the city gate.

One Human Cold Cold Road "" Jeregain Chamber of Commerce urged the Senate to open the city gate, or let us go out.

An orc interface: "Honglong Chamber of Commerce urged the Senate to open the city gate, we don't want to stay here! '

The Adventurer Association urged the Senate to open the city gate.

"The Hunter Association urged the Senate to open the city gate.

"The earth will ask the Senate to open the city gate.

"Dragmine Corps,

"Rage Mercenition Group,

The opening of a sentence is kindly as good as a sharp edge of Anderson's atrium!

"People are not the decision of the Senate." This old man looked at the Mrs. Anderson, the tone is plain: "It is the decision of Longxi City! Anderson's wife is sitting down, at this time, she is like a dead ash.

In the end, she did not have a self-proliferation: "Springs, is this your purpose?" PS: The third is more complete! ! Eat a meal! Continue to write! ! ! Ask for a blade month! ! ! No. 29! ! By the end of the month! ! !

Chapter 1,250: Show (five more)

When there is a last trace in the hourglass, the city of the dragon lizard opens. A team of team ceremonies came out from the inside, and more than a dozen old aristocrats said: "Gong welcomes the three princes to enter the city!"

"Cut." The military account, Zunzu, he flew out, slightly lost the hourglass, full of smile: "This is a wise choice.

Thousands of thousands of army naturally can't enter the city, the city has been in the city, and the city has entered a half. Their tasks are very simple, and they directly join the city defense of the dragon lizard.

When Hunus walked in, he saw that the team was in the past, Anderson's wife was miserable, and Pugawa Anderson, the little Duo looked at his eyes filled with a resentment of the West. Go in, to the side of Pugawa, smiled: "Little Duke, I haven't seen you for a long time, how did you have not seen this six years, are you still a high-order card?"

Pugawa is angry with a red, but the angry eyes are deadly staring at Mr.

"Don't look at me so much, I don't have the wild in the wild." Springs said if you look at the other: "Is our residence arranged?"

"Of course, the temple." The old lizard walked up, smiled: "Please move the horse.

no need. "Springs sway:" Everyone, go on the past, just, I haven't turned it in the Dragon Liza City.

"Ah?" Although this old lizard did not understand the reason why Shu is doing, it is still nodded: The devil of this Tucheng in the city naturally caused attention to the whole city, everyone was trembled, but Later, I heard that CuiTi was one of them. He is a 'mouse' of the Dragon Liza, which is the black market.

Just just, the whole black market was discussing from that can escape the dragon lizard, and even the beginning of the city gate is so good. When I can't rush straight!

Cuiter believes that it is not just that they think so, he is on the road, seeing all the assassin, which is all the weapons of the owner. CuiTi knows why everyone is so afraid of the scene of Dragon City. That Sprus: Dalton, is a completely distressed devil! The fire in the Dragon City burned is small, and it is more horrible. It is now a week! !

One week, the fire actually burned! The Dragon City is burn it into it! Nowadays, a lot of demon is talking, I don't have to have to go to the Dragon City to find my friends, I don't have to have passed, I am sitting at home, and I will catch a while, and the dust may be your friend.

And the Dragon Launa, Andron Duke is still condensed at all, but now the Duke has taken a lot of soldiers, but also let the remaining death Dragon Launa?

What jokes! It is not a racial war, people who want to enter the city, you don't let people know?

Who will be willing to fate for the duke with the royal family? But let CuiTe is pleased, but it is okay that the Duchess did not support, and finally opened the city gate.

Cuiter slipped to the main road, he wanted to see what the three princes were like.

However, CuiTe found that the crowd of ignorant of himself. Not just him, she finds that there are many male demon in the periphery. It is almost all female demon.

"Hey, brothers," Cuirt touched the old brother who came to touch: "What is this? How is this group?"

Ghost. "The brother and black face:" One is limited to crazy.

CuiTt noticed the scratches on this devil's face, strange: "Hey, the old brother is just hitting?"

"P!" This devil refers to this is not a place: "T is Basale, she, I


That brother, I will follow it in order to vent: "Good! One group shouted out, a group of people screamed, I tied to see, all the old lady! You see my clothes, you see me this skin! If I run fast, I have to be scratched!

"Hey! Laozi is because of a good place!" This devil looked at the place where the road was held by the female demon, said: "It's too horrible! If our magic warrior has now this group The old lady's strength, He Yizu, the plain is not only recovering! "

"They, what is excited?

"Look at." This evil eyes: "I don't know, I don't know."

Cuiter was ignored, suddenly, suddenly, this group of female demon screamed: "His Royal Highness! His His Royal Highness !! That is the His Hall !!!"

"I saw it!! Really awards!! I want to give him a lizard!

"Do you have a husband?"

"Don't! Don't!" Although the heart is 10,000 can't solve this group of female lizards, it is screaming, but it is undeniable that this group of female lizards are screaming in sorting. Cuiter now seems to suddenly understand one thing,

That is why the Sprinter came over, it seems that there is no city to rebel after the Springs.

In coming, 90% of the reason is the reason for left-behind femaleizes!

This, how horror is it! In order to welcome the arrival of Shu, there is even a banquet in the Longu City.

This is a common dance in the nobles. But for one of the things, Master has to come. Look at the group under the stage to look at himself, Miss, Miss, the first time has a decision to go to the magic, is not the correct feeling.

But Mrus also knows how to deal with it, after he stepped, all the lights of all places are dark, then the light is hitting the Springs.

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