The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1370

Although I was finally killed by my son. Rosekin also has her use, as for how many things can be asked, then look at the ability of the devil. As for how to constrain this half-step legendary Duke, it has become a problem.

Winter in the city is big. The wing of the wing of the wing, and the expression of his face was eaten.

"Under the two princes, it is not that we don't want to be closed." This prison long grievances are similar to what is similar to: "It is really not possible. Barcelo Black face:" Are you more than a prisoner! How can you get it. This prison has long seen the Springs next to Barcelono, and the words will stop. I am angry in my heart! Barcelo's eyes: "Say!"

Because the crystal Fengfeng in the holy area is taken away! ! It is your dry! Do you dare to say this is this prison? He dares. The performance before Dusi, the killing look, I didn't dare to give him ten courage. In the end, this prison end bites the teeth: "Dafeng's water Jingfeng Census was stolen.

"You said !" Barcelono's voice is high "is stolen!"

"Yes!" This "is out of overrightening:" Stolen! '

"Betak!" Barcelo Kapo School sent a lot of past: "This is a big demon! Your east, vinegar is lost! What else can not be lost! You were sent to waste!"

"Yes! His His Royal Highness!" This classmat is long, he is well received, and it is much better than yourself, it is too much!

"Let's go to the palace." The culprit was on the spot: "After all, the devil is so messy, I am, the Duke of Rosekin knew what he should do."

"She does not match the Duke of our second mill!" Barcelo Koi snorted, then nodded: "I can only do this. In the end, the magic lived in the palace. The repair has lived in the palace, his Wangfu has been a long time. No one is tested, I know what race's devil is now in the side of the demon, maybe the king's official is convenient. After the army waited from the army, he sent people to clean up and then went, some will be temporarily placed. Within your own, I returned to my room, and the Springs see if the white bones on the bookshelf, the complexity is complex.

Is this, that is, this thing makes you missed a god of Devil, missed a chance to be invincible before three million words! Here is a medical room, and Koso is accepting treatment. When Dusug came in, Wei Wei was just out.

"How is it?" Xunz asked.

Wei Wei shakes his head: "I can do it is only suspended with his death, and those dead have been attached to his body. I saw that Wei Wei Li appeared in the hands of the death, opening:" This is the state of death into the lifeline, and the death Master can do it out. "Wei Wei's hand, this group is dead with the port of her hand.

"And if the Shengguang power is injected, it will destroy this feet." Kelly said that a bottle of black liquid in his hand poured into this spray.

Water was black, Wei Wei said: "This is what the big king is now encountered.

Wei Wei's face confused: "What is it? But you should see it in the temple, this situation, I can't get out of death, those dead have been integrated with his body."

"Why is dead with a body?

Wei Wei did not immediately answer, but paused: "Because, he is going to die. His body should be in an instant to extract with extraction, after passing out, he is going to die. The body is naturally blended with the dead. I actually. If I come later, he may be really dead. I can do it now, only to keep him a period of life, as for it

"Need himself?" Wei Wei nodded. Springs immediately asked: "If I get to him into the magic?"

Wei Wei shakes his head: "There is no use of the temple, his body is not tossing, your magic can only destroy the ban on me, causing him to die on the spot." Wei Wei shook his head: " At least, I still don't work now. If the teacher may have a way. We can now do enough nutrients in his body income, maintain your body consumption. Pray to the demon, he can rely on his body and Will come over.

Springs: "

The last thoughts of the Gods are all dead, but also pray for a fart! Barcelo's shoulder Survey: "You didn't do something wrong, this is the big brother's own choice. Wait, maybe there is a way to solve it after the father is coming back. Say if you, Barcelo To the sky: "Springs, do you say that the father of the father wins? Father said, the enemy's legend may not be just one. "

Do not worry. "Springs smiled and looked to the sky:" The legend of our side will not be one, right, two brothers are you want to stay in grinding? "

"what happened?"

"Prepare?" Barcelo Koh: "What is prepared.

Xunzu's head, then said: "More than one mother? Or, after

PS: Today, I have been drainage, I am clear that I have no problem here. I don't know how to use it. The previous 1248, clearly has been revised, and also sent a single chapter, ps: Thank you for a fat! !

Chapter 1,286: play the autumn wind

The Magical Attack and Defense has been over two days. Two days, the magic has nothing to do, and the whole process is a matter of gathering the army.

Dusus temporarily handles the things of the corruption, these things are originally Kosovo, but Koso is still coma. Throwing out an opening, I saw the group of nobles, I would throw things to the Sprout after I want to hammer them. For the prince, the prince, no desire, and the handaches are also a headache. The most important thing, Mrus has no experience in the nobles, or the experience of the Story, or you return this skin. Either you go, don't let me see it away from me.

But the Magic's aristocrats, but also made some pages for the city defense war. Dusus also knows that it is impossible to move anything directly. And it is not just aunt's headache, and the group of nobles in the Magic has a headache.

There is a calculation, and the three princes of the horrible, they can't run. Therefore, today's Magical Throne, Dusus looked at the aristocrat below, and the following nobles see if the above. The two sides are very eye-catching, and the scene is depressed.

Ok, there is a magic can be solved.

Duke of Eigbot with Fisi. This father and the two have helped it, and the hand is responsible for the revealing, telling this group of aristocrats.

At this point, it is the time of the show.

He looked at the next noble, slowly said: "Everyone, look at it. I remember that the Magic nobles should have a lot of familiarity. This is true, I originally bought the conference, Mrus But I saw a group of nobles.

A Marquis stands out, saying: That, the patriotic you are familiar with, die. "

"Hey, the king order, the monster confused, was given by the big prince, kill it.


Ok, now I don't know how to find words, I can't do anything.

"Cough and cough." Springs coughing two: "Duke of Eigbot, what is the saying?" This is the conversation. Eigbot is slightly smashed, and the opening: "This is the same in such a hall last morning.

These are not a matter of good luck. When I ended, I finally got the second magic.

"Some military." Springs opened: "The Magical is still infected, and the death of the death of the king is only suspended. It is now necessary to deal with this.

A group of nobles called a happy: "His Royal Highness! I will wait forever!"

Duus also stunned, this kind of astigmus does not want to live this group of nobles how will it be so positive?

But when I want to make a lot, I will understand, my grandmother, this group of guys wants to hurry to leave the devil. This is right and wrong! A large number of aristocrats have been chaos, and they are definitely the big brake, if they are normal, they are definitely unwilling to leave the devil.

But from this three princes, from this three princes in the performance of the magic battle, this three princes are a real brutal devil! ! They used to not live for the right, but after experiencing the robust life of the real life, they understand how precious.

The meeting was quickly ending, waiting until the nobles of the aristocratic field, the Shu Xun came to recruit a movie magic this shadow is always followed by Cruze's personal guard, the strength of the holy area. Now Justussic Treatment.

Barbara has also drilled it next to: "Yes, what is going on.

"His Royal Highness, I reminded one sentence." This movie magic felt that his status was threatened: "Miss Barbara, should not qualify to participate in the meeting.

"Yes, I am not qualified." Barbara did not let Monu are difficult, but said: "So I am stealing, the boss does not know."


This black shadow did not say anything, and it understood that He said: "Before Anderson took the king army, requested that the Koopo His Royal Highness opened the city gate, letting him hit the city, the temple refused, we talented with Anderson Get up. Then the Senate is not there, collective to make the palace, let the Koko His Royal His Hall open, and the Wang Jun came in. Barbara blinks: "Boss, this plot seems to be a little familiar. The Dragon Liza is also doing.

"We are a queen, they are rebels." Xunzu turned a white eye: "Can it be the same!

Special, Word looks to this shadow, and snort: "Senate this is always greasy.

"They estimate that they did not expect to be so decisive in Koso, and they directly ordered all those who said these.

Barbara is confused: "Are these people who are idiots? I don't have the lesson of the Cruze Blood Washing Senate ten years ago. How did this aristocity do not learn the lessons?" Springs palate: "The only lessons learned from history from history, that is, they never learn from history. After a big understanding, everyone began to wait.

It is not something else, but the return of Cruze. Anna's concern is: "The shell will not be lightning?"

Croaty's concern is: "Do you copy a few nobles?" This made the Springs suddenly rang, and quickly let Fisi have developed an anti-rebel army, then send the winter city to the city. past. On the same day, the two thousand-city defense army left in the winter in the city left the winter in the city, the winter of the magic, the city of the city, also departed.

They all their hands.

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