The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1378

At this time, a roar of a mistake came out from the first magic. Everyone's eyes have seen the past. Dusz is piercer: "It seems that Barbara has succeeded.

"Is it played, or the daily friction inside?" Wei Wei looked at Kelly: "So how do you say? Kelly

"I ask you Hu Hu! '

"Hu!" Kaili suddenly pushed: "Why not!"

I can't look hard in the dangerousness of Ailona, ​​she looks to the Springs: "What do we say?"

"Look at you." Xuus said: "Now go to help, these laps


"The half-step legend has not yet shot, are we worried about?" Kaili pushed the wafer, said: "Continue to continue.

Ai Lianna is just a good time! "I don't let it go! I will win late sooner or later!" Kelly hahaha laughed, don't be big, you. Tir Dad is estimated, I didn't expect, and I used a variety of ways to fliculate the Duke daughter to give it to the first in exchange for political chips.

At this point, a madness in his kingku, a won in a cancer, a mahna. If this is letting Tildad knew that he estimated that he had a blood! At this time, he is still inquiry if the official: "Where is the first magic?" Are you asked? "

"Asked." The mission is helpless at this time: "Their reply is before, or the sentence, on the road, right.

"They also said it two days ago!" Tildad's swear: "Is they the definition of the horse? Is there any difference with us!"

",, This commander is low, don't know how to return. Tildad took a breath:" Go again, it is that we have already played here.

When Tildad is told, Android Dagong has already ran in: "His Royal Highness! Not good!"

Tildad scared a machine: "Why is it bad? What new things are they come out? Or is it to the Undead March?"

"No." Andrews said: "Nini is not seen! No, it's not not seeing. This is this girl with a holy area, and I touched the Western District!"

"What!" Tildad was scared: "That will save Nini to save! She wants to come out, and the draft will definitely come to our Ma Shun!"

0s: There are two more! I have left the kitchen after I did a meal. Then just catch up with SKT to play G2, I can't help but read it, then,,, buy back, the beef, say to be a potato beef, now it is good, only to stew.

Chapter 1,298: Action

A team is going to Xicheng.

With the help of the devil, everyone did not have any accidents to Xicheng District.

"The next way, I can only leave yourself." This is said: "I can't play with you.

No! "The fear Mo Retri Di immediately said:" You know we are here, you are gone, we are not unlucky! " "

This mismuth shakes his head: "Don't worry, I will not sell you.

"Why do you believe you?"

"Because you sell you there is no benefit of me." This is said: "Now the royal family is strong with the Stella family, and you have to do it."

"If you have succeeded, I just help you rescue your heroes, which is good for me.

"If we fail?"

"Then you are dead." This is said: "Stella and those who have the third magic of the Third Mozu will not be in hand under the sanctuary, and if you die, you can become their new Fighting power. So once you fail, welcome you only to die, and I have come here, it is sincere to the Stirple family. If you die, there is no impact on me.

"Why do I do this?" This mantra is strange: "What is the benefit of the Sterler family now? Right? Money? Then? Give me soldiers let me go to fight? This I don't want to do it, they Give me something, I will pay the price. It is better to drag it with the name of negotiation.

"If I don't report you, no one knows me to change. If I report you, you can all be an aristocrat. The St. Stella family will definitely promote. My family has not come over, I will not Take this risk right? '

"What about Ni Ni?" This is a light road: "Nini is actually the proposal of this matter. She must have her own way. Now the barrier of the royal family is Android, Nini, will not let your father are difficult .T ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Nini Card opened: "I believe in him. Don't pass this, thank you for your help.

"I am also for myself, if you have succeeded, please don't forget my credit. We are friends, I will not be enemies with you.

rest assured. "

"The Temple of the Devil is familiar?" On the way to the road, they walked very cautious, the top of the top of the sanctuary flew over.

of course. "Several nobles are dissatisfied:" The most tired of it is the place.

Nnell Cor took them into a room, after dizziness, everyone began to discuss the plan. Nnei Cal opened a map, indicating that if he said: "This is our present position, we have to do it, it is here, enter the devil's biantian gate."

"Diagnostic] area is less soldiers, but the protection magic can, this time," Nnell Cole looked at the movie: "Rely on you.

"I have no problem." This movie is open: "However, the holy area is a thing that cannot be eliminated.

"This is a little thing." Nnell Cal said: "The Sare Special family did not have time to collect new magic fluctuations, or no need. Anyway, the magic fluctuations are just right. They use the first devil Moone wave frequency, in theory, all are recorded.

"This will naturally know that once the Sanctuary starts, they will know who is coming.

Nini Cal, "If it is a group of holy area to start up?" This is the magic, and then suddenly: "You said,

"I played." Nnell Cors said: "So many sanctuary went to the boundary line, when you got up, the sanctuary fluctuated can be very chaos.

"But our location,

Nnei Cole painted a line in the center of the land: "Here is the position of the battlefield." She got some bias: "Here is my location, don't forget what the boundary is based on what is the core.

"We know that this is where it is close to the boundary line, but the distance gap is still, unless,"

Next to the landlord said: "Unless the royal family is crazy to attack the Devil's Gods, our holy area fluctuations will be covered, or will not be noted not to pay attention to the specified location.

Nini Cole hangs a confident smile.

The wing of the devil: "Do you have a way to let the royal family attack here?"

"I gave my father a letter." Nneikor said: "Tell him that I have a way to secretly enter the Devil's temple, I have to save your Majesty.

Cui Dai said: "This, Android Dagong will definitely call you to cover it!"

"Will he stop us?"

"will not."

"Well, this problem is solved, then?"

Nini Curtle a zone, then painted one

Yep? "Several devils:" How do you know here? Is this something only to know? "

Nnell Corge: "The Sterler family also knows that when Hadi took me, I also knew.

"But here must have a heavy soldier?" Cui Di asked: "And there is almost in the Devil Hall, we suddenly appear, it is not soon being discovered.

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