The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1380

But after the crumpled, the green meteorization is to grasp, and those leaves are also dissipated to the spot.

Cui Di wore a roughness, and it was seen that it was not small to him.

"Still not bad, it is a high devil." That dark spirit smiled slightly: "It seems that you can come to this place is a little ability, but can stop it once, can you be the second twice in Lan? ? "

This dark spirit once again waved, and the new leaves were again formed. This time, it is more horrible. It is still a green leaf, this time is black!

This half-step legend, just let these holy regions completely lose their skills, and this trick, it seems to be a letter to pioneering! The dark spirit looked at the top of the most in front of the magic, laughed: "It's just that you want to hero, then I will fulfill you!" Black leaves swept! "

These black leaves are in direct caves, but there is no blood of the blood again in his body! The remaining leaves are flew in Nini Cal! Everyone understands that if they are hit by it, that is, the fierce!

But now, it is nowhere, or when they see the holy area, when they see the gods, after seeing the gods, they see half-step legend, the kind of weakness is again hit.

A huge rogue figure appeared in front of the magic, black leaves instantly dissipated!

That dark essence blunt: "Dear Duke of Dear, is your opponent miss?"

"Don't call me", Selt appeared from this dark spirit, he looked at the Andrews Dagong, and looked at Nnecol, then smiled: "How do you say that you suddenly be so anxious, ok, Android? The family is really iron heart, when I was married, I am now worried about my child to do such a dangerous thing. in front of Nnei Cole, the mouth is cold: "This is the education of Android Means, we cultivate a definitely talented heir, unlike some guys for so many years, the final role is to be killed by others. Android Dagong hands with hands, a large magic can hit the head! The magic of the two sides will collide in the air, but the next moment, a force next to it suddenly hit! Android big gimrings fierce!

He did not move, but his mouth has been oozed out of blood.

"Oh," The dark spirit is very different. "" There is nothing wrong with it, you can, no very regrett, you only have one and we have two! "This dark spirit has a stick, The dead is drifting from the inside, and this dark spirit has laughed.

"Semi-step legendary life, I am laughing!" PS: Today, then put this book!

"From the Sword Tour of the Wolf" Introduction: From the end of the scene, the snorkeling of the name of the famous country is sorrowful; the evil spirits of the ghost frightened, and then to the hero of the night. Three feet swords, smashing people. I called the string, this is my road to my sword.

Chapter 1,300: National Master is unparalleled!

"Father! Nnekor shouted, just rushing to pick up Android grandfather, and the latter is the rapids of the limbs, pulling out a deep gully on the ground!

do not come! "Android big public low:" Leave here! "And the sunny spirit wipes his hand, with a smile on his face:" Go? I am afraid it is not so easy? "

"Nini! Listen to me!" Andrews Dagong did not take this dark spirit, and the speed is very fast: "Leave the Devil Temple! This guy can't leave the Deva!"

The dark feelings took a smile, and I was so sinking: "How do you know!" Android Dagong only helped: "I am still wondering, a half-step legend, even if I use the array and magic The hub of the Temple, I want to seal a legend. It is also a little idiot. Even if he did it, he will definitely be killed in this place. I have been curious, Seli is relying on what seal, Your Majesty, I can still move at will, now I understand it later.

Selt did not precaution: "What is it used now? Want to go? Since you are here today, then don't want to go!"

To say, this fear is angry, the next moment, Android Dagong's eyes are empty! His body also trembled. Fenceful root capabilities!

This is from spiritual interference! This is not dead, but a unique power. This is the product of the night elf and the product after the end of the dead, a new element.

They have dead corrosion and life deprivation, but they have no adhesion, but the same, it has more diversity of the model of the firing.

When this black Yuanko's power is wrapped in Android, the Duke of Saatt has already likes the eyebrows, and he shakes in his hand, and a three-meter-fold black gun appeared in his hand! His foot is slippery, the long gun is directly in the black fog! The sound of obvious weapons appeared in the sound! A group of fresh blood came off from the dark gun tip.

Single silk Selt's face is not happy, because he found that it is too simple!

Even if Android is already limited by them, but it shouldn't be so simple! The top of your own ability is to make the dark spirits better, but the Android of the reaction must give the resistance!

But now, Android Dagong has no resistance! Suddenly, the color of the Raort is changed: "The ground cave shells!" Sure enough, the underground of a different magic came out, and a shadow brush drilled out! Caier did not respond over a time, and he was late when he responded. The giants pulled his arm and only listened!

Selt sent a scream, he held the hand of the long gun, has been pulled down!

The port level is not uniform, just like a huge mouthpiece.

: "Selt, your son is gone, isn't my wife still there!" No one understands this sentence, but in turn, the trembling of Selt is very angry: "Betting! You are dead!"

To say, he looked at the dark spirit of the side: "On! After this old kid shells, the strength is reduced, this is a chance!"

After saying, Sare is rushing directly, but the magic can be turbulent, and the broken hand is straight for a piece of virtual!

"You find it!" The Saiter stepped down, and there was a green hand in the place where the hand was blocked, and it consists of Yuan Co! Just like a mechanical kidney, and the dark spirit is a mouth: "Really, this can be made into this, too shameful. Saart black face:" You are on you! " Also, I am a devil! "This dark refined is cold, his statute is restored, saying:" There is a lot of ways to kill this guy, don't necessarily go up, you will hide, you will also catch, why ? Is it tired? "This dark fierce gadel fierce, then, in the sky, the wind is changing, the dark black clouds appear, and the dark yuan knot bomb down from the sky! The goal of this thing is not just the Devil Temple, also ,,,, There are many scope around!

To the surrounding range of peace of mind! That dark spirit is a happy smile: "See it, is this question not solved?" Saarthaha smiled: "Understand!"

He made a big hand, and a magic blade went to Nini Card! Android big public ancestors, the magic barrier pushes the sky and the air in the air, annihilating,

He himself appeared directly next to Nnell Cal, and only the existing model of the model was as a shield, and he took this next!

"So, don't he won't go?" The dark elves pointed to the sky, the darkness of the sky Sorgei is descended from the sky! I went to the place where the secret is located.

The Duke of Saati is no exception, haha ​​laughed: "Death!"

He waved the weapon and slammed toward the Magic Magic Shield of Android Dafu. Android Dagong shook his head: "Shantou, you are going to be you! I said, you are going to be bigger than me now!"

"We don't need to do this!"

Android Gong Gong glanced: "No! We need! I will send you out, remember, go out. Go to the second magic! Let them follow their own promise!"

"Father! If the second magic is not doing this!" Andrews the big mood flashed in a sorrow "That is God's first magic!" Hey! The magic crack behind Android Dagong! And the demon magic is to grab your daughter and thrown out!

However, the dark sound of the darkness appeared: "I said, you, no one can run!"

The power of a horrible Yuan Co will appear from his abundance, and go to Nnell Corgi! The sharp blade of Cyrt, has also smashed the magic shield, the huge magic can go straight to the Duke's face! Nini Card's eyes have been piled up!

Bang rudiment! The strange breath came, they suddenly went to the middle of the battlefield, I saw a small square on one of the handles, hahaha laughed.

"Hahaha! National Mother is unparalleled!"

All demon is stupid. PS: There are two more! ! Now after moving, the floor is low, feel the horror of Mei Yu, seems to be good at home, the high stay, there is no feeling.

Chapter 1,322: God? ?


The exciteful sound rang from both sides.

Android Dagong was surprised by the arrival of the Wussen!

Cyrt is also amazed at the emergence of Mrus! This guy seems to be in front of the quarter, and now suddenly appeared in this place! What makes them unremitting is, why is the two bugs that have no damage at this time! Just magic can be clamped, that is the distance, even if there is a magic next to it! However, what is their magic? What is it on?

Zhalus blinn, if the eyes look around, then I am embarrassed to ask: Is I buddy? "He has no hesitibus, holding the sword directly to the Suspension! The magic of the sky will gather, the whole sky is like a colorful, a magic C gather the huge sword vain, like a sky, foreign matter I'm smashing!

I have under, and the Springs lift the head and squinted: "This magic, it is a bit of glaring.

I saw him raising his hand slightly, reaching out towards the air.

Just a finger, greet the sky of the sky. This is a big knife for about 40 meters. The knife is parked in front of the handfint, and the dramatics is the Duke of Saar: "Do you know that the last guy in front of me, what is it? ? "

The Duke of Saatt was full, and he worked hard to control his magic, but found that the huge magic flavor did not listen to his call!

"This, this," Selite panic: "It's impossible! How can I do this!"

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