The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 290

Sure enough, after this sentence, the elf in the Tree Palace is so happy to talk.

One thing I feel that this devil is getting more than people.

Dusus looked at everything in the eyes, looked at the status bar, and Shandu shook his head, this is a house! It is boasting two sentences.

Then, Springs chatted with these elves, and in the end, I participated in the Elf Night Activity.

Oh, this is normal activity for them.

The content is probably a variety of sentences, or ... poetry?

However, Xunus heard their poetry is that the carrier is probably when a word can't expand into a thousand words, and a thousand words gave up the idea of ​​a bed.

It is estimated that it is necessary to be a fool by this wizard.

Long life makes the elf don't boring, and Springs do even want to play pages.

Fortunately, Croatia didn't ask Mrus to do, and the etiquette returned to their own trees after the ceremony was completed, and then lying on the bed into the system space.

This time, Springs are to sleep, but the group of night wits seem to have to start.

Inside the system interface, Xunus first went to the slave and observed it. The Babit was so that it has been completely adapted to everything in the game space.

And the player has, Springs just saw Anna entered the game.

This girl now seems to have received a task from a village, and is hunting World of Warcraft in the mountain forest.

For so long, Anna is familiar with this world.

She found a lot of red medicinal water, she found the task place, then brush brush brushing himself a few middle-level shields, then jumped directly to the strange pit.

Just listening to a bang sound, all the monsters were all fried.

Anna is skilled in picking up the useful things on the ground, and the rest of those who are chaotic, she can't touch it.

Anna, who was bombed the mission goal back, and the road is good and unhappy, and it is encountered a group of bandits that are being patrolling.

When Wutthon is interested, in addition to NPC, when he observed, he still saw the humanoid monster for the first time.

As a result, the group of bandits will run when I see Anna, I will run twice!

The mouth is even more shouted: "Help! Explosive Devils come again!"

This is from the back of the gas in the back: "Human! I am human!"

"It seems that you have a good thing." The righteous righteous rose, gave up the situation of watching Anna.

Now I will come to see when I am bored, how to say it, in this era of entertainment, watching this kind of live broadcast.

Still what can be broadcast.

Although the only large scale now is to take a shower.

The grandfather saw a clear lake in a beach, and he saw the door with Husky.

After a time, I still want to see Barbara, and the girl is not in the game.

In other words, she hasn't slept yet?

Silently gave the Mrus left after the merchants of Beicheng, he was going to prepare your own game.

In the heart, it is not to get someone else.

The cultural relics archaeological game also in Barbara love to drill in, but it is used to make money.

Dusus looked at the current network fee deposit, there were more than 100 pieces, which was a day when there was no threat.

Make money this kind of thing, or the peace of the peace is relatively fast.

Thinking of handwritten, the operator keyboard and the mouse have moved the brick, and the goods have been sold, and it looks like a novel.

Yes, novels.

Many of the equipment, weapons, and Dan medicine tasks are described in writing. This kind of worship can't be seen in the last life. At this time, it is already a novel.

Anyway, it is also idle, and the real boring is a torment in front of people who are not bored.

Although the game is the leather, the story is not the same.

For example, some people's task chain, automatic words are walking through the dialogue, and the task picks up the task to find the next person, then pay the task. Who will care about it?

But when Shu is looking at it, it is found that the task chain begins to be a village head. He let him help him find something to talk to what to keep up. As a result, a circle is found in the village, and the old king is in repair. Sist of the child and got a thousand.

Duus feels that the entire screen is full of magic.

Just when Springs have turned to see something, the time above the system has passed 12 points.

Next moment, the entire system space suddenly became bright, this moved silently a hand!

Just when the Word is wondering, the system sounds.

[Congratulations to the host through the newbie, at this stage, the system will be fully open]

[Anti-addiction system, release]

Anti-adder release? Word is a glimpse, say something ..... yourself ....


PS: Fourth! I am a bit slow today, because I accidentally open the dishes 5, then ..... this special movie is really long ..... Why don't think about the disc 6, have seen it ?

PS: Mom, 'Evil's Things' 'Equorous' is sensitive ..... Because some sensitive words are reviewed editing, how to say, how to say ... 'Storm' is a story Review editing!

Chapter 268: System evolution (five more)


Duus, unconsciously, I have been here for more than three months.

Recalling things that you have been in these three months, and Wrizzle always feels some incredible.

Before, this is something that I don't want to think.

"The first birthday of the world." Xunzu smiled, "actually or the system space reminded me. And still in the Elf."

I thought about it, and Springs felt still in the Elf.

If you are still in the magic, it is estimated that this birthday has just been over, Nnei Cal is packaged.

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