The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 383

"Female ... What happened to a girl?" Ai Lotna was somewhat dissatisfied.

"I have decided, I will go." Springs positive color: "I believe me, sneak into this kind of thing, I have a lot of experience!"

"Get the boss." Barbara opened a side: "When I went out, the Kalare Master deliberately, and she was absolutely to watch you don't let you do some dangerous things."

"Yeah." Croatia also said; "Master Carlis also specializes in me."

Talking about Croatya to Barbara.

The other side is bright, "Yes! Miss Barbara!"

"Hey," Barbara found that the situation was wrong: "What is it?"

"I think you can." Cornas can find a chance, he is brighter: "As a thief, this is a compulsory course? Your experience."

"I ... I am responsible for fighting!"

"But I remember that Miss Barbara, you always got a ghost." Dora inserted.

"That is a familiar terrain!"

Ilina blinked: "But don't you often say your first thief?"


"Unlike it."

Barbara is anxious: "I am a girl!"

Beibbobe said: "Nothing, you can't see your hair."

"You fuck!!!" Parbara is not enough to pick up the dagger.

"That is the Barbara with me." Springs said: "Since Kalare said that he did not want to do dangerous things, then many people should be good."

If Carliel is now followed, the Decision of Springs will definitely not agree.

Dusse also respects Carlisle's opinion, how to say, Carlisher almost everything is considering the Dus. In the view of Month, Carlisle is not only a housekeeper, and there is a feeling of elders.

So the West will always use some reasons to convince Carlis, that is, it is afraid that this all-in-one can worry.

However, this time Carlaire is not there, it is not necessary to think so much.

"What is the misunderstanding of the boss?" Barbara was shocked: "The place is in danger, the two are not?"

Duus is strange to watch Barbara: "said, do you usually be most interested in this kind of thing?"

Barbara grin: "If you don't have anything during the day, I have seen it now, but the boss has also seen it, then the place is so evil, what is the strength of it? Let the master come over, a sword is not All right."

Croatiaoke: "Barbara is indeed the most secure."

Duus is a look at Barba: "Our banned field is not a pit to death, and .........."

"Is it the same in the magic?" Barbara? "Barbara said:" Do not say that you can do it for what you want. At that time, Anna will take it outside, and I will encounter anecdote It's okay, you have to attract it by her, now ....... "

However, she didn't finish it, and Croatya suddenly changed: "Now we can also take responsibility."

Barbara suddenly stigted, and then it was incredible to watch Croaty: "Dear Queen! You don't say this! You just said that I said that I said!"

"The truth is reason, it is actually actually actually." Croaty took out his own scepter and referred to the back of the Amina: "Now it is not during the day, under the blessing of the moon, night elves The combat power is naturally not better during the day. In theory, even if the ban is in the field, the art can have some as it. "

Duus eyes bright: "What is the busy?"

"A lot of things." Croaty was waved in his hand, and only the polish on the stick, the top of the top of the mountain appeared in front of the top.

Croatya is open: "Queen is the artifact of the moon god, in addition to improving the strength, can also combine the moon magic to do something else, such as now, the moonlight is covered, we can see At the same time, as a god, you. "

A voice rang in the brainstream: "You can contact us directly."

Xunchu has grown up in Croatia: "Just the sound ....."

"What sound?" Barbara suspected.

Croaty is just a bit: "Yes, it is believers to communicate the gods, and you are God, naturally."

"What is the sound?" Barbara was close.

It's ignorant, but I asked Croaty: "Is this distance limit?"

"There is no, but time and conditions are." Croaty pointed to the sky: "That is to use it when there is a moon."

"I drop a turtle, this moon is a big satellite?"

"Satellite? What is that?"

"Nothing is nothing." Xusus quickly waved, and then pointed at Barbara: "What should she do? Can you become a vassator?"

"How do I become?" Barbara retired a few steps later: "Boss? I think the letter is very good!"

Ai Lianna shakes his head and said: "The condition that can talk to the belief of the moon is very harsh, but Miss Barbara is to believe in the moon, you can hear, but she can't hear it."

"In communication ... I can help." Cornus said on the side.

"Don't!" Barbara is anxious: "Your walking feed is old in the old man in the gullet! What can you! Boss, you don't believe him!"

Dusse is looking to Cornus: "What is the way?"

Cornus took out two things like the ear. "Short distance communicator."

Word 1: "Do you still have this thing?"

Cornas smiled slightly: "I am still a technician, have you forgotten?"

"Cheng!" Xiushaha smiled and threw a pair of ears to Barbara: "Prepare, we have to leave!"

Barbara's face bitterly passed through this ear, and then glared at Korsus to say: "Your wallet is also dead!"

PS: exhausted ..... All today ... Write a chapter to take a break ... There is a noise of a group of little fart in the train can't be closed.

Chapter 36: It seems that there is no kill reasons

"How can I follow?" In the dark, the two people were still constantly thinking about the giant hammer peak, and Barbara's complaints have been ringing in the Springs.

"Every time this kind of living is me, the boss, I ask for payment!"

"Are you still? You a person a month of gold coins enough to support a law security bureau!" Hidden in the cloak said: "Where do you still want to go?"

"That's not the same, the boss! You feel a rare, you feel like my all-round sneak enhancement, can you find a few?" Barbara crossed the treetops, touch the ear: "Just me If a person is, I have to do it, can you not get up? "

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