The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 446

Marcus is an official of this era. If it is in modernity, it encounters this situation that the national machine should be the first time, whether it is a disaster relief or a disaster-stricken public, and it provides food.

But in this world, who is the life of your leil? The aristocratic estimate of the heart is also the opening of your own granary. Of course, there is also a disaster relief, but it is usually the case of the victims, and there is no one care about this early stage.

Marcus is also a proposal to make a courage to Mrus.

However, Dusi thought about it, finally said: "This is not a solution, now the main problem is to hear, you go to Pos, let him lay some fire in the school, three-story school theory can accommodate more than a thousand Devils, residents can go to school to warm with their ID card. "

Marcus was shocked to look at the Sudu, and he did not expect that Springs now actually take these residents, which makes Marcus excited: "Yes! His Royal Highness!"

Markus, who is going to go, suddenly, he looked at the Wushes: "His Royal .... Poss .... Magic is enough? Is that guy is not the favorite small flame?"

"Don't worry." Springs smiled: "The guy is now not missing."

After Marcus, Croaty said: "This is not a way. This winter is at least two or three months, and I don't know how to snow."

"I know." Xuzu said: "We now need some people to bring back the resource you can warm."

Croaty laughs: "Who can go out this weather? It is not the ability to go out is a dead road, and the power is estimated to be suspended."

However, Dusus has been caught in meditation, next moment, the eyes: "Yes! The fault is going well! Dora, they should have come back!"

Said, Springs said: "Bruce!"

"At." A wizard escort ran over.

"I found Piedz."


After a while, Piusi rushed to run over, and his mouth breathed, there was no frozen.

The fat is for what you want!

"Have you looking for me."

"I need to bring one hundred people to the army out of the city." Springs said, took out a space ring to Pedes: "Pull out the car together."

Piedes took the space ring, I was inexplicable: "Let's go to do it."

"Shop Tree." Said: "The logging area stops because of the snow, I need you to bring the colleague that the existing wood is back. If there is other combustible materials OK, these trees do not enter the warehouse, after pulling into the camp, the city army cooperates with the Security Bureau to the civilians. "

"Ah? Oh ... oh ... understand." Piedz said, a little back.

Crone Ya is surprised to look at the Sudu: "Springs ... Do you use the army to disaster?"

Dusus smiled: "This opportunity is almost forgot, the military and civilian family are born! And .... This weather is not needed to have a problem?"

PS: Fourth! ! Every day, there is no new thing in the family ... uncomfortable. Today, I opened a lol, the unmanned team called two qualifications. I thought it was just five people. As a result, my father-in-law actually watched the battle.

However .... It is difficult to replenish it.

PS: invoicing ticket ticket! !

Chapter 423: Feelings Dract (Five More)

Third Legion.

This is the army of the guardian in the north of the second magic country.

Because this is bordered with the arms, the Third Legion is a Zerg Legion.

The Legion Zhongshaco is a veteran of a sanctuary for 20 years. The Third Legion Shengya is the three brothers.

A three sanctuary is a giant.

The second magic, several major legors are directly attributed to the management of the Queen, and the aristocrats have their own private soldiers and build, but there is a quantity limit. This set of Mozu, is not like a human aristocrats to master all legions, and every time I have to call the nobles.

At this time, Schola stood before watching the barrier built by the censoon, looking at the distant people.

This is a team, which is a high fear!

As this person is getting closer, this fear of the magic see Schola on the barrier, and the governor: "See Sacho uncle."

"Hadi." Schakhaha smiled: "You can really be far enough! From the third magic to our second magic, you are afraid to go back to my family. How did you get? "

That's right, this is the Little Duke of the first Mo's royal family branch - Hardy.

Hardy is just helpless: "I am also there's no way to uncle, Shuangfu Dragon prohibited access to the second magic territory, if I walked the second magic, at least three months can come to this Shahua Highlands, But if you take the third magic, it is enough for a while. "

"When I received your letter, I really didn't believe that you will run it." Schok let people open the barrier: "Come in."

The relative relationship between the Mozi is very complicated, because the marriage is constantly, so that even the different magic people, the distant farm relatives are also very common.

The blood relationship between Hadi and Schako really said that it is estimated to turn a seven or eight generations, but after all, the first magic and the second magic relationship is still good, from Android Dagong to marry their daughter to Springs. Out.

So, some communication is still there.

Hardi and Schola, the only one meeting should be the top of Hadi's adult.

Looking at the car behind the car into the military camp, Schako asked: "What is this?"

"Nature is a gift for you." Hadi smiled: "After all, I have to see you."

"Ha ha ha ha ha." Schako smiled: "The little Duke is really a good fortune!"

"Schako uncle is heavy." Hadi asked: "However, this time I have two holy area to guard this time ... I don't know this identity."

"Reassured." Schako said: "License I will help you, how many guards have you brought?"

"Guard 20."

"That is completely no problem." Schako received Hadi came to the castle.

Hadi got a circle, and he said in the mouth: "This cold frost is really famous, although this floor looks flat, but this is definitely hidden murder?"

Schola laughed: "The little Duke is coming is a guest, but you can't say this, can you say it?"

Hadi quickly gave his hand: "It's a reckless, just can't help but want to sigh, Sacho uncle doesn't care."

"Nothing, I just give you a wake up." Schola said: "After all, .... You are in a foreign land, you are different from the guests, talking or paying attention, otherwise I have encountered some guys who have drill angle tips. It is also trouble. "

"Sher Sagco uncle reminded."

"Speaking." Schola looked at Hadi: "You are in the first Mozi staying well, suddenly come to the second magic, or what is the place of Shahua Highland?"

Schako thought, then smiled and smiled: "Then I don't want you, I don't heard Nith Cor with the three prince's marriage cancellation? In the same time with Nini Large, this time, Nini Curt didn't come back. Later, I learned that she came to Shahua Highlands. I heard that this Shahua Highland is serious. Don't worry, I want to take people to take it. "

"Nini Card is coming to Shahua Highlands?" Schako said: "Why don't I know."

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