The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 544

The onlookers are like a road wall.

"Rebakers!" Rohn voice a little trembled, looked at these people's eyes, he always felt your heart!

"What do you have to do!" I can't stand the Rover of this eye.

The two wings are also trembled, this is what they first encountered. But since the young master has spoken!

Magic can then rise, they walk towards the residents of these winter.

However, even the muscles on the face are trembling, these residents will move!

Abnormal bleeding events will have an outbreak.

At this time, a broken voice came out, and the four shadows rushed from the housing in both sides!

Two wings have just wanted to make a react, they were directly thrown by the two movements!

I saw that the two stones were pressing these two wings, and the wrist is facing their throat!

These new comments have no exception, a white bunch of clothes, leather boots, shawl, head with white hood!

I still want to resist the two wings, I feel that after the cold touch of the neck, I still don't dare to move.

"The special police handle the case." A voice appeared around Hersen, I saw a whiteword ruthless: "Everyone is scattered, and the space is taken out."

A group of residents saw these guys and quickly spread.

This whitening magic squats, and striving to let Hersen helped Hersson and asked: "How do you feel?"

Hesson saw the people in front of you, suddenly excited: "Arthur! I am fine, these guys are ..."

"See it." Arthur migrated: "We are late."

"No ... It is already very fast." Herconasy eyes: "It is the signal of me."

"I have sent people to inform the hospital, your injury will be fine." Arthur said, watching the residents around, and then look at Hess: "You do it very well."

"The responsibility is shown." Hersson hampened, even if he was full of pain, he pulled a smile: "And I finally know ... I have to protect everyone."

After the body, an unharitable voice sounded at this time: "Arthur? The Arthur?"

Arthur returned to see this wing of the aristocracy, laughing: "Rohr Young."

After confirming the identity, Rohr was rampant: "It's really you! What are you doing, let you let your people put my guard! Hurder .....

If he didn't finish it, he saw that Arthur hand shake, and then he was over! Direct Rhle to the ground!

"I am in law enforcement, Roller." Arthur sound is cold: "All take away!"

PS: This is two chapters, but it is really too lazy, it is so much written. Anyway, it is recommended, nor is the location updated in the same time.

Ask today's recommended ticket! ! And now the 29th, the blade ticket in your own blade is inventory!

Thanks to Benon 10086's two soaps! !

Chapter 516: Urgent

"This is a kidnapping!! This is insult!! This is the trample of the noble dignity !!"

"Fast, fucking, go out! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

In the police station in the police station, Rohn screamed in the door.

At this time, a newcomer left behind, looked at an old man, asked: "Team leader, can I have given him two sticks? Too fucking!"

"Noisy is noisy." The old policeman was the public security officer in the early winter, the strength did not say, but the qualifications were sufficient.

And the review has also passed.

At that review, it is now stayed in the police station to continue as a security officer.

And there is no pass .... Now follow the old director to the propaganda department.

This old police officer looked at this newcomer, laughed: "People are aristocrats, the little guy knows what the aristocrat behaves?"

This new police seems to be only 178 years old, and the childishness is not taken off.

"His Tesque said that there is no aristocracy in winter, illegal is illegal!"

"The Hall also said that we don't have to violence." This old public security official is highly long: "Let him yell, you will not yell. This is the deputy director caught back. The deputy director is the magic, It is also more familiar. We'd better touch it. "

"What happened!" This newcomer is not full: "If you don't follow the rules, I have not knocked down, and the car who caught the bus has turned to play him! I dare to fight the police! Hersson I am still lying in the hospital now! "

"Well, it is good." The old public security official is in a traveler: "You are still small, I have heard that these aristocrats, usually can't manage the security officers."

"That is a morbid, those regulatory officials do not match the security officer." This new person looks at: "Director said ..."

"Don't say it, don't say it." The old public security official is a little pain, he waits: "Don't think about it, don't think about it. People are one in the middle, the special police are not in us, and there is no way. You go to help Sen's revenge is refreshing, in case you do something? You love your back book, now you can take it according to the process? "

This newcomer has suddenly been ignorant: "I am just angry! Hess, he is all made!"

The old public security official touched the class: "However, this is a meal? I remember that it is tight now, so we have to save it. The detention center has a meal. They didn't have to eat tonight."

This time, this new person who has been angry is happy: "Or former, you have experience!"

But the two are laughing here, a fat black horn broke into the Ministry of Public Security: "Marcus! Marcus guy !!"

The security officers within the bureau looked up and looked up.

The old public security official welcomed it: "The Minister of Bill, are you coming?"

"Give me this set!" Bill is anxious about what is like: "Laozi takes how long, the minister of the minister is this disgusting? Marcus!"

"Secretary and Deputy Director in the hospital." The old public security official smiled and said: "Not in the police station."

"No? So there is such a big scorpion, it is not?" Bill's breathe dried a glass of water and then said: "The nobleman you caught back?"

The old public security official pointed to the inside: "The detention center is concerned."

"Give me the key!" Bill touched the old public security official: "One of the moms don't live! Do you dare to catch it in the past?"

"Hey," The old public security official hurriedly retreated his own waist: "Is the Bill, do you do this, this is!"

"Can you do it!" Bill said: "Put him! Do you return him to the Public Security Bureau? It's a few nobles to find me."

Indeed, those who are watching Rohr is going to find Bill.

This sleek old fritters are the minister of the propaganda department appointed, and he is always in contact with these nobles. This old thing is happy to do this. Winter in the city is also suitable.

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