The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 556

PS: October ended, I am probably updated and updated in October .... 32W word ..... Many times I don't know what I do. Thanks to the situation where there is no reward this month, I still give me a blade, give me a reward! ! thank you all! !

Chapter 526: I wish you a long distance

Looking at the discouragement with the caravan, Demodi said: "How can I not think that there is such an episode, we can still cooperate."

Zunchi shrugged: "After all, the death of the friends is not dead, so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

: "Yes, I can only stay in the winter in the winter in the future, and the magic has to be responsible. But try your Fu Hall, I am now the Honglong Chamber of Commerce."

"Is this good news?" Springs smiled: "At least you look at you, now the company is nearly close."


"I mean, you don't need to rush on the road every three months every year, whether it is a back or arms or from the orc empire, it is convenient."

"This is also." Debi said, smiling, looking towards the rumor: "Still want to thank you."

Debi stayed in the winter city, and in addition to the Rock Kingdom, other countries have no agents. After the Dussen breaks this kind of thing, it can be sold out to take the money. He Jie has suddenly realized!

He found himself in this time, 'This good thing should be left in the orc empire, but if the danger must put an end to' misunderstandings.

As for why I didn't expect it at the beginning, it was probably because deposited in the effect of the contract.

The first reaction that everyone sees a good thing is to leave themselves first. Coupled with the agency problem that Hunus said, the Red Dragon Chamber of Commerce will only fall in the dead circle that can only be sold in the orc Empire.

Moreover, it is not a local business to sell this contract, and no one will dare. It belongs to something that can't be sold.

This is also a problem that Jose is proposed.

However, Dusus let Hey rest assured, saying that some people help do publicity.

For example, Jeregain Chamber of Commerce.

As long as the Jeregian chamber will play the effect, the "black goods" in the hand of the orcs will definitely become hot.

Just as a fruit phone.

Parallel can form a profit and high market.

After being woke up by the Dusseus, Jose was open, especially the experimental field risk transfer theory.

No country is ignorant.

There are orcs, and there are also human passages. There is also a batch of guys under the hand of the Chamber of Commerce.

Duus did not care about this, and the scorpion is just the allocation of this cake. He can even buy money to buy, as long as the agent's part of the money.

A cake is exclusive to become a national universal enemy, but if you find a few giants, someone will give you a knife in front.

The money to make money, and the money earned by the free game is completely two levels.

Time charging and mall charge is the big head of Make Money.

After the agency fee for the one-year-old gold coin, this old plug has returned to the first batch of one hundred contracts.

When I left, I also left Lei left, responsible for the business of Winter Municipality.

If you say that the business center of the previous Mozu is in the magic, then Jose has already understood.

Moth is the most important.

"Thank I, I don't have to make money." Springs smiled and gave a contract to the priest, said in the mouth: "Send you, you will find that this world will increase The strength is more valuable. "

"What is more valuable than strength?"

"Just say it to you." Month mysterious laughed: "Of course, others should find it quickly after a while."

After all, Debi saw more, in the face of the words called the famous school, the slightest, the opposite: "His Royal Highness, you only say that the first half is okay, then the half of the half said, do you not feel the atmosphere?"

Springs: "Amount ..."

"Information." Springs have collapsed a joke, the opening: "Does not need the information supported by the elements, the dream world is also a world, the value of the ultra-distance information is more valuable than personal strength."

Debi stunned, she looked at the contract, and looked at it again.

"I now know why you will get this kind of gratitude." Debi said: "His Royal Highness, you seem to be more far better than everyone."

Duus is modest to laugh: "That is just that I get to be more early. When this thing is used, it will be discovered this hidden value."

However, Debi came to Wugu, the head was posted in the Shuzu ear, whisper: "But I still like the temple, I only give me."

After the body fierce, he withdrew him next to him and looked at this beautiful snake: "Debby president, I just opened a joke."

"Then please open this kind of joke after the temple." Demai said with aunt who waved his hand: "The Chamber of Commerce retrans into a bunch of things in the past few days, I will not bother the hall here. I wish you good luck. "

Said, Debi twisted the waist and left the castle of the dragon.

Duste is touched the chin, self-probing: "Is it interesting? Is this a Raiders? But ......"

During the head, walk towards the castle, but just turned, he saw Croatya standing at the door.

In an instant, the Dusus felt a cool and swept!

Wish me luck.....

damn it! That snake is deliberate! !

"Is it talked?" Croaty didn't say much, but turned to the house: "If you talk about it, come in."

"Hey." Xunz quickly chased the past: "When are you coming back?"

"I came back early." Croaty came out a document to handle the hand, the mouth is in the mouth: "The new group of cultivated land plans, your first batch of fields have been all emitted, and the quantity may be some Not enough. Now everyone makes money in the city, but after the aristocrats have gone, the problem of cultivated land will come up. You are opening someone. "

"Oh oh." Duus took this document and saw Croatia to go back, and the Shu is careful to ask: "You .... Is it a bad mood?"

"Is there a bad mood?" Croatia's strange look: "Why do you have a bad mood? Are you doing?"

"Ah ... hahaha, I ... can I do!" Springs played hahaha.

Croaty's questioning is a gift!

"This is not a bit tired." Croaty said, walked toward the second floor, but when I just got halfway, the Queen went back to the head to look down: "Yes, ask you one thing."


"I heard that the US Dost" is quite quite, I am curious, do you have to bring back the mainland? "Said, Croathan continued to go up, said:" Don't answer me, yourself I want it. "

Springs: "........"

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