The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 598

Even Marshall think so!

"Oh is right." Xusu took out a small bottle to see Marshall: "This is the half-body seasoning that I have purchased in the winter. It should help you bake soup for your barbecue."

A group of mercenary eyes brush it red.

Half people's things actually represent two words - delicious!

Marshall swallowed oral water, then he took a deep breath: "No ... No! This kind of thing .... destruction. Destruction of the wild!"

Zunus I heard a burst of cool sound and the sound of the mercenary teeth.

"Oh, sorry." Springs apologize: "I don't know if you like the original."

"Don't!" Fihi has ran over, and the fat face is full of smile: "Mr. Xuus is not misunderstood, our young master is .... He is a taste! But we are different! We I like this thing! "

"That's good." Springs handed the seasoning to Philippine.

Marshall is anxious, "Fili, what are you doing!"

This is not a fool, and suddenly says seriously: "Young master, you can rest assured! I know that you have different tastes, we will give you a dedicated."

A bunch of mercenary does not need to say, hurry to help Marshall out of his one.


Marshall looked at the food that had a seasoned food and his hand, and looked at the three people elegant eating a big dinner. He looked at the white meat soup in his hands, and suddenly five questions were asked.

He bite a barbecue, and he western yourself that he feels that this man saved everyone is an enemy. It is to do it with him?

PS: My Mom .... This chapter has been used for more than three hours ... The fingers are shaking ..... burst more later, this is .... and think about it today Code,., Really fuck desperate. The blade rewards the monthly ticket to comfort my heart.

PS: Thank you for your dream of 3,000 100 blades! Thank you sixteen nights of Yushui's one hundred knives! Thanks to the 30 blade of forgot! Thank Tianya's 30 blades! Thank Hu Jiaqiang's 23 blades! Thanks to the 23 blades of the feather! Thank Dush's 30 blades! Thank you for your 20 blades! Thank you for 20 blades! Say, what is 23 and 30? Why didn't you choose this figure.

PS: Thank God knows _ Xiao Hui's favorite one! Thanks to the end of the sky!

Chapter 564: Barbara can be ridiculed

On the third day of the front, everyone is the ability to have a lamb, so the speed of the road is still very fast.

According to the estimated estimates of Philippine, the top is more than two days, everyone can see the border city.

Entering the border city, how can you get more convenient? After all, human beings are domesticated and domesticated to fly Warcraft, come to use the transportation.

There are even some big cities with magical airships, which can be described as normal things for humans who don't have to eat and drink, master the most fertile land of this continent.

However, no matter which, it is prepared for the aristocrats and high-end people.

These are not Philippiece, telling the motion, after all, the identity of Springs is now a human, these basic common sense of things can't ask, so I can only knock on the side of the side. Therefore, the information acquisition is extremely difficult.

But I also talked to some.

"Say." Marshall said before, a woman said: "Wang Guo Youth Junben young master does not know, but how to say that eight nine is not left? Pass your name? What is your last name? "

Springs have time to hate the IQ Marshall.

I suddenly low, when you adapt to his silly, you will suddenly suddenly get out of your core.

And when you stay with the enemy, when you treat him, this guy will tell you what is insulting opponent.

However, it is preparation to this.

"Kingdom seven major banks, sixty-eight cities, thousands of aristocrats, merchants, Marshall, you said you all know?"

"Amount ....) Marshall.

I am just a kind of question, how did this person really?

"I know, I don't know if you say it!" Michelle took the chest: "This young master doesn't say anything else, this memory is still good, you said your last name, I said I may not I will know. "

"Christed." Said the mouth.

"Who is your special pit?" Marshally attacked: "I can't afford this young master! Which of the Christine family is not met!"

"Well, I just see if you are really fake." Xunus continued: "Rosieldone."

"Well?" Marshall stunned: "Is there this surname?"

He also looked at his own housekeeper.

Philips shakes: "Don't know young master."

"Rosenie ....." Michelle testicity asked: "Which is the province?"

Mr. Hudu: "Blue Star Provincial."

"Ha?" Marshall is even more embarrassing: "There is also this province of the kingdom?"

"Of course, there is no time." Swugu said, "Wang State, the kingdom, where is the blue star?"

"Then what you said ..." Marshall said half, suddenly eyes: "lying in the groove! You lie to the young master!"

The guards who followed next to it couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey." Watching sighs: "You have to consider the half-day, you have to be cheated, you still have something to know? Let's see it. it is good."

Marshall suddenly anxious: "Hey! Who are you looking! You still have reason to lie to me!"

"I use you completely know and express good way to ask you, you haven't seen you, you haven't seen it, but I am too much. The kingdom does not know, you said you are Not living, is it being cheated? "

"Fart!" Marshall is high, but it is another meal.

"No, I ask which family you are? What do you mean by give me such a answer?"

"Meaning, I don't want to say."

"No .... Don't you want to say?" Marshall is completely embarrassed, or he heard that there is a touch of answers: "Don't want to say what it means?"

The handy face is confused: "Do you understand it?"

Marshall: "........"

"How is your person talking so much!" Marshall looked at Barbara: "Is this this person usually like this?"

Seeing this scene, Ai Lotne sighed, this person is looking for, who is not good to find Barbara, ask this question.

In fact, Marshall is also considered, and Master is a magician, Irea is not very talking, saying that the magician around this guy is like this, so he can ask if it can be Barbara.

Barbara looked at Marshall, then smiled, smiled: "No. Boss is not like this, he can don't have this patience, usually only talk to vulnerable groups."

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