The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 628

Just when the woman was ready to continue yelling, the door opened, there was a voice of Shuzu: "Come in."

"Go in! Well!" The woman shouted: "We are afraid that you are not."

After that, she looked at the man around him: "Dean Charles, you?"

Charles nodded: "I went to my wife with you."

They walked into the living room, and they were sitting on the chair and stood by Fisher.

After seeing Charles, Fisher loudly: "Dean Charles."

He is reminding the identity of the Sprinter.

Looking at this strong man, Dusch knows this is another holy area of ​​Griffin College, but .... This is a bit similar to Marshall.

"Cough and cough." Cough and cough. Although Charles did not see the Sinus, I learned about it with the Academic Affairs Office when I came. I know this is a professor of Darwin's new trick.

But after I saw the Springs, he secretly surprised, such a fleeon child, is actually a high level?

Where is this monster?

"That." Charles took the lead: "Professor Xucus, these two are the parents of Dakoto classmates, come to find out what Yesterday's classmates were beaten in the college."

"Have the person who hit my son!" The woman shouted: "What is the world! Do you want to play people. Charles Dean, you have to give us an account!"

"Sit first." Said that Springs said faintly.

"I don't sit." The woman is not full: "You will give people people first."

Xunzu shake his head and waved his hand.

A piece of intangible position is emitted out. The family of Dhako only felt a huge force hit, and three people did the chair.

Charles naturally found a small action of Springs, but he had received the fault of Darwin before it came.

Tell him that you don't have to help, let thessic yourself solved.

So this time, Charles did not say anything, did not stop the Springs, did not speak, I also sat down, just said: "Professor Xu, you have to give an explanation?"

On the other side, the woman said: "This, what we can't move! President Charles, your professor threatened us!"

Charles is looking to the West.

"I just let everyone calm down." Springs said: "Calm down can talk about it."

"My son is being hit! There is still what is talking! You call my son and talk about it."

Duus shakes his head: "This lady, you have never thought about why so many people don't have a hand, is it a son?"

"You mean!" The woman is angry: "You are hit my son, it is!"

Dako smiled, this sentence he has heard, but he knows, in front of his parents, this is useless!

However, only listening to the Siqi said: "It's not if there is any reason, but I'm cherished."


"Only genius can find genius." Springs said: "I am 18 years old, just in adulthood, it is already high-level strength, preparing to impact holy area. Darwin dean broke me to recruit me, just to let me help her. A person who is difficult to find out. "

Charles is a bit embarrassing, no, Darwin not said that this professor is particularly rich?

"Don't give me this set!" The woman shouted.

"Ignorance!" Xunzha is on the table, angry: "A ordinary person who has no datness, the elements don't understand the Machi! What to shout here! You don't know yourself to teach What is it! Do you want to die! "

The show is full of regrets: "I saw the child from the first eye, I saw the potential of the sanctuary from him! But, the foundation is not strong, or the chaos can! A beautiful jade, followed by The dog is the same! "

Charles looked in Dako and his heart was confused. No, this kid magic talent is not like. The middle class is rooted.

The woman was scared by the woman, and I haven't reacted what is going on.

He is around, the man opens: "Sanctuary? Teaching you seriously?"

"I guarantee the name of the Griffin College!" The sound of the sound was powerful: "I saw his potential."

"Cough and cough." Charles crazy coughs. Who is your mother! How to make a reputation of Griffin College!

"Lord you." The woman looked at this man.

Springs are now regrettable: "It is this child's character, the magical practice, the character is a big problem! Even if the talent is high, the character is not palace, the hometown, the delay, the magical disorder, the last magic anti-alternation. Possible Low-level can't see, but the more high-level magic, the unstable magician. The more prone to problems when the curse makes it. If you have developed, you will be a dead end. Yes, Charles Dean "

Charles thought about it, nodded: "Yes."

But Charles wants to be more and more uncomfortable, saying that it is true, but .... It is not a high-order magician who can't use high-order magic. This kind of thing is in theory, but there is no thing in real real. And ... heart and character ... Is this a code?

The man suddenly became nervous: "Is there a danger of life? Professor you mean?"

Duus saw Dakako, this teenager saw the smile on the Hunus. But at this moment, he feels that he seems to be gazzled by the devil, and he has made a cold war.

Only listening: "Your child is not usually impetuous, you feel that he can't do his heart. I want to teach him a lot of things, but this kid is not learning. I don't care about the family industry. Usually you know to squander. Don't understand your hard work, usually don't give you something less. How do you spend a lot of gold coins for this? "

This time, even the woman didn't talk.

The man has grown up his eyes: "Professor, how do you know!"

PS: I feel a happiness at home, get up in the morning to go to the toilet, the electric light is broken. Call the property to find a master, people tell me what I need to buy a light, I will go downstairs and buy a master and other masters. As a result, it is necessary to look at it.

I can only go to the Hardware store to buy, go downstairs, find a hardware store. Rain on the road. I bought two, people want me fifty. When I came back, I asked how much I did, I said fifty. The master is shocked, so black.

I check it online, my grandmother ... ten dollars ..

After the master gone, I wanted to take a shower. Washing it is general, the water heater suddenly swift, I don't know if it is fell back. from the water heater. Scared, I quickly wiped my hand, and I ran to the head to pull the electric gate. Then go back to the bathroom to unplug the hot water. At this time, the bathroom is already a sauna.

Then .... I found that there is still a hot water in the shower.

Contact the landlord, she said to find the master repair, and now have not come.

And the water heater is now free of hot water, or the water is drained.

Counting the water pipe before, it is normal, but it will not add a microwave oven, and the refrigerator that is not used .... I am a mother ... I have n'thing to do last year, I'm making hair in these months. ...

Oh, yes, sometimes I will break the network line from time to time ...

Chapter 593: This is for him.

Duste said: "I know this, I also know that this little child is not so much don't listen to your words?"

"Yes, yes!" The man told his head.

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