The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 630

Darwin's office, Muscus looked at Darwin in front of it at this time.

"What are you talking about?" Darwin was dissatisfied with his face at this time: "And it should not, the family is very savvy, how can you give you fooled?"

"What is this?" Springs smiled: "I really thought that I would like to be a full thing? Most savvy people are only particularly savvy in this line. Maybe there is some additions to other places, but Industry and things that don't know all at all, who can guarantee perfect to switch? If it is talented in other places, you can do it, and Lu's Lord will not be hanged. "

"What is messy?" Darwin frowned: "No, you are the same as the college as a shot!"

Duste arbitrarily: "I don't deny it, but how do this? Darwin dean, what do you think they really believe me, or being tempting?"

"within Temptation?"

"Yes." Springs nodded: "It is tempting by a 'obeying child'. Any parent is actually a pair of children. I have a college background, with the strength of the words, the future When temptation, but ..... truly determines the hand of the human heart. Anyway, the college can't run here? As a businessman, regardless of the letter, this investment is Don't you try it? "

"Moreover, do they have any reason? Do I guarantee what is actual loss?" Springs laughed: "This is a potential trade-off. It is their own tell themselves. I can believe. I Just give them to the behavior of their children to find an excuse and hope. "

"Believe me, although this is not a good thing, but no matter what the era, never lack this."

Darwin did not speak, he talked about his life, for a long time, she only said: "You are sure you are the descendants of the brutal devil? Instead of fraudulent kings?"

Duus eyes blink: "The king of fraudupes is not? Now the three magic princes, fear of the devil, the cruel devil, the bloodthirsty king. Where is the fraud?"

Darwin is a meal, asked: "You guarantee what their family is not finished,"

Xunzus is confused: "If you don't finish it, I haven't finished it. I should go back to the winter. He also can run the winter to find me troubles? Or I still use a small man in winter in the winter, how to think of?"

Darwin said, then it is incredible: "You really don't care in the name of Griffin College!"

"Oh, you can rest assured." Differently said: "Let a low-level kid are too simple."

The hand flashed in the hand on the hand: "It's good to electricity."

"I am still ... I saw such a educated people."

"Don't try it easily." Springs said: "Good Darwin Dean, you can answer me? Is the guy's parents a lot?"

"You are all of the business fairs, what is your strength, is it recruited?"

Dusi nodded.

"There are many domestic merchants." Darwin said: "Because of the special circumstances of the kingdom, even if there is a special ordinary person, it can still stand in the high position without entering the aristocratic circle. The kingdom is in violation of the mercenary of the contract, Guards, followers have the most stringent law! Any betrayal is not allowed. So the Lock Kingdom is now. "

Zunns thought, then laughed: "It is really in line with your kingdom. Sure enough, the feudal dynasty is in order to consolidate the royal rule, he is the legend of recruitment, so the person below You can recruit the sanctuary. This law ..... very real. "

"You can understand this." Darwin said: "But only some lucky guys enjoy this welfare, the truly noble is in a lot of things, how to say ....."

Springs played a yawn: "Look at your tolerance. This is very explained, politically correct."

Darwin's head: "This word is fresh."

Said, Darwin looked to the Shu: "Let's talk, are you going to find me, what conditions?"

Xunus looked back to this college, and the final eyes fell inside the alchemic laboratory: "I am thinking that Griffin College needs to exchange students?"

"Exchange?" Darwin frown: "and the second magic?"

"And Winter Mountain."

Darwin stunged: "Is there a college in winter?"

"Alpha School." Springs said: "Just built, the students are not much, but I have confidence to develop it. So .... Condition is to exchange students. But you first support us several students kind?"

Darwin went to the eyes of Shu, and then the expression on his face was wonderful: "It turns out that you look at our alchemy laboratory."

Dusc laughed: "It seems to look at talents and knowledge, of course, the students we exchange will not be poor."

Darwin was silent for a while, and finally she opened: "I am willing to lose, but this is some cooperation. If I need something?"

"Dominant." Said: "The holy spring will not be less."

"Transaction." Darwin's opening: "But ... waiting for Anna's things to say."

"No problem." Springs smiled: "The last question, do you know Marshall?"

"Which Marshall?"

"I broke into the Marshall of the Moist."

Darwin face madness: "The guy is caught by you!"

"It seems that we are talking about it, rest assured, he is very safe. I came to the road to Lock Kingdom to meet him. Just saw Professor Charles found that they found some similar, I would like to ask."

Darwin was relieved, then nodded: "You guess is right, Marshall is the son of Charles. However, one month ago, this kid is not going to find Anna after picking up in Charles. Result ... . Halfway does not know what is going on, suddenly bringing people to the Mozi territory. Because of the contact with Anna, Charles not only said to the above, but even hide itself. Fortunately, Marshallia The chandise has been bright. Have you seen him, how is the specific situation? "

"It should have been on the road of the meeting." Springs said: "Save it back a group of people."

"This way. That's good, this kid is not bad, run to the Mozu to save people and come back."

"Hehehe." Springs came: "If you encounter me, they have been buried in the big forest, oh, this, the deputy dean owes me a person."

Darwin walked to his seat, opening: "I can help you remind Charles, but you don't need ..."

She didn't finish, and the Springs immediately positively: "Then thank the dean of Darwin! People I never too much!"

PS: The monthly ticket list is so big! ! !

PS: Tomorrow prepare a small outbreak, a wave of dinner, so .... I want to ask and have a monthly ticket blade?

PS: By the way, the place where I am now living is a little small, I feel that I can't afford the cat's toss, and I will change the place in the place. Of course .... I really let me refuse this idea is to see a picture .... Kitten big cat color gap can be so big?

Picture: "Straightened", Location: "Images / 1542383344-100072907-102611775.JPG"

Chapter 555: Good people (four more)

"This is three days."

When Zunus got up in the morning, a face was depressed: "What does the dark brother will react?"

Anna is on the side, there are some anxious.

Ai Lotina is said: "Maybe the same has been expired?"

"Don't you ask us?" Said the testiness of the dramatic: "Barbara, can you find the Liaison Office of the Nick City Dark Brotherhood?"

"I can try it." Barbara said: "But the boss is serious? Anna is now chasing, do you have to take her to the Dark Brothers?"

"Anna, of course, stayed in the college." Springs said: "Let's go find a question."

Barbara got up: "I always feel hanging."

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