The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 671

"Oh oh." Barbara quickly poured a water to Anna.

This guy is so honest. After the reason, this guy is walking after the 9th, and the Springs and Barbara have Ilina explained why Anna will become like this.

However, it is not the information acquisition of the system space, but the knowledge of the Mozu.

Anyway, Master is unclear, more explanation is unclear, just let the two people understand that Anna's head has a bunch of explosion knowledge.

Finally, I still have a sentence, I don't know if I will blow it.

Barbara had honestly, I haven't thought of Anna's sleeping prank, and observed Anna's kindness, she hit her mortar gun with her arms.

Including now, see Anna drinking water, Barbara is gratifying: " , drink more, don't blow it, don't blow it."

Anna, who heard this sentence, coughing, almost did not be killed.

"You are sick." Anna had a little whiteworn face to recover some blood color.

"You don't care about her." Xusus saw Anna, hurriedly asked: "Those knowledge ... is it in your head now?"

Anna slightly closed eyes, then nodded: "Yes, this feeling ... is very strange, I feel that my brain seems to have someone in the head to write the next logic formula, draw a road Magic line. I am even if I want to forget this, I can't forget it. As long as I think of them, they will appear in front of me, I have inside my memory. But ... "

"But?" Xunz suddenly tense.

"But although I know these things, many places have not been understood." Anna wrinkled: "There are many formulas and nouns I don't understand, of course, there are some of me clearly, I ... I don't know How to describe this feeling, anyway, it is clear in my head, but I need time to remember it. I don't know how you can understand it. "

"Understanding understanding!" Said that when the English class was called by the teacher, the head is full of labeling. It is probably this feeling. Can pass, but I don't know if I am talking about it. What the hell."

"What is the language?" Don't talk to Anna, Ilina and Barbara are a confused look.

"I just met myself to understand." Springs grin: "As for English .... Well, you don't care. Dou is Anna, do you need time to adapt now?"

Anna nodded: "Not only is adaptive, I think I still need a mentor to teach me what these things do, I should have action? He may have needed to go out, help me find Two family masters came over. "

"So." Barbara is a confused opening: "What is the money in your own pocket?"

Anna didn't think about it for a long time. I didn't want to understand what I mean: "Is this relationship with the gold coins inside others?"

"Affirm the gold coins, it is definitely my gold coin, but I have to think about it."

Barbara said.

Anna thought for a while, and finally came: "It seems ... It's so truth."

Springs: "........."

"It's over." Ilina looked down: "This is ran away."

Watching sighs: "Hey, I thought you can have a harvest of , now it seems to be all waiting."

"Harvest, harvest is still there!" Anna said, his wrist turned over, a small fireball appeared on his hand.

"Hey I exercise!" Barbara jumped three meters away, and his two words did not say two words, and set a magical shield on himself.

However, there was an unexpected scene, and I saw that there was no explosion of the fireball, but it disappeared.

Anna smiled slightly: "This is harvest, the ability to control the magic has increased, now .... As long as the magic does not leave me, they will not explode."

Ai Lotna eyebrows pick: "I always feel that this is a bit problem, magic? Two meters?"

PS: When you find there, there is always a group of guys who like to lift the bar ... It met a dead life yesterday, I didn't admit that others strong, and I also took a big word to say the result. Today is, others spread the Qin Qin was arrested, he was in the mutual drunk, I wake up, said that the penalty was too heavy. A little written in a little bit. The result was posted by the village head to the original text, asked, you told me which site will dare to write this. Then change the mouth, there is a time in 0708. Also, a group of 0708 came over the author hammer, saying that this full story did not write this full story. Finally, the man did not say a book name disappeared.

PS: Then .... I don't know that I have passed the last three hundred words for two hours .... Sure enough ... can't be saved.

PS: Take ticket! This month, the ticket recommended ticket blade is terrible ... I am embarrassed to say the kind ...

Chapter 630: The wind is particularly husty

Time is very fast, and the hand is very pleased.

The human country stayed, and it is much better than the Mozu.

Especially in the college, you see a little girl exudes youthful.

Ah, this is the passive thing to use it for human beings?

Zunus shouted in his heart, and Laozi wanted to experience the thrill of surrounded by Miss Aristocner!

But this does not exist, but the side of the aristocrats is a lot.

After all, a series of operations in the college can be described as a household name.

Everyone knows that there is a high-level professor who is still less than 20 years old and let a group of student service posts.

Some people tried to find Sudent, I hope to join his course, but it is rejected.

There are a lot of rumors in the college, and some are positive, of course, there is also negative, such as those students who have a lot of students.

Even some tutors are not open to the behavior of the Muus course. Of course, they are really no teeth, or they don't know when they are licking.

"Anna?" Marshall came to the house, and the eyes were crazy.

Now I am Ana wake up, I'm taken out the next day after Anna is awake, I took a look at the old lady who looked for 80 years before I came to the college.

Master of Sanctuary.

This is the master of a holy area, you look at Darwin's unfair.

And these days, Anna has been in learning.

If the class is not over, I arrived at Darwin every morning, I will come back at night.

"Darwin is over." Xuzu looked at Marshall and shooting: "What do you mean by I have been looking for?"

Marshall said: "Anna's house is clearly repaired, how can you still live in this?"

"Where do I know?" After a reputation: "Maybe I am more lively. What do you mean by this day?"

"I am coming to remind you!" Marshall looked at the Sudu: "Let's see if you have too much things!"

"Hey." Dussens didn't have the show: "You see you said this ..... You have this thing at night."

"You!" Marshall Zhang Zhang did not know how to answer.

Because he has been there at night, then be blocked outside by a magical array.

I would like to be called to make a dramatic, and the results did not come out, Anna came out.

Original Marshall is still very happy. As a result, I was labeled with a fireball, and a discourse I had to rest.

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