The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 710

"I feel it." A green ghost said.

"I also feel it?" Another green ghost replied.

After the finishes, they settled.

and many more.

What is the three feelings? That .... I didn't feel the sound?

A green ghost face suddenly changed, he suddenly turned.

But it is late!

A touch of cold is suddenly rolled on his neck!

Blood spray!

This green ghost falls from the sky, and the squat is in the ground, then the two eyes are awkward .... Thoroughly, there is no breath.

At the same time, a green energy is turned out!

Barbara is in a rush, jumping directly from the forest to the outside of the ridge!

The monks heard the sound of the sound, and the Barbara who was jumped out and a green energy cut off a big tree!

"Barbara learning sister." Fisher saw Barbara to turn over, thinking that he had attacked, go straight to Baibai!

"Go back!" Barbara sternly.

The green energy is coming again, and the Barbara Wolf is a roll!

She wants to avoid it. It is very easy. As long as the magic is attached, this level of attack is nothing to do.

However, there is also a group of Fisher, and Barbara can use only the body of its own combat skills and high-level moisture, the top more hidden, the elements .... Green Magic is too conspicuous .

Dusus also felt that the magic of the familiar, he looked up, and a shield covered in his own student.

A bat is just from the inside, they rushed to the shield, one by one like a moth, the fire is generally for ashes!

The huge figure has been flying out of the woods, and his side is still following the two faces fierce green ghosts.

"Devil!" The students shocked.

Where is this devil?

Fisher glared in his eyes: "Higher devil? Where is the high devil in the kingdom?"

Monchi was in front of his students, his eyes narrowed, and his hand was low: "Back."

Several students are incomparable, and after connecting.

The black corner fear magic shot from the forest from the forest, in the mouth, praise: "Not bad, your quality is much better than before. Is it a border aristocracy?"

The fear, although there is a look, but at this time, the Springs has changed, even if he can't recognize it face to face.

"Before it?" Xunz squinted: "It seems that there is still someone here, what about people?"

That fear magic file: "They are fighting, I am fond of persuade my own."

Advise? Several student faces a peak, what is this fear?

But Dusus suddenly understood, he learned about the devil's situation: "Advise the rack? You are all killing them."

"Is there any fight?" The fear of the magic: "I all kill them, isn't it to persuade?"

All ....?

Several students look at the surrounding camps, this less a twenty camp .... full kill?

"You really have more powerful cuts than the top of the golden edge." This fear of the devil smiled: "Human, I gave you the right to name your name."

Zun Scound smiled: "When I kill you, I will naturally tell you!"

From that kind of green ghosts, this guy is not the devil of the second magic.

Because of the regional reasons, three magicars have some demon in their country, such as the second magic of the dragon lizard, the first magic of the first magic, the green ghost, and Fear.

Although the second Mozu also has fear, it is so much. Even ten are not, it is also poor in Koso.

Fear of the devil is a group of ethnic groups. Although this ethnic group is added, it is a high-level devil, and there are very few different students.

The unique demon of the Third Mozu is the soul contractor.

Of course, the three national demon has some common races, such as charm, such as the land guys.

Although Musk did not know why this first magic was suddenly appeared in this place, but it was awarded the Springs ... The first magic, or fearful.

I can't say that you can say that you can say that I have been going to be 10,000 gold coins.

When the Snow of Snow, I still remember!

"The mouth is not small." The black corner devil's eyes flashed, fear diffuse instantly arrived in the heart!

But Who is Duch? When he was afraid of fear of the sanctuary, he was afraid of a high-level fear.

What's more, when the fear of the sanctuary, the fear diffusion is no effect.

Sure enough, Zunus only feels that he is cold, and the Qing dynasty feels straight!

The fear diffuse has no slightest effect, but the dramatic is still symbolic to the magic of the wakes yourself.

At the same time, the dramatic low: "Fisher, ask for help!"

Five people directly took out the help signal, and the signal was vacated and then disappeared.

"It is useless." The black corner fear devil smiled: "The previous gang is the same as you think. But you actually have no effect on my fear, it seems to be paired with my respects. ? "

Duus didn't speak, he immediately reached a new order: "Fisher, with everyone to go down the mountain, go to the big capital to inform the news of the dean."

"Understand!" Fisher said that when he left at this time, he didn't return with everyone.

The black corner fear devil raised his hand: "Kill them!"

A dog rushed out of three green dens, but his woven snorted, his statute was a pestle to the ground, in front of the dragon, a road brush brush.

After a streak, a land wall rises, just like a dam, it is the same as the river.

That fear is empty, the face is full of impatient: "The magician is really trouble, it seems that you can only kill you this antite!"

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