The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambulam Men's Crossing Report Chapter 104

Lin Han said that he sighed here. He remembered a few years ago and the president of Ghana. Lin Han fudge the President of the President, only a small amount of money, let the Americans helped him training two batchs of six hundred people in the United States. However, after this youth left the United States, some people joined the Nanjing National Government, and more were received by the Jiangxi Red Army.

Although the "Anti-Agong" in the United States is also more serious, the pragmatic US government does not mind, but in turn, it has established a secret diplomatic channel with the Jiangxi Red Army. But this era of imperialist countries, all are the wild heart, the United States is no exception, and it will not be a good boy. In particular, the current US President Ghana is a short-sided red neck, rather than Roosevelt's great politicians, so both parties are not very harmonious.

In the past two years, the outside world has a rumor, the German government and the Jiangxi Red Army secretly made a fire-fighting business, which is the red background of Lin Han, Lin Han's red background has always been an object of the outside world. Because Lin Han is too bad, the Soviet Union is too bad, the anti-communist atmosphere in Europe and the United States has a lot more than history. In 1933, Nanjing National Government has sold the "Patriotic Treasury Bonds" to overseas overseas Chinese. As a result, Lin Han is dark, and the Chinese circle will propagate all the negative news of Nanjing National Government, leading to its national debt. failure.

In addition, in the past few years, the links through Lin Han have become more and more closely close, and the two years of the Red Army wins in the war in China, and people who are optimistic about the Red Army in overseas Chinese. More and more people. And this also caused a vigilance of the US government.

Under the role of many factors, plus the protest of Nanjing National Government, the President of Ghana and the US government is not a fool after all, and the United States finally suspended an overseas Chinese training camp. The US government is also good, the Nanjing National Government will now, and now I have a bad vigilance for Lin Han.

From Louis, Lin Han also knows the changes in the American government attitude. Louise told Lin Han, now the US government, the opinions on China's issues are divided into two factions, one party is a neutral, no matter what the Song Ziwen's death is, you can sell him more arms, but he wants him to pick up the real gold and silver to buy, in addition Americans should not intervene in China's affairs. Another party is a radicalist, advocating more powerful intervention into China, and can even consider supporting Japanese intervening Chinese issues.

The second saying, the road behind the road is not passed, she is not too clear, but Lin Han has listened to the conspiracy of the forest. It is nothing more than another one of the Americans who face those things made when Japan's invasion: First acquiesce even, support Japan's comprehensive invasion of Japan, and with the Japanese to make the British in China. In this process, Americans have earned profits through a large number of exports of Japanese war materials. After the Japanese, the oil and water on Japan is almost almost, and Americans will come to sanction Japan, force Japan to give up China's interests, and take this forced Japan to beauty. Declare war, then solve the biggest enemy in the Pacific for all. The US attitude issue is not able to solve the president.

Another intelligence from Louis, Lin Han is about the problem of counterfeit banknotes. In fact, this intelligence, Hannah has also got the relevant news from Germany's intelligence departments as early as two months ago. In the past few years, Lin Han and Hanna have also been too exaggerated too exaggerated. It's more and more bold, and the Germans have become more and more, and the "release" more than 200 million US dollars, more than 100 million yuan, and the French franc value worth hundreds of millions of francs. .

Such huge "German foreign exchange" circulates in the international market, and finally arouses the awareness of governments. Under all parties, all parties have gradually focused on the largest laundering in Shanghai. The Hannah who felt the crisis has ordered the suspension of counterfeit banknotes and withdrew all the relevant people.

The US government has sent a person to start to investigate the source of "massive" false banknotes in Shanghai. Those fake dollar fake pounds are really printed too well, and even the experts can't resolve the true and false. If it is not the bank around the world, it is constantly discovered that the weight of the banknotes will not pay attention to this.

Compared to Lin Han, Hannah is now that the Red Army is not allowed to take the entire Yangtze River downstream area, capture the Shanghai, and put it out from there, then Americans want to investigate.

After the landscape of Louis, the second day Lin Han and her rushed. Lin Han and the people who meet him here, starting to gather more cities in the United States to return to the rushing speech, continue to repeat the things he have done a few years ago: propaganda Japanese threat theory, the propaganda Sino-Japanese War is about to break out. Calling on the Chinese people to prepare for returning to China.

Its meshan entered the White House, and the President of Ghana once again, discussed the issue of the Chinese-Japanese issue, and the process of talking, and his spiritual sensitivity sniffed the preparation and hostility of the President of Ghana. Americans have never stopped, his background, his origin, although there is a German government to help forge, but the US Intelligence Agency still smells the same. Lin Han did nothing got there, this American red neck is now only interested in China's overseas Chinese from the United States.

Lin Han was waiting for half a month in the United States, and the reason why it was so rushed. When he was in the United States, it was found that he was tracked. Tracking him is a US Central Service. The official surveillance of the United States is forced to leave the United States in advance, and Hannah murder is also forced to give up. Because he found that those important goals, now there are secrets of the US government, although Lin Han can kill the target without exposure, but in the case of the US government has a heart, it is already a bit not worth .

Over the past two years, Hannah is temporarily stopped from the top two years of investigating scientists, but the small batch of murder has not stopped. Everything is much, and naturally also attracts the attention of governments. After Killing several scientists in the UK, Lin Han immediately triggered the vigilance of Americans and strengthened the protection of scientists. Fortunately, the person who executed the order is Lin Han. He has discovered the US government's protection personnel and recently collected his hands.

After contact with Hanna, Lin Han gave up the murder task. In the San Francisco, the San Francisco, the San Francisco of the US, where his destination is to go to Southeast Asia, but shortly after the boat is open, the Safaros, which has been opened to the West Coast, near the ship, Lin Jump jumped down the sea. , Transiently returning to your own boat.

After leaving the United States, Lin Han real destination is Japan. Li Huai will be there and he will be and, and when Kathawha, Lin Han arrives in the United States, this bad girl is in Hawaii 10. Today, she is already a hot big singer, which is very popular, and has joined the US country last year.

Now she is performing in Hawaii for the US Navy officers and soldiers. In the two years of the United States, Katsha is also like Lin Han, ordered a tonnage of five hundred tons as its temporary emotion in Germany.

When the Katsosa is like the statue as the core, she will go back to the yacht, she will soon discover their own and Lin Han and Hanna.

Lin Han and Hannah, sending the capabilities in the tonnage, the capacity, will also have a huge increase. And Katsha, she is like two people's ability to "degrade version", and the increased radiation is not big. When Hannah, when the Battle of the Deutsche, the maximum perceived distance was more than two hundred kilometers when the power consumption was treated. Now the Lin Han lives on a smaller Safaros, there are also more than one hundred kilometers perceptual distance. After Qiqiu, after the emotion, her perception is only five kilometers - this still uses the distance after the direction of power consumption, the same situation, also appeared on Li Huimei. As for the blur transient movement, it is even more bad, only poor twenty meters is not.

Lin Han and Hanna estimated that even if the two people in the large-scale battleship, Katoha and Li Huai did not have too much incident. It is estimated that their super capabilities in the past are only one tenth of her and Lin Han. .

The two "daughters" of Lin Han's "life" is still so, Hanna is even more bad, she simply except that there is anything else to become a Hitler.

At the end of last year, Katoha and Li Huime came to Germany to film movies, and another purpose was to make a new "Emotional Ship" in Germany. According to the experience of their own experience, Lin Han is the first keel stage of the ship, which is started from the first keel stage of the ship, so that the vessel can be easily eroded, assimilated by two people during the birth. When the hull is completed, it will naturally become their body. It doesn't matter if you have encountered the ship you have encountered in order to make a lot of time, you have to spend a lot of time.

For the experience of the second female "plastic body", it was later used by Lin Han and Hanna in the new three warships in Germany. Now, in the construction of the Saln Horstet Battleship and Qi Bilin aircraft carrier, Hanna can be separated from the heart. When the two warships were built at the beginning, Hanna eroded their first keel, and the latter shipyard workers, the national idea formed by the keel, from the beginning, the soul of Hannai as a seed Down. The situation in Lin Han is similar to her. After the three warships are built, the two can easily switch the body in one of the ship's core into the ship.

In Hawaii, Lin Han saw the yacht of Kaqi, Kaqi Shao, the name is Anne Princess, is a painted pink beautiful yacht, now moored in the Pearl Harbor of Hawaii.

The bad girl is now a celebrity, wherever there are countless people's attention, and the dogs follow the dogs are not there. Fortunately, Lin Han's current identity is the football star Zov. Klinsmann, has a film experience, Lin Han and her meet, but only for the US gossip magazine, add some interesting. But the feeling of this kind of action is still uncomfortable.

Katusha is now the leader of these girls. In order to avoid the ubiquitous paparazzi, Lin Han and Kathekha meet in the outer sea of ​​Pearl Harbor.

The Safiros and the Master of Anne met in the sea, and Lin Han jumped on the boat of Kaboha from his boat.

Anne princess is now the darling of the local navy. It is the place where the man of Pearl Harbor is most wanting, and there is a member of the Shenggou band from Katusha.

Only in the three-point swimwear, Iwaqi, who is warmly hot in the boat, and after Lin Han jumps, she puts the Lin Han in the bow. The Sanfros Yulin Han's instructions left, the bow has just moved, she can't wait to take the forest of Lin Han, and then this is a long-awaited wilderness without any scruple.

After fifteen days, Safiros drove into the Tokyo Bay in Japan.

"Kris Anne?"

The official of Japan Customs, carefully examined the passport and visa on Lin Han, and wrinkled with the brow looking at this "thick" American woman.

Japanese officials think: "Good American Niang."

I was in front of Hanna, and Lin Han's "helping him" is a tall sexy beauty. Even if they add Katusha integration, the appearance is not too big, just the chest Will be more prominent.

However, when Lin Han and Katoha were fused, due to the relatively weak of Kaqiu, although it can also lead to Lin Han female to become a support, it is a lot of things and body.

Because of the Lin Han, its appearance and body, you can use three words to express it very closely: female man.

The roaming state of the forest is a feminine man, which is a woman with a muscles. This state is not like Lin Han or Kaqiu, but this is no way. The two must be destroyed in Japan, whether it is Lin Han or Katoha, now is "celebrity", using his own true face to enter Japan, will trigger too much attention.

Lin Han is now the state of "female man" after the fusion of Katoha, is a big change, no one will recognize her.

Chapter 138 Target, Emperor

The first two chapters I wrote wrong.

At the exit of the terminal, Lin Han saw Li Huamei who came to pick him (she). Now is May 2, he is in the sky, and Li Hua is wearing Japanese traditional kimono. He stepped on the wood, and his hand puts an oil paper umbrella, standing at the exit of the terminal waiting Lin Han. The beauty of the beauty is equipped with the temperament of the monk. The people come in the pier. The men and men who have passed through the men and women can't help but look at her eyes.

It is already in May, and after the province has completed the spring farm, it is 20 days, it is the day of the Red Army launched a spring offensive. Li Huai did not wait for Japan to come to Japan, the purpose and Lin Han, but also to stir in Japan and postpone the time in Japan's comprehensive invasion.

Seeing the appearance of Lin Han now "female man", Li Hua did not show a laughing expression at all, and this is the reason why Lin Han feels that she has defective defects. She is too pure, purely lacks human negative emotions.

When I met, she exposed a dissatisfied expression to Lin Han Road: "Father, you can make more things for this country, why always be entangled by those low-level desires?"

Lin Han knows what she does, shooting "Arthur King Legend", however, how do you have a chaos, Li Hua, will not be clear.

Lin Han answered her: "You don't understand, I am a person. It is a desire. This is the biggest difference between me and you."

"That is just a low-level desire."

Lin Han Road: "The desire is not high, it is only good. He poisoned, the ganu, this."

Li Hua did not make a sound, she looked up his left hand, handed it to Lin Han, Lin Han also lifted his right hand, and contacted her, with her skinny tip, the two quickly exchanged each other. Message.

"Yongtian Tienshan, Shiyuan Deli, Xiaoyan Sanlang, Duck Foot, Chaoyang, Yan Yan, Zhongdao Today, Ding Village, Minor Valley, Volt Gongbo King ..."

Li Hua made a bunch of people in Lin Han, which is a person she wants to kill. She has opened a long list of more than 50 people in Linhan for their choice.

In the process of thinking, the two nouns have been jumping out, that is, "Crown" and "Division".

After the "October Incident" in 1931, the fascist molecules inside the Japanese Army were re-combined with two factions of mutual exclusion: the first place advocated to overturn the current cabinet in the way of military coup, and the ecruption relies on the army directly undergoing rule. Since they are closed, they are not separated from "Crown", "Huang Wei", so it is called "Imperial School". Its representative is a general, and the army, the army, the army, the army, the army, the army, the general, and its members have no status in the current regime, from rural and dissatisfied young middle school officers. "The Imperial Division" is greatly affected by the fascist theory, the Japanese Reform Act Outline, advocates the control of the political power through the political manner, and the Military Massee is practiced.

Another component is mostly members of Yunren Tianshi. After cleaning the power of Changzhou, they gradually occupied important positions in the upper level of the army. Its representative characters is a majority of Tiemian Tienshan, who has a "Sanjie" in the Army, Yongtong Tie Mountain, and Eastern Boys' Major General. In addition, there will be a forest milling of Lu Xi Lu Zi Lang. The faction advocates the development of the central government of the military. It is believed that bloody military coups is not conducive to the stability of the military and political bureau, advocating the existing status of the military, gradually expands forces in the foreign aggression war, and legal means from top-down Renovate the country and establish a fascist policy of the military control, known as "custom". This faction has been supported by Yuren Emperor.

In fact, the two faith warlords are consistent in the "transformation of the country", the establishment of the establishment of the establishment of the LCS regime is consistent, but there is a difference and contradiction in terms of specific methods.

For China, the member of the Imperial Division is a radical invasion, and the member of the policy is a relatively conserved invasion. The former is crazy, the latter is sinister. For Lin Han and Li Huamei, it belongs to the collective target guy.

In history, one of the crazy behaviors of the Imperial Road is to launch two or six soldiers in 1936. In this incident, some of the "Imperial" young officers of the Japanese Empire Army led hundreds of soldiers to assassinate the "custom" ideology opponents in the government and military senior members. In the incident, these crazy militarists killed the financial ministers high bridges were a series of "custom schools" in the Qing Dynasty and the Navy.

The most ironic is that this is the trip to "all the problems faced by Japan to" all the mistakes of the congestion of the sky ", but after the second or two soldiers changed, they were ordered by Japan . The faction was suppressed by the chaos, and then he was hit in the "Sushu".

However, the faction is in the "Twenty-six" millennium, but the army has cleared a bunch of relatively conservative "ivory China" sent a old man, helping the Japanese Minister of Military to kick off the final obstacles, and achieved political and military in the country. The influence, its cabinet is also homologous to the army, and finally controls all the fascist government, launches a comprehensive invasion of the war and the Pacific War. In fact, no matter which faction is won, Fasis is unavoidable in Japan. .

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