The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Remember Chapter 108

"The boss, give me a bowl of a pleasure!"

Especially when she is intentionally chooses a good direction, the direction of the boss and the three diners are in the direction of the boss, and the waist is a bend, the two major groups "of the" unintentional "in the clothing," Mountain Peaks " After Suddenly, I will let the "welfare", the boss and the side of the diners are straight.

Due to the absorption of Katsuusha, the chest expansion is too large, and Li Huai took all other clothes from Japan. In addition to the relatively loose kimono can also cover up, if she is wearing a dress, even if it is a size "moderate", the two groups of the two groups are too large "fragrant meat", or will overest the chest position Highlight, where to come, will attract countless men's attention, only in harmony can barely cover a little bit.

This time, it is no exception. When Li Huimei stationed in front of the faceset, four men on the scene, their eyes were all straight, and the throat was then sneaked with sneak. Now Li Huaimi is a mixed body that is fused with Katoha, and she also did what kind of "color inducery" was used because she absorbed the character of Katsha.

Just in the moment of being attracted by Li Huimei, Lin Han stepped into a walk, rushed to the side of the wall, running in the side of the wall first, and the person tightly in the corner of 90 degrees One stands, the hands grabbed the wall along the wall, slammed over the wall, and the whole process turned into the wall in less than two seconds.

Inside the wall, it is a flower, Lin Han after landing, caught in the air in the air. In the suitcase, it is a full of 20 kilograms of bitter acid explosives.

After the sneakers, Lin Han left his hand to take the suitcase and quickly moved toward the location of the target. The guard guard is not strict, and the Lin Han, who is familiar with the scene, has a sense of relief to avoid a wave of patrol, and avoiding several internal staff, and quickly approaching the garden where the military is located.

There are two Japanese soldiers who accompany the military high officials outside the garden. And the seven military high officials are dining tables in tatami in the fifteen infantry.

I have lurked here, Lin Han didn't want to turn again, and he fiercely jumped out of the corner, and his right hand took out the fourteen pistols in the southern hand and shouted with Korean:

"Long live the Republic of Korea!"

, !

The two guards have not reacted, and the chest is on the ground. Subsequently, Lin Han rushed into the garden in the garden, press the detonation button on the handbox, throwing the suitcase to the collapse of the wooden door to the wooden door in the wood house.

The suitcase flew out, hit it on the wooden door of the tatami, where the thin and translucent paper vague wooden paper door stopped, the suitcase hit the door, smashing The Tongtian Tienshan, Lin Mill, and the senior officials of the seven military divisions and other military directions such as Shiyuan.

The "explosion" delay time in the suitcase is only four seconds. After leaving the suitcase, Lin Han ran back with the fastest speed.

When you heard someone else shouting the outside of "Long live the Republic of Korea", he realized that it was unique - after all, Japan had a similar thing in these twentys, and seven people were gunshots. In less than a second, it will be able to make a react to the ground. Due to the door position, when the handbox hits the door, it is extremely rapidly "broken" and rolls to the outside.

Unfortunately, Lin Han left to avoid time, and the amount of explosives in the suitcase is too much.


A lunch spreads throughout the Oduda-cho, and even the palace in the distance can hear huge explosions. In the yellow-green thick smoke and loud sound of the rolling, seven people used a meal cabbage collapsed, and the scene was more than 10 meters in a diameter of more than ten meters.

Even if I ran in advance, Lin Han, who has been rushed to 40 meters, and also swayed in the explosive waves and loudspeak, the spirit of the eardrum, and lost The hearing.

After ten seconds, from the vibration of the explosion and the shock recovered in the booth, the periphery sent a madness to the explosion. The chaos and the smoke cover, Lin Han has quietly retreat from the side of the door.

The next day, the whole world knows this explosion in Yongtianmachi, Tokyo.

The seven Japanese military mains in the scene, except that Shiyuan, the heavy injury, coma, Yongtian Tienshan, Lin Yu Zhilang and Sakai Zhengquan all killed in the explosion, in addition to this, another blended big person, But the army staff, the general king.

One time, the world is shocked.

Chapter 142 Red Alert

Hot water, constantly falling by the lotus sprinkles on the top, along the cheek of the cheek, sliding down the cheeks. A part of the hot water moves toward the body to the lower abdomen, the leg, the calf until the heel, and the other flows through the hot water of the chest, but because the breast is excessively picking out, it is like a surf the slide looks far away. Splash.

Li Huai in bathing is now very confused.

After the ability of the Katoha, although the ability has increased, the new body is full of low-level valley, just like the "father" outside the "colored movie" outside.

Since birth, she has always been rigorous and self-discipline, almost unsolicited by the so-called "valley".

After birth, follow Lin Han Tour in the middle of the Nanjing National Government, enjoy a few hundred ocean table, she didn't think there were more delicious. Even after joining the Red Army, the hard life of the crude tea is sleeping or sleeping, she can easily make sweet, nothing unacceptable.

At that time, she was like a passionate, self-discipline, rigorous, and willing to make everything that is willing to pay for everything.

But now she is very "bad".

After the integration of Katsuusha, he was contaminated by her "Valley", and Li Hua was surprised to find himself enjoyment.

Lin Han likes food, and after coming to Japan, in addition to stepping on, it is to find a delicious food. Li Huimei, who followed her, found that she was also like him, began to understand the taste of the delicate taste. And when she tried to go back, when she eats the rough food, Li Hua Mei has produced disgusting feelings.

When she was sleeping, she wanted to sleep more comfortable soft bed, and she could no longer endure the cold floor. This is also, worse, she finds that her body is full of emptiness, and that emptiness is only the "father" outside the outside. "Empty".

Li Huamei knows what this kind of emptiness is going, and I know where she is coming.

She keeps rushing through the hot bath and wants to let himself wake up from the abyss of the valley. Perhaps it is more appropriate, but this body is telling her, she doesn't want to wash a cold bath in this season.

Li Huai found that his will even dropped to a very dangerous point.


After aware of this, Li Huamei turned the valve and the hot water of the lotus was all cut off. The cold cold water is poured from the head, and she has thrown her body, and more than the thrust of the pores.

"I won't lose to you!"

Li Hua felt the ear, and it seems that the laughter of the poor "sister".

Biting the teeth, forcing yourself and taking a cold bath very uncomfortable, Li Hua Mei stood in front of the huge landing mirror in the bathroom, speechless.

The woman in the mirror, has a beautiful face, and after the Katohazo synthesis, her appearance is slightly changed, and the nose is higher, and the eyelid has also expanded. The face has some "Xi Wei". It is no longer the face of "Oriental Beauty", the image is the mixture of mixed-raceful women with some Western blood, and the temperament is even more different. Even if someone took Li Huai's previous photos to refuse, she would not contact her with the "sister" who came to Lin Han.

As for the two groups of "fragrant meat" in the chest, it is better than "Ocean Ma". They are like two "peaches" that only developed excessive development, with unscientific forms of the chest. Such a huge pair of meat, the shape is extremely perfect, and the drum is hanging on the chest trend. Because it is the spiritual body, the gravity of the civilization can't cause any negative impact on their shape, but it is proud to look up, and both sides are close to each other, naturally form a deep cleret, the two of the cutting edges. The pink cherry, the color is very light, and it is comparable compared to the huge spheres of their huge spheres.

This is a pair of odd things that will be crazy about any man, more terrible is that their owners are full of emptiness.

The feeling of emptiness, starting from the "fit" with Kathausha, and is constantly accumulated.

"I won't lose to you!"

Li Huai's own authenticity in the mirror. She picked up a towel, frowned, and started to wipe the drums hanging on the body, and the rough towel crossed the chest, rubbing the skin, also triggered the trembling.

"Damn! You this immersed the prostitute!"

Li Hua was curse his "sister" in his heart. She wiped her body with the fastest speed, put on the kimono, and went out. This excessive body, now I can only wear and succinct it. It is actually a very embarrassing, Li Hua Mei is just a bundle.

The place where Li Huimei taking a shower is the "Ai Richetti" company prepared by Lin Han. A few days ago, I was like a honeycomb, and now I'm suddenly in Tokyo, there is a police officer in the past. In order not to cause trouble, Lin Han and Li Hua can only temporarily temporarily temporarily avoid a short-range villa area who can't come to find trouble.

The villa is built on the beach, and the Safaros will stop on the side of a small pier that is not far. If there is an unexpected occurrence, Lin Han can "fit" with Li Huimei, and then bluntly move back to his body, incarnate into a ship, escape unnecessary trouble. This villa area is the Japanese Navy's asset, and people who take the door are also the Navy. The Japanese Navy Army has never dealt, and there will be no crisis that they come over.

Li Hua walked out of the bathroom and wiped the water on the hair with a towel. The voice of Linhan in the hall came:

"I feel that the burden is too heavy, letting Kuchels! People can't fight with themselves. The Katoha is my '', and you are the opposite side. You and She is one of the things of things. Bright, it is impossible to cover the darkness, this truth is like the darkness that cannot cover the bright light, and the human beings are also the same. You can't use my positive to replace my negative, this is not possible. Humans is because they have a positive and negative, they can call them. "

In the living room, Lin Han sat in front of the sofa, the coffee in front of the elbow, the hands crossed back to his chin, but the eyes were looking forward. A bunch of colored lights shot from the movie player behind him and projected on the curtain hanging on the opposite wall.

Li Hua was cold and coldly, "" Father, you dressed in this source, when you talk to me, when you are full of philosophical taste, you are in trouble, you will have a Selfie that is playing is good. "

The curtain is being shown, and Lin Han self-edited self-motivation, with "Action Movie" starring in his protagonist, a bunch of current and future Osses, shooting time is one after the "King Legend of Arthur" Within the moon, these are not unclosed to reach 21 banned materials.

Hey, the movie player behind him was closed, lost the only light source, the hall became black, but for two non-human, no light is not much impact, because the dark is the best friend.

Lin Han Road:

"Now you will be confused, you will die, will be worried by all kinds of emotions and needs, now you, really like a 'person'."

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