The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Chapter 126

Ten 120 mm of ordinary buildings is enough to score it, but the Japanese is completely constructed by the standards of the establishment of the Navy Command Building. Inside steel plate, the cement of its wall thickness is more than one meter (this is historical real), although it suffers from mortar shooting and countless 150,105 mm plus arsenille, grenaders direct shooting, despite The whole body is thousands of holes, but it is still unlikely under the baptism of the artillery.

Although the Japanese Navy Command Building is extremely firm, there is still a fatal defect, which is relatively thinner close to the wall on the side of the Huangpu River. Lin Han has accurately discovered this weakness by perceptive scanning and from previous intelligence. The 140mm naval cannon on Pinghai No. He does not stop from the direction of the river. After four o'clock, Li Huime led other three ships back to Huangpu River, followed him to fire in the Command.

In contrast, the Japanese Shanghai Consulate built according to ordinary standards is not so good. As the primary strike object, the entire building has been almost plowed away from the outside. When the Japanese were built in the Shanghai Consulate, the wall thickness only considers ordinary lightweight guns, but did not expect the Red Army to take 150 mm heavy grenaders to shoot shoot. The walls of the large piece of large pieces were overcome, and the defenders in the building were heavy.

After destroying the number of air defense weapons in the Japanese rental, fuel in Hongqiao Airport, reloading the bomb Hawke fighter flying over the concession, and the augment of several defensive core buildings in the Japanese concession bomb. Hawker II fighters dive out the sound of the sharp whistle, the huge sound of the blending explosion, and the colonial parties in the adjacent public rental were shocked.

Although the renal industry has been very strong, it is impossible to make each of the Navy Command Building. In history, there will be a day in the day of the war, that is after a two-eight incident, as a bridgehead in South China, it began to strengthen the structure in large scale. And this time that did not have a one-two-eight-income, although the Japanese made it in secretly, but the degree far did not have high demands. In 1935, it was not in 1937, and the Japanese people who have also stayed in the level of war are also seriously insufficient. By dive the bomb, many direct breakdown of relatively fragile unopened ceiling, then exploding in the building, directly collapse the entire house, and put the Japanese soldiers who hide the basement to avoid air strikes directly in the ruins under.

After this wave of five minutes of air strikes, the sixty wave 2 in the Shanghai suburban warfare is finished, with almost the high-ranking gasoline burning bow, almost all the buildings in Shanghai Day. ignite.

After the red imperialist Soviet and brown imperialist Germany, the Red Army today is not a babys in the Zhongshan Ditch, although it is still playing the crew of the cannon and the air force of the US Emperor, but collects most of the country. Sino-essence, used in the small "one acre three-point field" land, or the proud of the east people and the western people can be shocked.

After a 20-minute gunfire and air strike, the entire Hongkou concession is large into the ruins of burning. A small number of buildings are also a thousand holes. The Japanese worked hard for decades of Hongkou concession. Under the power of human science, it was only used in two or less.

After the bombing, the rear of the shelling stopped, the frontier position of the frontier is still continuing. Before the front of the front, the sniper presses the firepower point, fortress, and the artillery to go to the target. When she bombards the building of the Hongkou, the frontline attacking troops, even the 150 mm heavy cannons are pushed to one kilometer from the target. Press the muzzle to directly bombard the residual building and firepower.

For the dead end of the artillery, the Red Army is used in another tract weapon: through Lin Han's 58 mm talent guns from France. Although this kind of tuning can only be 58 mm caliber, the use and mortar shooting method, but the launch of the shell is an extremely ferocious hypertext 120mm shell, which is said to be a mortar.

The power of the gun is extremely ferocious, and the shells of the shells are far more than the 105 mm of grenaders, and the 150 mm infantry gun is quite even better. The only shortcomings are only too close, only about three hundred meters, but in terms of complex urban roads, there are a lot of shields, this shortcomings are not a shortcoming. This piece of guns are designed for the wenthouse to deal with the West. At that time, Lin Han only had a price than the price of the scrap iron, the only place that made him dissatisfied was that the gun's shells were very expensive, even more expensive than guns.

The Red Army is now able to produce the gun's shells in Wuhan, but due to technical restrictions, the Red Army fills the strong ammonium nitrate explosives.

When the current line of 58 mm, the Red Army soldiers entering the frontier attack position under the cover of the frontier attack position have passed through the branches, and they launched a comprehensive attack with the concession behind the tank.

The Red Army did not use the violent coverage bombard, but the Hongkou's rental area is drawn into countless area small pieces on the map, then concentrates the gunfire, and a concentrated force and firepower, and one by one.

The attack troops are not a non-war-speaking antity attack. It is also allocated with a good goal in advance. Under the coverage of the area, under the cover of the tank, the unit is connected from the west, and the north direction will attack the Hongkou concession. Area.

The artillery uses "firewall" in front of the front, tank assault, infantry follows cover, consolidate the position. The Red Army from two attacks, soon torn the peripheral line of the Hongqiao concession, and entered the rental industry.

Five-point offense, at 6 o'clock, I burned to the defensive heart of the Naval Command, near the main body of the Naval Command, and the surrounding architecture, the defending army plus armed overturn and organized civilian helpers, the Japanese is here. The little small is less than the four square kilometers of the area.

At 6:15 evening, the Red Army Air Force once again, and the wave 2 with Hawke II, and the burning gasoline bullets in this narrow area will burn the whole day the concession into a fire sea. Compared with TNT bombs, gasoline bombs is low, it is simple, and it is a weapon recommended by Lin Han strongly to the Red Army. There are a lot of construction in the brick structure here, which is excellent in use.

The air is filled with a strong smoke and the smell of the human meat. Victanker rushed over the streets that were still burning. When the corner is close to the corner, the speed of the tank is slow, and the turret also turns to the corner direction.

When a Dangdang sounds, it is a shot of the Japanese remaining in the corner of the street and the ruins in the tank.


At the corner of the street, the Japanese who rushed out of the body, and the Japanese people who were worn on the bobbin, but he just opened, and the "domestic MP18 submachine gun" seized by the wing of the wing is directly swept directly. The whole person burned into a fire to fall, after a few seconds, the explosive in his hand was detonated, and a surprise loud sound was sent.

(Note: In addition to imports in China, China's self-importance, China's Shanghai, Nanjing Gongxian, Hanyang and Guangdong, Shandong, etc., all over the military, all produced this submachine gun, but the artillery party It is better to buy "the so-called" golden ten years "of" Golden Ten Years ", it is greatly reduced to the anti-war.

The MP18 in the hands of the Red Army is seized on the battlefield. Although Hanyang, Nanjing's military workplane can also be self-produced MP18, but the manufacturing process is complex, the material waste is large. After the Red Army is occupied, it has been issued such a weapon for this fee and material.

In the alley of the day, the tank has two, one is two, one is a small amount of 20 mm speed cannon arranged in the concession, but most of these speed cannons are destroyed in the previous artillery coverage. The remaining little will be opened once opened, and will be destroyed by the rear heavy fire or accompanying infantry. Another threat is the Japanese "people" in this back explosive package from hidden.

The Japanese stationed in Shanghai, after all, only the colonial troops rather than forming a military, subject to many factors constraints, heavy heavy fire power, most of them are sluggors of the rifles.

Victanker turned safely into the street corner, and the body was in the local fire. The streets obviously had a machine gun point, and the bullets were constantly rebounding on the armor armor. The soldiers with the wings Avoid the other side to avoid jumping.

The king iron hammer that follows the tank, takes a look at the face of the tank, and retreats back, then ran back to the tank, pick up the plug-in telephone microphone: "The two-story house opposite the opposite house, there is a big signboard On the second floor window! "

The perspective of the tank is limited, especially in the city battle, often being played for a long time by the opponent, and the occupants in the tank also could not find the exact position of his goal. If the captain is exposed to the tower probe, it is often the object of the opponent's focus. However, if the edge of the tank is added to an external cable communication device, the accompanying infantry acts as an eye, with its contact with the bus, you can solve this problem.

The tank is extremely noisy at the time of travel, even if the people in the car are difficult to hear each other, the tanks are even more like this. Therefore, in order to improve the contact efficiency between the occupants, the tanks often need to be equipped with interior communication systems for mutual communication, and it is not easy to contact with the infantry outside. Germany's second tank is the first to use this kind of car communication system. The US tank also has this plug-in briefing communication device for tanks and infantry exchanges, which is extremely important in urban lanes.

The British sells to the artillery party. There is no such communication device, and this communication device is also introduced by Lin Han from Germany. In the day, the Red Army is confronted in the concession and the British, all tanks are doing various modifications and hangs for the city street. This original six-ton ​​Victanker, now the surface of the body is puffed in a variety of steel plate iron plates on various messy temporary welding to increase defense. Although it is difficult to look at it, the effect is very good in actual combat.

In fact, Waxan, who took the lead, is still like a meaningful thing on the alley, that is, 12.7 mm high-ranter gun on the tank, unfortunately, whether it is now Germany or the Soviet Union, it is unable to provide this weapon. Germany is due to the influence of being affected by Versailles and about, now just recovering, the new 13 mm tank is still prepared in the preparation process, and the Soviet Grid Gairv high-absorber machine can wait until 1938 to develop, the same can not provide. So now this Vic tank can only hold a lot of Lewis light machine guns, the machine gun has been specially transformed, and the gun is improved to raise the angle of shooting. It is necessary to manipulate the long probe or by the side of the walk on the side of the infantry.

After receiving the instructions with the infantry, Victanker's captain quickly locked the goal. After ten seconds, Victani made a roar, and a gun scored a hidden machine gun firepower point, and dumb directly.

After spending my dumb, Victanker did not have a high speed assault, but waited for two wings to follow into advance, clearing the buildings on both sides. This two hundred meters long streets, each of them may have a soldier, and the soldiers need to be cleaned one by one.

In terms of experience in the lane, the Red Army attacking Shanghai is much more rich than the Japanese. In the war over the past three years, the Red Army and the Nanjing National Government have played many urban roads in the past three years, and this experience has been rich in this area. Many of the German members of China helped the Red Army in China, many of the 19th revolution, and they also have a very rich street war experience. In the process of the CCP in Germany in the past few years, these experiences exchanged the Red Army.

The half-year before the battle of the concession, Lin Han and Li Hua were rampant brain juice. From the years, the various streams of alley, suitable lane war tactics, the ideas of various brain holes, all of them have given a book. The red army's upper reference, and even took a military theme film science and education film related to the roadmobile in Germany, and then gave the Red Army to watch. At the end of the Shanghai Battle, the Red Army warrior was once again revisited.

In the case of a single soldier, the Red Army of the rapidly expanded Red Army has declined, but they all have experienced a veteran veteran. In contrast, the opposite Japanese, only one thousand and trained, trained, the soldiers who have been trained, although their personal combat technology does not lose the Red Army, but the actual experience is almost zero. The Red Army did not lose his opponent on the morale, and the weapon has more rolling advantages, and the preparation preparation preparation before the war. Hongqiao, Yangpu, the day concession, from the start of the battle, in one place in a desperate "stable speed", in the hands of the Red Army.

Chapter 162 Centers Liberation

The Red Army attacked in the day of the concession, attacked, but it was extremely stable and very planned. Simulation "The way the imperialist country offensive", the sky is pushed, and a fire wall on the ground is rushed, and it is not to give Japanese people. Using desperate stability and momentum, hard and students will crush the defenders in the day.

The guard wing in the two wings of the tank, throwing grenade in the house on the street, no matter no one, you can't let go of the house to check. This is the experience of many years of war savings. It is also the lesson of the blood obtained after the day of the rental industry, and it is also a war, Lin Han and the superior reminders. After all, the Japanese is not more than the grasspack forces of the gas party army, although the Red Army accounts for a great advantage, but each of the defenders is almost dead to the last person, and the battle is now playing for more than two hours, the captive is very small.

The architecture of the two sides will continue to make a strong explosion. When you meet the two-story high-rise building, the infantry must rush to the floor to check and occupational, and you will be a first grenade, not every room can be " I am blown out, and I will be "Mongoli" when I was "Mong", and I can hear the screams that I have fry in the "Meng". More grenades, then rush into the slap in any suspicious object.

This kind of walking along the street, throwing a grenades, only the most "mild" handling technique in the battle of the concession. More, the two wings of the infantry are directly in these connected rooms violently blown the wall, and the way to open the hole in the wall enters the next room to open the entire street.

In fact, for the housing on both sides, the most affordable practice is to the gasoline blasting burning bow, throwing it in, all the houses are burning directly, and all people can't hide, and even the inline inspection can save . This kind of heart-driven weapon is Lin Han to come out of the alley weapon, but the explosion burning bow is not invented. The same is the weapon that is very dangerous to pitcher. The Red Army welcomes. So there is no chance to debut.

The flame sprayer is a tall thing, and there is a fire tank. This kind of infantry tool is still not too safe because it is still in the development process. It does not appear in the Japanese concession, otherwise Lin Han And Hanna will send them to the Japanese rental industry for practical test.

Today's Red Army is no longer a poor light egg that is uniform in 1931. Before I started in 1935, the Red Army had Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei, Fujian, and the four years of the four years. It has already made bullets and grenades. Selling kidney back foreign debts to assist the Red Army's large number of imported aircraft, cannons, tanks, have already been "foreign". Before the battle of the concession, the political commissar of the front line has repeatedly confirmed the front line warrior, and the Japanese devil in the rental is very fierce, and it is absolutely not to save when throwing grenade.

In the Shanghai Huayun District, from the basement of Sun Yuanliang Command, Lin Shuai and a long-term staff member who attacked the Shanghai concession and a huge rental map model pointing at a huge rental map model in the conference hall.

In order to win the concession, it is preparation for two years before the red military. In addition to laying the map through the Germans, the building, street layout, and equivalence model in the rental are manufactured together. The material of the model is made of cork. Each building has its own independent number tag.

In fact, the model made by the Red Army is prepared, which is more than this model posing in the conference room, and the whole Shanghai is "modeling". Only 1935 wars went smoothly, before the imagination of everyone, the Red Army military was the most prepared by the worst plan, who knew Lin Han out of 50,000 US dollars It is easy to use silver to give the Nanjing National Government final hit. Entering the battle of Shanghai, it has become "receiving" operation. Most models prepared in advance have not been used, and finally, there is also the model of the small place in the rental.

After the Red Army attacked the day, the frontline forces continued to give progress to the headquarters, the row of the row area of ​​the day, and constantly plugged into a small red flag.

Located on the front line headquarters, it can quickly get the latest news from the front line, which is to benefit from the infantry provided by Lin Han.

Chen Yu is the infantry correspondent that follows the commando team. The radio communicator that is on his body is the first generation of transistor frequency hopping in Lin Han. It is less than ten kilograms, although the communication radius is only twelve kilometers, but it is The most popular equipment in the Red Army attacked. Once you find the survived Japanese firepower point, just get the start-talk, give the headquarters, after a few minutes, the rear of the artillery support will arrive quickly, instantly smash the "hard bones" in front.

In the battle of entering the rental, the Red Army of the front line has begun to use this tactical means of calling the back of the "Maydean". In addition, they can communicate communicate with friends who attack from other directions to cross each other.

After years of hard work, in the end of 1934, the Germans finally produced qualified germanium semiconductor transistors in the laboratory - but also the laboratory production, and there was a very large distance from the large-scale mass production of industrialization. In the mentality of the actual test, the small amount of transistors produced by this batch of laboratory were all used to manufacture radios, and then sent to China to conduct actual tests. Shanghai is the first time they appeared.

Hannah is not afraid of the technology of transistors to disclose to the Soviets. In this era, the manufacture of transistors is difficult, and to illuminate this scientific tree, it seems that it is a complete and improvement of the entire scientific tree system. Can do it. The support of the manufacturing theoretical knowledge brought by Hannah in Germany, and has a non-human super-ability to do auxiliary. It is also used for five years, and it is barely created a qualified transistor in the laboratory, but The distance between the size of industrialized production, still has a very long way to go - in history, transistors are born from the Bell laboratory to the large-scale listing of the transistor radio installed in the four transistors, and the intermediate is also in the past five years. .

Make a large-scale union assault team in the rental industry, each of which is carrying a lightweight wireless scripture. In addition to it can be connected with the headquarters, the assisted troops can also contact each other.

This equipment has just been developed in March this year. Because the transistor can only produce small batch through the laboratory, the first batch of products only created only 36 units, just in the request of Lin Han, all passed through The means are transported to the trial of Lin Shuai. Two two cars have been sent to China before the war, but it is entirely assigned to use the trapeting group in Shanghai secret activity, and now this apparatus is all arranged in the public rental.

In the underground command center, the battle progress information from the front line continues to transfer back to the command center through the wireless wavelet, which allows the front-line officer to know the progress of the first-line unit anytime, anywhere.

"Jiubi is attacked in the thirteenth region! The Japanese have arranged the warfashover, and their tanks were hit, and they were unable to advance. The Japanese arranged three cross-fire points, at 147,151 respectively And 160 areas, the warfielding position is 151, and the nine companies require us to support! "

Lin Shuai, who is stubborn in the mouth, has aimed at the terrain model in front of him, and the three cross-fire points are three three-layer buildings, which are grouped. Their location is very good, and the Jiuyi has no matter which line assault, will suffer from three directions of fire. Cross shot.

"I used high-tech, I won't fight, this is bad bad!"

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