The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambulaby Men's Crossing Remember Chapter 129

The essence of the capitalist economic crisis is the product produced by the society, which exceeds the purchasing power and consumption ability of ordinary people. The factories that were packaged to the Soviet area were reopened, but they got new students in the Soviet area. The new red regime does not have other regional deformed "rich and poor differentiation" to the poor social structure, although it is subject to the limitations of productivity, the civilian living standard is not rich, but it is more serious than the rich and poorly differentiated artillery. It's better to have too much. New factory products produced, even twenty-four-hour three fell, still unable to meet the huge market demand - the means for supplying the voucher, easily digested these products to clean.

In fact, the market is far without saturation but is extremely hungry. It is just a backward productivity and harsh donation and bloody press to deprive the people's consumption. In the Red Army control area, the people's consumption capacity is far from the five provinces of Nanjing National Government, and the products produced after the transfer of the factory started, and even a water flower did not play, they were digested without a trace of hungry.

"Playing the Po Hao, Otaland", the low-spirited small-selling small and small, the so-called "self-dry capitalist", "self-drying landlord", "self-given rich", unable to understand the necessary, "they shout" private property Sacred is not inviolable, but does not understand, in this rich gap is one side is paradise, while the dark age of hell is "playing the earth, the field" is the act of true justice. That is clear that he is a silk losser, but it is unclear what you are, self-given capitalists, self-drying Zhao, self-drying X second generation " Online small money, unclear, do not know his words and deeds, in fact, is doing the stupid things such as "poor and middle-aged and farmers against the earth change", "Workers' opposition to the work".

After the Red Army entered the Shanghai, the Red Army came to the Shanghai, there were many factories that were still grateful to the Red Army - In the "Money War" in the past two years, the Red Army took the "German Edition Forex" printed by Lin Han, in these factories I have a lot of orders. More than two years, the military supplies produced by the factory in Shanghai, sold to the Red Army than sold to Bailunjun. During the purchase of the product, the underground parties took the "German foreign exchange" and "German Fa" provided by Lin Han, with the form of shares, joint ventures and even acquisitions, have bought a lot of factories, many factories have long been The existence of "red background", after the Red Army entered Shanghai, these plants directly changed their signages, they became state-owned enterprises.

Of course, this loss of "foreign exchange" is naturally affected by the world.

The remaining national capital companies, the Red Army did not directly remember, but the "redeemed" system that plans to practice socialist transformation in history. However, at this time, Shanghai, "live" national capital enterprise, even the four points of the most prosperous time. Now "big potential" is already in the Red Army, they don't work together.

Shanghai is going to become a battlefield, these companies, whether it is state-owned or private, and now the problems are relocating and transfer, especially those close to the sea.

The black and evil forces on the beach, buy financial forces, just shock the hostility forces, rescue the people, let the civilians enjoy the "revolutionary bonus", and the key to the revolution, and more important.

After entering Shanghai, the Red Army opened the warehouse, opened the granary, and began the poor huntees in the roof area. At the same time, I have long prepared the red propaganda team, where to take a barrel of stone gray water or black ash, brush the slogan on the wall.

In order to maximize the eyeball and launch the masses, the content of the Red Army slogan is the most practical content:

"Cancel all harsh donations!

"Relief unemployment workers and suffering people!"

"Safer add meat, improve workers and staff live!"

"Regardless of whether the size of the businessman is legally operated, it is freely business, protects the interests of small and medium businessmen!" (Of course, those buying and financial giants are not protected)

"Against traitor idle the city, high prices!"

In this process, Lin Han has trained for those students who have trained before, although stayed in Germany, but Lin Han is in writing to the Red Army leadership, repeatedly asking them to put these people as much as possible to the most At the bottom of the ground, "he is very straightforward to the Chairman of Li:

"I think, I think that overseas Chinese circles, it is also necessary to truly understand the proletarian revolutionary warrior who look down, not regard the 'revolutionary work' as the small bourgeois romanticist of 'hipster game'."

In this process, some people can't stand hard, but more people still bite their teeth. According to Lin Han's plan, waiting for the South China's things to stabilize, Lin Han has entered Nanyang with a part of the students, and began planning for many years. He has been prepared for many years in the Nanyang, which has been launched in these years. The most lack of people have a large number of people with practical experience, and this is also an agreement reached by the leaders of the Soviet area.

Lin Han is just a speculator, but the heart is very clear what kind of person you need.

And the real revolutionaries in this era have, they know how light is not enough, and there must be practical actions.

In the shack of the beach, the large pot is given, put into rice meat, cook a pot of hiji rice, please bring the local people to bring the tableware to eat, to promote the Red Army policy in the process of eating - these Means are already a light car ripening for the Red Army of the City Revolution and Rural Revolution for many years.

"I launch the masses, guide the masses, let the people understand the army of the Red Army is the team of the poor, is a team of work, let them stand on this side." In addition to saying, do it, in the past few years, South Red Army That is to use this kind of hundred trials, and win in the Southern War, Shanghai will not be in exceptional.

At the same time, in the first day of entering the big Shanghai, the Red Army hired more than ten thousand people, even personally moved, and began to clean up the shacks of the shacks, while dredging the river, carrying out the sanitary activities of the river .

It is precisely because Shanghai will become a battlefield, so it is necessary to clean up urban and suburban garbage as soon as possible, urban health work is not going to slow. June is the rainy season of Shanghai, and it is necessary to enter the summer, it is the peak season of mosquitoes. Once the war is playing, if no longer deal with, the original harsh health environment in the poor area will only become bad, and it is more likely to cause plague.

The revolution is not only destroyed, the revolution is still produced, and it is to liberate productivity.

Although Shanghai will "ushered in the first batch of foreign interference Army, the previous battle is only in the Shanghai area of ​​the Shanghai.

Foreign forces want to interfere in China, nor think about it. The mobilization of the war takes time, the accumulation of materials takes time, and the coordination of personnel takes time. Historically changed from seven seven things to a large number of Japanese local awards to enter Shanghai, and the middle has also been taken for more than a month.

In 1935, although it is prepared, it is not fully prepared because it is estimated to be wrong due to the launch of the Red Army War. Plus the destruction of a bunch of destructions in the darkness of Lin Han, now there is a chaos in the inside, and the mobilization efficiency is greatly reduced. Although "timely" dispatched four thousand interferences on the road, it is also the limit of Japan. But this person sprinkles on the battlefield of China, that is, "send food".

And the British, the most movable in the short term is the Navy, and the nearest colonial army in China has also been a month after a month.

So the war happened in Shanghai, the previous month will only be close to the coastline, as well as the blow from the Air Force and the ship.

Before the start of the Complete War, the Red Army actually launched the masses, relocation factories, integrates the power of the new liberation area. Of course, this time is not enough, so you must compete for a second place.

Under the temptation of "revolutionary bonus", the "revolutionary bonus" that can be seen, soon, Shanghai and its surroundings are launched. In the next month, those who want to take the opportunity to make rumors, hiding the black and evil, in front of the masses that were launched, even a water is not playing, disappearing "the people's war, the masses" Among the sea. And those imperialist countries, especially those in Japan, all kinds of spies in Shanghai, in such a big situation, the same battle, I can't stand the day.

The power of the Chinese people is actually very powerful. As long as there is a strong political party to organize them, guide them to the correct direction, and the power out of the outbreak is extremely horrible.

Chapter 165 Close to the Third Fleet

Sea breeze whistling, white waves, more than one meter-high waves continue to beat the side of a shredded battleship, the raindrops of the beans are mixed with sea water, and they will be knocked on the "exiting cloud".

Time is a little in the afternoon, from Taiwan's third fleet, it is now onto the East Ocean face from Shanghai. When it is close to the destination, his fleet has encountered a rain cloud.

"British, Japanese, China, Yangtze River fleet, is there? Changguchuan Qing lived? Can Campl cruise cruising?"

Just now, I was sitting in the military telegram of the military newspapers that I received a Bailu Yuan, who was in the armored cruise ship, I found that the teleprener was translated. After repeatedly checked the password, I had to surprise. The expression accepted this fact.

Bai Wuyuan will be the commander of the Japanese third fleet in Taiwan (Note: I wrote into Changgu Chuanqing, the record is incorrect, Changgu Chuanqing is the third fleet commander after 1936, this bug I am in the forefront Corrected).

It is more concerned that the red power in South China is active to open fire, and Bai Wu's source is more concerned about, but they are using what weapons of the two countries and the two cars.

Through the telegraph sent by the Navy, as well as the intelligence from the British, Baiwuyuan learned that the Red Army is arranged in the two-inch of the large diameter heavy involuntarily in the Yangtze River, and suddenly he suddenly fired, in very short The two fleets were annihilated in the Yangtze River during time. In addition, they also mentioned the "Pinghai" near the sea cruiser and the Red Army in the hands of the Red Army, Jiujiang.

Bai Wuyuan will be the outline armored cruiser, which is an old ship for more than 35 years. It has been used as a second-line troops flagship and training ship. Its drainage is close to 10,000 tons, the main gun is two eight-inch double-dress artillery, as a armored cruiser, his protection is better than this era "Treaty to patrol", just a speed, only 20. Due to the largest tonnage, in the third fleet of the second-line troops, he acts as a flagship duties.

After 1933, with the strong rise of the South China Red Army in South China, the Japanese will take the third fleet in Taiwan to monitor the red regime on the other side. In May 1935, the command received by the Third Fleet and Taiwan's garrison was to do a good job in the preparation of Fujian. Compared to Japan, from Taiwan from Taiwan to enter China's distance closer.

According to Japanese plans, the goal of the Taiwan garrison landing is the Fuzhou Mauxi Port of Hangzhou Bay or Fujian, Zhejiang. However, Lin Han disrupts the layout of the Japanese military in Japan's series of operations. But compared to a mess, the Taiwan garrison has not been affected by too much. Although the death of the emperor made Taiwan's "shocking very much", they hang in the island of China, and there is no native to compete with each other to compete with each other. When the military demanded that when they sent troops, the Taiwan garrison was sent to the warship and the landing force of the Three Thousand Army.

However, due to the difference in the speed, the army's troops take a slower flight route, falling behind the first third fleet. Only the number of soldiers of the Marine Corps of about a thousand people will act with the warship. Although it is crowded by the sailor cabin on the warship, only two days of voyages from Taiwan to Shanghai, the soldiers are squeezed or endure.

As for the news that the Japanese military commander is covered in the whole night, because of its "the speed of destruction is too fast", the Japanese Ministry of Military, I think this news is "too shameless" or "I can't believe". I have not yet. Passing to him, the third fleet commander who is driving to Shanghai.

His chief of staff near the vine is not far from the bright sky, for the Ba Wuyuan, the commander, we quickly drove the rain tape. "

Bai Wuyuan glanced at the sky, nodded: "I don't know how the weather is now in Shanghai. According to the past intelligence, South China forces, I received the secret support of the Soviet Union and even German, they have a weak strength. Air Force. In September last year, a large number of planes on the Nanjing government were more defective. "

The telegraph of the big branch is unknown for the process of destroying the Japanese Yangtze River Fleet, and the officer who came over the big ship's era, Bai Wuyuan did not think that the Air Force was the narrow star of his fleet. Just in the process of landing in China, he didn't want to see "flies" in his baby army ship.

The news from the big camp, his trip to Shanghai, there is no need to use the terminal around Shanghai. This means that soldiers carrying them on his warships can only log in to Shanghai through the way to transport with small batches of boats.

The Marine Corps, in the eyes of the Japanese Navy, although "heresy", it is the "heterogeneous" in his own home. Bawuyuan Wu Ning allows the land of the "red deer" to die, and I don't want to have unnecessary losses in their own "heterogeneous".

When I started from Keelung, the third fleet was dispatched out the cloud armored cruiser, Tianlong, Longtian's light cruiser, and there were eight destroyers such as Zhuzhu and Guandi, with a total of eleven warships. For the Red Navy, this is a very powerful opponent, and this does not include tomorrow or the day after tomorrow will rush to Shanghai's stronger local fleet.

"The Army's part of the gardies will only fight bad things, and the people of the Navy are doing what to eat ..."

Looking at the hysteresis intelligence, Bai Wuyuan cursed. His news from the country, the Emperor's family was destroyed, Japan's domestic political situation is a mess, the dynamic part of the army, and the truth of the Empress, for the recommendation who serves as the next Emperor, and the Navy and the Army have an opinion Conflict, the contradiction between Japan's domestic, and chaos is like a twist that is stirred into a group.

The Emperor suddenly violent, and the contradictions previously pressed, and now it is completely out of this moment. The Japanese government in China is now in China, and it is not "focus" in China. So I will appear yesterday afternoon, the English-Japanese joint fleet was being smashed by the Red Army on the Yangtze River, but the third fleet of him rushed to support, but he had been dragging to Shanghai before I got this lag. One day of information.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, after the clouds drove out of the rain cloud, another bad news came.

"Red Army occupied Hongqiao, Yangpu District, our army, the army, the public rental surrender."

This news suddenly stupid it was stupid.

The disappearance of the concession means that the Red Army has completely controlled the big Shanghai. He should implement the "rendering of the outer task", but now become a "single-dry" before the origin.

When I left Yarsung, there were some senses of Bai Wuyuan, who had been unsatisfactory. After receiving this intelligence, it quickly calm down. Bai Wuyuan is arrogant, and I don't think I can take the entire large Shanghai from the ship's Marine Corps, who is brought by the ship.

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