The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions, Men's Crossing, Chapter 148

In order to increase the "post-murder", these mines tend to penetrate into the feces or the broken porcelain fragments invaded in the dumps, once detonated in stepped. Bacterial tapered on a scattered porcelain is very easy to infect wounded. It is now in August, it is the peak season of bacterial breeding. Improper treatment is often due to the serious infection of the wound, it will have to face the threat of amputation.

The British army on the island has a countless bitter in the mine. How many of these ceramic landmines, the metal detector can't be found.

Red Army Bray, is not just simple to hold the rabbit type, sometimes it is actively attacking. Usually they sneak into the British control area in the night, and then bury a few issues in their way, and then I don't know the previous security path, it is unclear, then it is Pay the price.

In the principle of two healthy people to carry, the land on the island is not very powerful. I only want to completely blame the opponent, but there are also exceptional "ferocious" guys.

That is the famous "s" "S" thunder, anti-step troops, but also known as "blocking waist thunder". Once this mine is treated, the lower gunpowder is first detonated, and the mine is bounced to the height of the waist and then exploded.

Today's Red Army's industrial capacity is unable to make such precise mines like German. This explosion is not accurately controlled after this jumping. But the quality is not enough, the quantity is added. According to the opinion of the forest, the jumping thunder manufactured by this ground law is the same as that the pottery is as material as possible, which is subject to material affected, and there is a lot of blows at the time of explosion. But the infantry in step is definitely not good. Those porcelains that were contaminated with feces were played on the infantry, even if they were just rubbing the skinny skin.

Compared with mines, it is not possible to see the 13 mm sniper gun of God.

It is unwanted to interfere with mine, although the UK sent more than 10,000 people from the island, the area of ​​activities has been greatly limited. After the night attack, I missed the landmine, after a less than 100 people lost, every step of the British army on the island became careful. The task of the guerrillas on the island is also coming so far.

Sleeping has a wave of "Cha) at night, walking everywhere is the landmines, the British army of the South, and another kind of guest enjoying is a cold gun.

The British army in the island, with the number of suppressive advantages on the number of the army, and the so-called "absolute control area" of about six kilometers in the island will be controlled in the island a few days. They don't want to control the area, but the boat is is the hills, and if they will be expanded, they must be drilled into the mountain gully and the Red Army who is better to play the mountain guerrilla. In the case of mine and cold guns, the British colonial troops in the UK are not able to complete this task at least in a short period of time.

The nighttime attack on the Red Army mountains, relying on a series of means such as strengthening alert, increasing a secret post, there is still a way to cope. But the face is in the distance, the shells hit in the night, the British army doesn't matter.

In the Zhoushan Island, he left the guerrillas, in addition to using the same Li Enfield rifle in the use of the British, also equipped with the 81mm mortar guns of their same style - these mortars were sold from the former British to the artillery party of. At night, the Red Army is not greedy, and it is far away from the two artillery.

The mortar shooter is limited, and the one-time launch of the shell is less, the threat is not big, and it is really a headache for the British. It is a weapon that does not require the launching device - 107 mm rocket.

AK47 rifle, RPG rocket, and 107 mm rockets of China, this is called a guerrilla battle three artifacts by netizens:

The AK47 and RPG rockets of this era, although the German Germany has been secretly made, but not in the confidential factors, there is no Chinese, but the 107 mm rockets have been tried in China.

When I saw the military TV show, I have seen the introduction of 107 mm rockets in the column, I'm impressive.

107 mm rockets are called the guerrilla warfare. One of them is that the weight is extremely light, easy to carry, when using some special "earthwork", even if the launcher can be launched, which is the most important.

On the third day of the British behind the Islands, I started to enjoy 107 mm rockets.

Before World War II, Germany Due to the "Versailles Treaty". It is forbidden to develop cannons - this is also why the German artillery manufacturing design is so bad in history, and there is too much in the past. At this time they can only avoid the "Versailles Treaty" through research rockets. At the same time. The Soviet Union also conducted a rocketic research, and the two sides enjoyed each other's research results (this is historical real), the Soviets have developed a famous "Katsha" rocket, and the German developed 210 mm large-diameter rocket.

And this plane, Lin Han's research on the rockets, the biggest contribution is to provide a "design concept" that is suitable for "guerrillas".

The famous 107 mm rockets of the later generations have not been made by any advanced, and the technology before World War II can be manufactured. Really known as artifacts is his design idea and the resulting tactics.

107 mm caliber is a factor in entry into ergonomics. It is the best caliber suitable for the infantry, the weight is moderate, powerful. When it was used to attack the combat, a soldier could act at all.

The gun rack is cheap, and even the gun rack can also be launched with earthwork, which is more important in the attack.

Usually, when the night attack, the Red Army's night attack troops dispatched about a class. A rocket with a number of 107 mm. After the penetration force is close to the British army station hundreds of meters, just take the shovel or the shovel, find a good launch place, use the shovel or the engineering to shoot a soil, use the soil to repair a launch station, put the rocket . Simply align the target, then use matches or lighters to ignite the latter leads, and the back rocket will shoot like a monkey.

This rocket racer that does not have a launching rack is generally only six or hundred millimeters, and the target of attack is mostly the guards of the postage or frontline. Although the precision is not high, who is not good to eat, it is definitely a nightmare of tens of meters in the diameter.

This launch method is that Lin Han sees in the future generations, telling this idea to Germany's designers. They quickly developed this kind of "guerrilla warner" and took China this year to try, the British is the first batch. The interference time in the British Japan has been delayed to the end of July, which allows the Red Army who gets the new equipment to get enough time to adapt to the equipment.

On the day of August 2, the British passed the ship, and the large number of military supplies were collected on the temporary dock. When I didn't come to the time, the Red Army on the island quietly advanced the six-way twelve rockets to three kilometers. In addition, the seventy-two rockets are played in more than ten seconds, covering the entire terminal, in addition to causing huge casualties, it will also end the military supplies of the pier to destroy most.

Although the British army near the terminal quickly counterattack, I found the rocket that was blown up and didn't have to run away, but the Red Army did not feel heartache - because the rocket gun was mostly, the shell was much more expensive than the gun. The gun rack is just a regular seamless steel pipe and a bracket, which is not worth money.

The Red Army on Zhoushan has a German rocket in the hands of the Thousands of March. Before they finished, the British garrison will suffer.

When the British army in Zhou Island, enjoy the hospitality of various "guerrilla tactics" from the later generation, far in Germany, Germany, Hitler, Germany, Hitler, also came to interview with his American reporter, talk about himself. "War Idea".

Adolf Hanna, who dressed as Hitler, played a look of sorrowful people: "In fact, I am a person who loves peace. In my opinion, I personally end, launch a war, no more stupid thing than this. My China My friend told me that the war before the war! The German people should learn that it is like Americans, selling war, not to participate in the war, now China's situation, isn't it very good? ? I just sent tens of thousands of rifles, spent a little money, brought great benefits to Germany! "

Now "Hitler", he (she) prestige rises in Germany. Whether it is a military or a private, Hitler is extremely satisfied. Although Hitler supports Bolshevik, the end of the Room, but that is China Bruffvik, half an earth in Germany, and what is the burden?

If it is a few years ago, the German military has a total word to Hitler's sleep, but now every German is extremely admired. On China's position, Germany passed the two heads of red and white, not only earned a huge arms profit, but also pitted the old Director in the United Kingdom, directly in China. Colonial income is ash.

The guerrilla battle of the Red Army on Zhoushan Island. Bringing a small casualty for the British army. But the biggest problem here is to hang overseas, with the exhaustion of resources and the Qing Dynasty. I can still set it later, and this takes time.

Today's British, the most lack of time is time.

Domestic exciting folk emotions require them to solve China's issues as soon as possible to "stop loss".

Worried about the dominoes, the remaining colonial China has raised the "Gao Dynasty" of the new round of anti-colonial revolution. It must also resolutely deal with "China Issues" as soon as possible.

More importantly, the rapid rise of Germany and standing on the side of "Shouting to teammates", but sneaked into the black knife behind the black knife, they did not look at the sunset in China. . The Red Army occupied the whole state of Shanghai. Under the controversy and agitation of Americans, the US passenger cargo two-purpose cruise shipped from San Francisco, and arrived in Shanghai several days before the war. In addition to military materials, thousands of American overseas Chinese are also sent.

The President of That American red neck, very pleased to return the Chinese Chinese "gift" back to China, and the US domestic media also praised this is a great actions of "Pure American". And under the dark manipulation of Lin Han. The United States even once again raised the movement of "Gifts and colored people returning", some racists have donated money to send Chinese back to China - and the last similar movement has to pursue the last century, Americans will be part of the country. The black man sent back to African home, establishing the old things in the African country in Liberia.

The American racist is "cool", but the consequences they do, but it also greatly enhances the technical force in red Chinese hands. What makes the British depressed. These are sent back from the United States, mostly in the United States have received various technical training and even military training, and Americans send "Chinese return home" in this sensitive period, and they can understand.

Although the British government protested from Germany and the United States and the United States, they were all rejected by the two countries to "this is the individual freedom of citizens under the capitalist system". For these two uneasy countries, the British can only stand.

Compared to Americans, Germans do more exposure.

The British government gets information. Hitler has sent a large number of so-called "volunteer pilots" to China, and the early air war has caused great losses to Japanese. There is even rumors that now defend China's airplanes in China, Zhe, Su 3, and a large half of German and Soviet pilots driving, so they can achieve the previous "miracle".

When the British fell into the two positions of guerrillas in Zhoushan, he hurriedly rushed to Shanghai to "grabbing meat", and I also touched it on the road to Shanghai.

During the process of Japan offensive Shanghai, the main force needs to be trimmed. The Zhoushan base is still consolidating, and the large team is in Taiwan, it is temporarily just sending the Navy to support the Japanese fleet.

Shanghai's local second Raiders operation, as an example of the Red Army aircraft opened.

The British dispatched a fleet headed by anger aircraft carrier and the Barler's Battle, close to the Shanghai Changjiang Hound. And this time, there have been Japanese people who have last lesson, and they will send all the deconsive ports aircraft carriers and the red sincereity of the repairs.

Plus Number Aircraft Carrier has just entered the dock this year, it is only four months. After the first interference failure, the Japanese shipyard that realized the importance of blanking rights was dotted overnight, and she reluctantly recovered the port of "doing big surgery" to the state of the aircraft. At this time, the decoction of the aircraft carrier has not been completed, but it has been dismantled that the eight inch turrets in which the ship is used, and the amount of carrier machine has increased.

In this month's emergency repair in this month, in addition to repairing the smoothing on the body, the eight inch guns used in the sea battle have also increased the amount of carrier.

Although the two aircraft carriers are improved, they can only be said to be semi-finished, but it is already competent. After Fujian airfare, the Japanese have already admitted that the quality of the active aircraft is not as good as the opponent, but where can they find fighters that can fight against the FW90? Even the UK, the speed of more than 400 kilometers, the speed of the FW90 confrontation, is now being improved in the local test, and it is necessary to have a large number of equipment forces. Now the British Navy, official equipment is used, is still a "glove fighter" with a strong color (just called glove, good quirky name), this is a two-wing fighter, performance is over the morning. The middle of the Island 90, which is murdered, is not enough. As for the Royal Air Force, their main aircraft is a bulldog fighter. Although this plane is more than three hundred kilometers, the performance is quite equivalent to Hawke II.

The British is unaware, but the Japanese is because they are "hungry" and the self-confidence of their own. Seeing that the British will go to the water together, in order to "invade China's best historical opportunity", they do not wait for the new aircraft equipment forces, or regardless of the largest home as all of them come to Shanghai. Japanese people not only dispatched Red sincerity, Gong He two aircraft carrier, Jin Gang-level three war patrols, and even Japanese treasures, the long gantry battles were dispatched.

Chapter 185 Grand Shanghai 1935

British Japan invaded China's military operations, the British is the behavior of the first war. The negotiations of the previous and Red Army in the negotiating table were originally to confuse the smoke bombs released by the opponent. Although before this, the two sides have already played in the Yangtze River. The British also died a fleet commander, two generals plus a pile of sailors, and even a cruiser was captured, but the insidious British in order to confuse the Red Army, or The mold is actually performing on the negotiation table.

The British and Japanese were secretly touched the Navy to Shanghai outside the sea. On the day of the war, this day, the two countries also took the opportunity to confuse the balloon: Obviously the interference army has sent it in the sea, but the Japanese emperor is The 30th visited Nagasaki military battalion before this day, I went to China's soldiers, and I published this news through the newspaper, and the British government was in the day of the 3rd triple, and suddenly shelled the "claim" condition to display. Sincerity.

However, this performance of the British is beginning to "cover the leaves of the bodies". " I deeply know what the German Empire is from the high-level Red Army, which has never had any fantasies for them. For the purpose of delaying time, both parties continue to perform hypocritical performances on the negotiation table. As for the Japanese, the Red Army and the Japanese army have long declared the war state, and this war has no unexpected feelings.

The two governments have made a comic funny play in the Red Army's performance in the Red Army. After the performance, the Red Army leaders Li Yunshi will order the frontline troops in the first time. Lin Han and Li Hua Mei are in the unscientific existence, when the British fleet is two hundred kilometers away from Shanghai, they found their traces in advance warning.

Therefore, when the British fleet is violently shelling Zhoushan Island and Shanghai coast, there is no hurt in addition to destroying some buildings and frying on the ground.

The Red Army did not deal with the enemy's anti-landing experience under the shipbling cover, they didn't, but someone had.

Hannah "Hands have experienced" The Second World War is the most abundant person in the world, Anzio landing, Normandy landing, Land Walda, Okinawa landing war, etc. On the landing war, "experience" has been rich in this area. Under the requirements of Lin Han, Hannah wrote a military power of hundreds of thousands of words, and also sent people to Terg, and experiencing the anti-landing operations of the Turki military officers experienced a battle of Darenia Straits. Military topic. Then, according to these information, I took a military film science and education film against landing combat, and sent it to the Red Army.

In the movie, the scene of the simulated battleship ship gun is extremely impressed, and the arms of the Red Army is extremely impressive. When the shooting of the guns above 14 inches, a big pit, a large pit, and all the biological life around the 100 meters, and watch finish After the literacy of this military science and education, the impact of giving the Red Army's senior leadership is extremely shocked.

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