The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Chapter 187

There is a harmonious, a hand-made person, and a ridiculous long scorpion, the name is Lin Manzhou, three "beard robbers" at the meal, he is responsible for the tea to send wine. Due to the three robbers, the three will be a piece of chocolate, which means the East Malay Peninsula, the Western HMB Peninsula, as a "small sweet" reward to him.

At the beginning, the scene of the satellite, the so-called "Leningrad conspiracy", the three "beard robbers" jointly divided the British cattle, and there was no forgotten that Lin Hanra came out to ridicule.

The three "young" robber empire enjoys the "old villain" John Niujia (UK)'s cake, satisfied with satisfaction. Before leaving, the long braid of the shadow of Lin Han Lin was Manzhou, but also patted the "old villain" face with his hand.

In the sarm in Chaplin, the big beard represents Stalin, the little bezer represents Hitler, as for the chin, the Jackie forest, the actor who prepared it is specially spherped with a meat. Whoever is secretly referred to. As for the image you know in Lin Manzhou, you don't have to say more.

Leningrad's tripartite talks, the tripartite talked about ten days.

The general solvement is the issue of the interest distribution, entanglement and prevention of war between Sude.

After negotiating, Sude reached an agreement, in the future days, the two sides "entered" Poland when "appropriate", will put this "European wipe" country into two, divided into German Poland and Su Belongs to Poland. In the control area, both parties only entered a minority, the two sides of the mutual military observers have long been in the control area of ​​each other, and the two parties and more than one of the other units must notify the other party in advance.

According to this plan, Poland will become the most important buffer between Sude.

Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union supports Germany to integrate Czech Republic, Slovak can be used as Germany, but Germany's garrison must be strictly restricted, while allowing the Soviet military observers to enter.

As for the three countries of the Baltic Sea, Germany supports the Soviet Union to swallow and three countries, and the same Soviet Union must also be limited, while the German military observers are allowed to enter.

The Sudou two sides promised to ensure that Romania's "permanent neutrality", both parties have to propose territorial requirements.

The agreement is actually only the enhancement version of the 1934 Bill talks, just the negotiations of the two sides "sincerity", which is much better than the hearts of the people. Whether it is the Soviet Union or Germany, after I know that history, I am not willing to play a two defeat and hurt the Americans.

In addition, the Soviet Union promised Germany. During the war, the Soviet Union would export oil to Germany. In history, in front of the Sude war, the Soviet Union's petroleum exports in Germany are extremely "small". In the three years before the thrill of the Sude War, the Soviet Union had only 700,000 tons of oil exports in Germany - aware of the Soviet Union of German weaknesses. And this history is distorted, the Soviet Union promises to export six million tons of oil exported to Germany after three years after the agreement is signed. As a exchange condition, Germany must open some advanced technology to the Soviet Union.

Through Leningrad talks, Sude has talked to the European melons. Stalin's agreement with Germany, mainly he also admitted that long-term high-intensity arms were too much pressure on the Soviet Union. If Suide can stay "friendly peace" between Sude, the Soviet Union does not have to limit the army to the land army, and you can put your attention to the "farther" place.

There is also a topic to discuss between China and Su.

The key to discussing is the Mongolian issue.

Mongolia as the first socialist country established by the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union did not agree with Mongolia, and the iron is to cut it here from China.

In order to appease China, Stalin, I proposed to China: Support China's recovery of Annan, and even the Laos area. Support China to return to Myanmar, Tibet. Even Solin also painted the cakes to encourage China to annex in the northeastern part of India. Of course, there is no promise in the middle of the pit people in Northeast India.

In addition, I agree with China in the Japanese war in Northeast China, allowing the People's Liberation Army to borrow Mongolia and Soviet Union, and commit to the promotion of the army to help the PLA attack on Japan. According to the Sino-Soviet agreement, after liberating the Northeast, the Soviet Red Army and the Chinese People's Liberation Army will join hands to attack North Korea, and the Korean is liberated from the Japanese to establish new socialist countries. In the Northeast of liberation, the Soviet Union will not be in China afterwards.

Although the three of the talks beat the "The Liberation of the Colonial People", it is not so bright, the three reasons are not so bright.

More than the Soviet Union, China's eating is much better, because China has "since ancient times" this big murder. Annan, Laos, Myanmar, but it is not to be lost. Turning over the history book, I can always find historical evidence that I have lived there from the Chinese people.

The excuse of Germany is for revenge, and launches war in order to break the "sinful Versailles system".

As for the Soviet Union, it is hard to see with a rough known as a mortown. It developed the offense Tori, liberation of Jun Shi Tintun, breaking through the programs of the Dashiya Strait, but continued Russia and Trust hundreds of years of war. For the War of the India, it is to complete the Russians for a few hundred years of dreams.

According to this program, the Soviet Union has completed the strategic point of the Dadda Ni Strait, but also to the Indian Ocean, and after liberation of North Korea, the Soviet Union will establish a naval base in the south of North Korea, and the road to the Pacific is also open. Although the Soviet Union has an outstanding mouth to the Pacific Ocean in the Japanese sea, it is not very significant because of geographical reasons, and only the North Korea will truly get a safe entry into the Pacific.

Since the 1934 Kiel talks, Ren Peiko will be on the Kilosfros, Sudou's "Open", the gun, the gun, the pole, from the country, to believe in "communist unordance" The superaite idealists of this set began "ideal shattering."

When I arrived in Leningrad talks, Sude was naked naked naked, and the "share" of this era is not a very heavy "no beard", thorough understanding.

The place that has no beard is in history in the eyes of the Soviets, that is, he is a "stubborn nationalist" rather than "communist."

Have you ever hate China after Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh? In addition to the nature of the white-eyed wolf, another reason is that China has smashed the dream of Vietnamese, the three countries of the South Peninsula - ie Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. These three places are extremely close to blood, and the people of the three countries do not resist unity. However, in the history of the Geneva Conference, China does not support the three countries in Vietnam, and Vietnam believes that Vietnam has been pitted by China, and they are so hatred in China.

Regarding the Mongolian issue, China is still refused to give up easily. China does not recognize the independence of the outside, just agreed to maintain the status quo. On the Mongolian issue, the Chinese side and the Soviet Union signed a backup agreement. The content of the agreement is that as long as the Soviet Union always exists, China will never talk about Mongolia. But once the Soviet Union disintegrates, the protocols about Mongolia will be automatically abolished.

This is a pit digging in China, but Stalin jumped in a hurry.

At that time, the Chairman of Li Runshi put forward this record, Stalin answered him coldly: "Do you think the Soviet Union is like a history in history, can only live for seventy years?"

The Chairman of Li Yunshi answered him: "If the Soviet Union can exist forever, there will be no Mongolian issue."

Through Lin Han, Stalin has a deep understanding of the Chairman of Li Yunshi. During his visit to Su, Stalin did not intend to fell in history, but he attached to the man who came to "similar road" in history. In his opinion, people who can let "Thrilist Lin Han" will be willing to shout for their life, there must be some people.

Stalin Road: "History has been smashed!"

Chairman Li replied: "Yes, we are re-creating new history."

Finally, Stalin agreed to this backup agreement. When signing, he said to the President Li said: "After the history, if the Soviet Union is still four-fold in history, how do Mongolia returned to China? The Soviet Union really will finish, then I have a donated two, and I have a good time. It may be born in the ruins. "

And the Soviet, Solin, after returning to Moscow with Lin Han talks, there is no ordered arrest map Harcefs marshal, but arranged him to open it empty in a military school. However, the cleaning in the army continues, a large number of commanders, generals, and teachers have been arrested, but the scale is much less than the history. Compared to history, I crossed the overridden cleaning, Stalin sent a young man named Andropov, with Belia to review the list of "people's public enemy" provided by Ye Ruft. Ye Ruft was responsible for arresting people, killing, and the two people rescued people according to the instructions of Stalin.

Some people sang black face, some people sang red face, Stalin began "there is limited" big cleaning, after listening to Lin Han's destruction and yin face, Stalin also desperately desperately desperately desperately desperately desperately damaged the Soviet Union And injury. When Li Yunshi, Chairman of Li Runshi, made suggestions to Stalin, China is willing to accept "excess" "exile" in the "big cleaning", to help China conduct socialist construction.

After a long time, Stalin agreed to this proposal.

As a result, in this plane, Stalin's limited "cleaning", in the victim, only three points in history, the remaining three-minute two, half were saved by Belia and Andropoff, half "Exile" to China.

Historical is like a horses, since Linhan has broken the stiff rope since the Thin Han, is rapidly ran away from the unpredictable direction.

Chapter 218 is about to be blown up war

Christmas in 1937, for the British Prime Minister Zhang Bollen, the Christmas is particularly cold in this year.

After I lost China in 1936, the 1937 Big Empire has only bad news received in the world.

Spain's interference war, once again being made into the mulmonar. With the two negotiations in May and Sude, the British Empire finally took the two of the two supporting the Republic to Spain, as an exchange, and the British French also agreed to no longer interfere with Spanish civil war.

The nationals cheered in order to jump out of Spain.

But Zhang Bollen didn't look at it.

When, the day of the night does not defend the empire, we have weakened to end the war with this means. When, the civilians of the British Empire have fallen this level to the country's "expectation value"?

In 1929, the Great Depression of the United States was still influenced by the UK, the UK "to industrialization" is very serious. After Zhang Bolun served as a prime minister, the top priority was to re-industrialize the British Empire. In addition, it is to avoid war in Germany in Germany.

Zhang Bollen is very clear. Once the British Empire encounters a war like the First World War, the British Empire will inevitably fall from the peak of the world. Over the past few years, the international situation of the British Empire has not been very good. In addition to a less reliable allies, Su, Germany is even more hostile to the British Empire. This is clearly exposed in the interference war two years ago.

Prior to the war of June 1935, when the San German San Kingdom tried his hand to the UK stock market, then he borrowed the "Dongfeng" of China, and the three were a knife of the British Empire. Sudou gave a plane to China's Bolshevik, even personally sent a lot of pilots. Americans seem to be neutral, but they sell oil and chemicals to the CCP before the war.

The results of the war are also as expected. The British Empire will lose China forever, and finally only keep the last place in Hong Kong. In June this year, the People's Liberation Army has entered Guangdong Province, Chen Jizhen announced that he has accepted peace and editing, and Guangxi, Li Zongren, is unwilling to go, and the PLA, but in a month, the whole army is not covered, I fled to Hong Kong to announce the "Wild". Yunnan has been regarded by the French as "since the land". However, the People's Liberation Army is still unfair to enter the ground. After the two sides have symbolized a few, most of the army of the army is annihilated, and the small part escapes to the Golden triangle of Myanmar.

In this process, the British Empire federated with French people repeatedly protested against the CCP, but did not have been ignored. Compared to Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, three provinces, truly let the British empire are depressed, the People's Liberation Army is now mobilizing the force from the Yungui area to enter Tibet, preparing to solve Tibet issues.

Tibet has been regarded by the British as a firewall on the British Empire Crown of India. It has worked hard to separate Tibet from China in history. In the face of the "recovery land" behavior, the British Empire has not been able to take any actual and effective actions in addition to the meaningful protests and intimidation.

In Asia, the only country in which China can inhibit the rise is only Japan, but 1936 invaded war is the defeat, which is also a large loss of bones in Japan. In order to launch this war, the Japanese in order to launch all the people in the treasury, but the harvest is the ending of the fiasco. Japan after the war, in 1937, it is under the sequela and dual torture of the war's external debt and the economic crisis. In 1937, Japan has been replaced by four cabinets, but it still can't change anything. Lost Japanese market in the Chinese market, now the domestic industrial products can't find the sales market. And its silky market in the United States, now he has received strong challenges from the "nylon" from Germany.

As early as 1929, there was a Chinese in the US market, which was named Zhuang Jihua, and the GDP produced by the nylon stockings manufactured at the time, once accounted for a percentage of the national industrial output value of the United States. However, as Zhuang Jihua was hired by the US Toros' mernened gun in New York Street, the manufacturing process of nylon stockings was lost. However, after 1934, under the instructions of Hannah, Germany worshiped the mystery of Nylon, and the German nylon stockings once again occupied the US market, thereby re-improving the Japanese silk industry. And the silk is an important financial source in Japan.

After the founding of New China in 1937, all Japanese goods were all rushed out from New China. The current China, the largest trading partner is Germany, followed by the Soviet Union and the United States, Britain, Law, and Japanese industrial products are completely driven out of China. The British also has a huge colonial market to digest their industrial products, and Japan has left China, then nothing. Although Zhang Bollen wanted to support Japan inhibition China, now the economic situation of the British Empire, if he ordered to open the colonial market of the British Empire to Japan, Zhang Bolun believes that he will be held by Congress tomorrow, and the industrial capitalists in China will be more I ate him. The British Empire during the economic crisis is really "the landlord does not have the bails." I want to pull the Japanese.

In 1937, the Germans in the Dabu Empire were a good economic situation. Germany is now enjoying the huge "bonus" that supports the Chinese revolution. Zhang Bollen has been intelligent. Now the entire German factory is full. Starting, many factories have even implemented a three-shift working system, and commercial orders have been ranked next year.

Zhang Bollen really wants to call: "This is our orders, our money!"

Just in the past December, Germany's new battleship, the Sarn Horst has announced that the water is serviced, and the ship has become a world-recognized strongest battleship.

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