The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambulam Men's Crossing Record Chapter 192

"They are the same as me, are the crystallization of national will!"

When the sound of the big and well-smashes sounded, the kimono thrown on the ground was emptied, and then in the face of the mountains, the five hundred and Yoshida, the big and well were started to the physicalization. The two first look at the transmissive spiritual substance "support" congenital affinity, and then the inactivated substance gradually transforms the entity, and finally reforms the previous temperament of noble people, big and well.

When the two people saw big and well, she left a short hair, but when the entity was now, the short hair turned into long hair in the shoulders.

She sits back to the collapse rice and uses a solemn tone:

"I, China's one, and Germany, the reason why our birth is the same - when a nation has arrived in the death of life and death, the whole national will force condenses the will crystallization. In the past two In the year, our Japanese Empire was responsible for the war in China, and he lost his hands, because you didn't fight with human beings, but a crystallization of the Chinese nation. Please be a crystal of the Chinese nation, Not a branch, using the name of this word called the west, it is really insulting our own. "

When it comes to this, the big and well-being stopped, and the commander of the two fleet was digested. At this time, she will hang the long hair in the back of the head, then the right move, a wooden comb flew from the table in the house, she grabbed the comb, and started her hair in the face of the two.

Yamamoto fifty-six tigers face, seriously: "Big and you, what you mean, the Chinese who call Lin Han, he is not a person, but the crystallization of Chinese will, is it a god?"

"You can say this. Whether it is me, or Lin Han, there is a German woman who doesn't know where to hide, we are all qualified to live in the gods! Two years ago, the Empire's Navy and Army, on the mainland In the war, I always feel that everywhere is limited, there is a feeling of being pre-perceived by people in one fell swoop, because you are in the enemy of God. "

Yamamoto fifty-six hard hammered the desktop, the big channel:

"I said, when the Chinese plane, how to find our fleet! Is it the existence of the people called Lin Han?"

Dahe Fuzi corrects him: "It is the god of the name of Tinhan."

After a few seconds of silence, the mountains stood up together, and the two people stood together, and then they had a big and more than 90 degrees.

"Big and ... You, please forgive us for our previous rude. But ask you, be sure to help the Empire, the current empire is very dangerous."

The two can't afford it.

The big and well is not moving, but the face is brugging, not slowly in the two people.

For a long time, she looked down, put down the wooden comb, and replied coldly: "Why do I help you?"

Yamamoto fifty-six and Yoshida, the two came from the waist, and they looked at each other again. I didn't know why this claim is "Dahe Shun Soul" in the Japanese Imperial Consciousness, but suddenly uses such an indifferent tone. Talk to them.

"Do you still remember what I said before? How did my existence be produced? It is the crystallization of the entire national will of the Japanese Empire."


The big and well-smashed tone: "As a crystallization of the whole national will of the Japanese Empire, there is only one meaning of the meaning and responsibility, that is, responding to the needs of the people, bringing hope and future to the people of Japan."

"So why ..."

"If this is the case, the first thing I should do is rushing into Yongtianmachi. It is like the Chinese god murdered to Lin Han, and the Kaishen is general. In Tokyo, in the palace, put you these Japanese people It is a truly scorpion, which is a national thief! "

Yamamoto 56: "..."

Yoshida Good: "..."

"Is not it?"

"Now Japan, it is like a year ago, and the whole middle and lower layers are full of angry and resentment. I am born under this emotion. The Lin Han in China, the mysterious existence of Germany, I believe The process of their birth is similar to me. When a nation is most desperate, when I can't see the hope, the resentment and anger gathered together, then the birth of our existence. We have the birth of us, only one, help Can bring hope to the bottom of the people ... Yamamoto, Yoshida, you understand what I am talking about? "

Yamamoto fifty-six and Yoshida is not a stupid, when he heard here, both of them are sweating.

"In the words of the Chinese, then it is called assistant to the child, change the dynasty!"

Yamamoto fifty-six and Yoshida, I made a confrontation of the big and well.

"Sorry, we didn't treat Japanese governance!"

Big and Fuzi did not pay attention to the two, she took the window of the living room, and her hands behind him, opened the window and looked outside.

"Come this month, I have been hanging around Tokyo, I saw a lot of begging people, I saw a lot of bankrupt people, I also saw a lot of hunger children. Many people are hungry, but the warehouse is full of bullish Rice in Northeast China, refused to sell prices, and the purpose is just to make a small number of businessmen earn more profits. "

I know that I stand in front of them is a god, Yamamoto and Yoshida have been cold-sweating.

"I am the crystallization of the whole big and national will. I am because the big and nation need me to be born. Whenever I have birth like this, it is the beginning of a country changed the day ... I know this process will die in this process. Many people, you should be lucky, I don't want to be like Chinese Lin Han, his choice you have seen it ... "

"Sorry, we didn't treat Japanese governance!"

Yamamoto has once again made confidance.

"Hey ... this can't be all sponsored, since the prince of Ito Bowen, I started to walk on the road, and now everything is sick. It is necessary to treat, many correct things, but because of all kinds The reason is not available. "

The big and well sighs, and the tone will slow down. She returned to the collision rice, sitting in the legs, and Yoshimota and Yoshida have no courage to sit in front of her, but it is like a class.

Dahe Fuzi: "I was born to this world, I told me that everything that brought huge injuries to the empire, the better, the better, the better!"

After seven o'clock, Yamamoto fifty-six and Yoshida have left the "Fuzi Clinic". After the two left, they immediately went straight to the Tokyo Palace, preparing everything that happened in the afternoon in the afternoon.

The big and well is sent to the two.

After the car passed by the two, there was a humanoid spirit in the room where the big and well, he didn't reach the position of a far away from a distance.

After a few seconds, the spiritual condensed into an adult shape is the "Chinese Shen Ming" Lin Han.

And the so-called big and well, she is not someone else, is Li Huimei and Katoha's fusion, which is integrated with Li Huai as the main body.

The World War is coming soon, Lin Han is successfully completed in Germany, the Soviet Union, and China's layout, only Japan's last corner is lacking, three people driving "new body" ships to Japan, is to put this The last piece of the world war puzzle.

Lin Han appeared, immediately hugging Li Huimei from behind, and then set off the next time. Today, Li Huimei fooled in the fifty-six sixth success, and I have been lurking around Lin Han, I am very happy, and I am very excited, so he decided to celebrate it before the Emperor.

Li Huaime: "Father, you are not promised to have, can you do what things will be doing again?"

Lin Han: "I promise you, just don't do those things after returning to China. But here is Japan, not China."

Li Huamei: "..."

Lin Han: " ..."

Then it is awkward ...

Chapter 223 is wrong, mentality

Since the end of the 1936 China War, Li Huamei relied on amazing performance in the air battle and launched a famous gas in the world. In just a short year, the power of her brushed belief even more than Lin Han, almost not lost to Xiahan Na, which has become inclusted to Hitler.

The force of massive beliefs flow into the body, and the ability of Li Huime's ability to produce certain evolution. Originally Li Huime's ability is only a "deterioration version" of Lin Han. After separating the body, the distance from the blur transient transient is only dozens of meters. But now she, when she is with the Katoha I, the distance of the blur transient movement has reached three hundred meters, and the maximum limit of the maximum limit is also increased to about 70 kilometers. Although it is still more than Lin Han and Hannah, her ability is obviously a step by a step. In contrast, Hanna's "daughter" Adolf, despite the entire German "belief", there is still no change.

It is because of the ability to evolve, the distance from the blur transient movement is far away, and Li Hua Mei wakes up to Japan, and is ready to affect the future history by directly touching the highest level of Japan. After the arrival of Chong Ren, Li Hua Mei took the abilities, making him believe that she is a non-human existence. After the two sides simply paste the cold, the then is the Emperor "Aska".

As the young brother of Showa, Chongren Tiande took over the emperor of Japan, the age was still less than 20 years old. For three years of the emperor, he is now only twenty-three years old, still is still in the old "" The stage of the head, whether it is worldview or political means, it is far from mature.

In the past three years, he is clear as the emperor, actually in the point of being empty. In 1935, the Imperial Road will become a big impact on the young Chongren Emperor. In the past few years, he has done the most in the past few years, it is constantly increasing the armed force of the Tokyo Emperor. For the civil and military ministers under the hand, after experiencing so many things, the young Chongren Emperor is not too trustworthy.

In 1936, the Tianshuang launched "the secret" to rape ", completely eliminated the Crown Division in the Japanese Ministry of Military, but soon he felt regret. Although the "middle school" of the Imperial Road, although it is annoying and in the second, but there is their existence, the people who have the customs of the dynasty have to converge. Now the Imperial Road is swept away, and the entire military has become a dynasty of the dynasty.

The Japanese received from the hands of the brothers who were detained. He took three years after this Emperor position, although it was not completely ignored, but the military was regarded as a mud and plastic Bodhisattva, or the young Nikong Temple was slightly unhappy.

After the whole family of Yun Renhuang in 1935, his residence became a "murderer", and there were various horrible legends. After that, Chongren still lives in their own three.

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