The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Remember Chapter 198

Taking advantage of this "China Conceptual Unit" fell, Lin Han orders its overseas capital, choosing when you are in the lowest valley, you have a lot of stock to fall into the Valley of Netherlands. After the end of the 1937 War, "Good News" came: The Chinese Communist Party returned the Dutch in China assets. The Dutch actually lost slightly in this storm, and the relevant stocks were therefore returned. Then after the Wire Bridge in Lin Han, the Dutch government and the CCP signed some commercial agreements in 1937. In 1938, the Dutch government has recognized the new China. Under the stimulation of several good news, when the Chinese crisis was mourned because of the Chinese crisis, only the Dutch and Germans can laugh, and the previous Dutch stocks have risen in this process. Using political means to manipulate the maintenance relationship, through the stock of the stock, Lin Han earned more than the asset of China's assets directly to the Dutch.

After 1937, with the PLA gradually liberated China, a large number of "black five" parts were fled in Hong Kong and Nanyang. In this process, a large number of "Blue Society" cadres are also included. After the liberation of Shanghai, these former artillery Party specialist, although the "upscript" is "uprising", it is still uneasy in their hearts. Lin Han wants to build a country overseas, the most lack of people, he has received a large number of people in the blue clothes, which also includes Director of Dai Yuong.

After 1937, a large number of former artillery party and the ridicule of Lin Han were combined, and the identity of "Escapers" began to penetrate in Southeast Asia. As for another identity of Lin Han, Xuanwu teaches the master, and she has a deep emperor who is damaged in China. It has announced that the teaching is illegally organized, and the branch of Xuanwu is in the British colonies, and now Xuanwu teaches only Can be active in the Netherlands of colonial activities, but the Dutch government is very vigilant, and everything can only be active.

China's things have been clear, and Lin Han's own career has just started. Since 1929, it has passed the past ten years. After ten years of grinding sword, Lin Hancus also formed a group team headed by him. With the approach of the European-war crisis, the establishment of New China has secretly sent a large number of cadres to the Nanyang infiltration in accordance with the year in the Soviet area, and helping Lin Han pre-prepare for the future "Jianguo".

Lin Han stared the goal, the Nanyang's Garyana, especially the future of East Mallasia and Brunei is the most desirable site. Brunei has oil, and its meaning is not more to say, but it is now a Dutch colony. From 1935 to 1936, in the Chinese Liberation War, a large number of Chinese in Nanyang responded to the importance of Lin Han's call. After the war, these people were reorganized by New China and then transferred to Lin Han leaders. Today, Lin Han is extremely high in Nanyang Chinese, which naturally has become the leader of their recognized leaders.

However, in 1938, it is not a good time to build a country in Nanyang. Before the war of the European, Lin Han can now work, but also in secret contact with the local Chinese, strengthen the hob, and continue to accumulate power.

However, the timing will soon come.

Time until January 1939, Germany torn the agreement with the United Kingdom, swallowing and overtaking throughout the Czech Republic, British Fa, selling the Czech sekesee policies completely bankrupt. The Czech Skoda Barter Factory is one of the three European soldiers. After annexing the Czech Republic, Germany has got a "big complement", which is closer to the war.

The European atmosphere began to be nervous.

After the time entered in April, Lin Han got news from Germany. Now Germany is in high speed, new tank factory and aircraft manufacturing plant, is producing, a large number of three tanks and HE112 fighters are quickly rapidly from the pipeline It is manufactured up and then equipped with a very fast speed.

The whole world is now beginning to discuss the topic of the world war.

But the Europeans did not think that the war of a new round of World War is not lit in Europe, but in China, in the northeast.

At the end of May, 1939, with the weather turned around, on May 25th, China first made the requirements of Northeast to Japan. At the same time, the Soviet Union also filed all the privileges of the library of treasures in Japan.

Two simultaneously sounded, limited to Japanese reply within 24 hours.

In this regard, there is no "can't work hard", and the world is not surprising.

However, the Japanese government kidnapped by the national meaning, knowing that the requirements of the two sorsers, so that China Soviet decided to solve the force.

On May 26, 1939, the Soviet Union declared the war in Japan. On the same day, New China also declared Japan.

Then, it is like Li Huimei predicted, and hundreds of thousands of liberation army "borrowed" Soviet Union and Mongolia, from the Far East to the Northeast, and the liberation of Jinzhou direction also launched a Polygeneration attack. The Red Army of the Soviet Union also sent two thousand troops to cooperate with operations.

On May 26, the war has long hugged the "stop loss", the head of the Guan Dongjun, the governor of Okun Village, Ning Ji, in the acquisulna of Chongren Emperor, in addition to the liberation force in Jinzhou, and he issued it. Military instructions, all the retention of the strength.

From the far East into the Northeast China, the Sino-Soviet Union, almost no more expensive power, liberated the land of the Northeast.

On July 5, the People's Liberation Army has succeeded in "light recovery" northeast, whether the Japanese army is still a Sino-Soviet Union, and the injuries from both sides are very small - because most areas, the Japanese army retreat. Only Jinzhou direction and Harbin have a transient crossfire.

On July 7th, all Japanese soldiers have returned to the Korean Ducks' North Korea.

This "light reputation" in the northeast.

During the retreat, the Japanese army did not destroy the facilities in the northeast. It is not that they become "good", but in the Chong Ren Emperor's recommendations from Li Huimei "to preserve Northeast facilities", negotiate with New China.

When the Chinese Soviet army jointly declared the war in Japan, the Japanese military high-level knows that the northeast is going, and it has always been hoped for holding the northeast. The Kandie army, putting the troops and materials in the territory of North Korea, how can the top of the Japanese Minister do not see?

Just although you know that Northeast is already a piece of river causing, but for your own interests, no one is willing to smash this window paper. Although the Japanese Army Military Department is crazy and "middle", in "paste" and "ostrich", the level is equally different. Since Okun Village is willing to live since the "back black pot" dry, the military person is also happy to do this.

In fact, in the past year, through Li Huime's activities, and the increasing understanding of the new China, the people of the Military Department know that they are not realistic in Northeast, but no one is willing to break this "emperor's new clothes" to avoid Destroy your political future.

Okun Village is not willing to do this "dirty", but Li Hua said.

"His Excellence in Okun, you have a black pot of the foreign policy of the empire. The emperor is very clear. The people of the military know that the right thing is nothing, knowing the wrong thing, but in order to politically and their own interests. It is desperately to do it. This kind of emperor is also understanding. The emperor is not forgetting the people who have a black pot of the Imperial black pot. "

After the discussion of Okun Village and Shiyuan, I gave it, I promised Li Huimei and decided to "sacrifice my reputation for the long-term interests of the Japanese Empire."

The two jointly undertake the responsibility of "command" to give up the northeast. Chongren Tianshi remembers these two people. Although afterwards, although two people are dismissed, they will raise them again in one year. More than those guys who are too "smart" in the military, the two took the initiative to "divide the worry" in the future, and earned more political future for themselves.

For the Japanese people to accept the military to "return" China's "return" China, the Japanese official media has long publicized new China and the old China differently in the newspaper, and "prevent the needle" in advance to the Japanese people. Prepare for the preparation of public opinion in the northwest.

On July 7, 1939, after the Northeast, the Sino-Soviet Union finally stopped in the shore of Ducks.

The reason why the last did not cross the duck Green River entered North Korea, which is the result of multifacence.

In the Soviet Union, Stalin was "dropped the chain" at the critical time. The main reason is that Stalin believes that there is a tail in North Korea, and Japan is more favorable.

And China has got a strategic idea of ​​Li Hua and Japan's high-level strategy, the top of the CCP didn't want to spend this time, and Japan in North Korea. The Japanese can give up the northeast because they see that the strategic environment here is bad, in the face of the Sino-Soviet Union, there is no one's winner, so take the initiative to give up. After returning to the North Korea, the topographic topography in North Korea, and the large number of fortresses built here in these two years, Japan decided to fight here and the Soviet Union, North Korea is the bottom line they can't give up. In the case of the Japanese in the war, they sent the secrets to give up the northeast, and the complete return of China is the price of China. In exchange for the "safety" of North Korea, this "show" makes the CCP have turned over the ducks. I have three hearts.

Shortly after the two sorsers stopped from their respective reasons, they arrived in August, Japan and the Soviet Union, and China has signed a stop treaty.

The Soviet Union recovered all the interests of ourselves. China has recovered Northeast, as for Japan, in the horror, it saved their interests in North Korea.

During the war, the British government supported Japanese arms loans for "good hearts". In addition, the British did not do anything like the French. Nowadays, the British Fa, has a headache for the rise of this European dull dog in Germany, and there is no extra energy in Asia. It is a US government, an idea of ​​a balanced mainland forces, and supports a large loan in Japan during this period.

Things to see by British and Americans are Japan to play hands in Northeast Asia and Zhongsu, regardless of the victory, three will put a lot of resources into the war of Northeast. In this case, the British colonies are absolutely safe in the short term.

It is only that Americans and Britain have not thought that Chong Ren Emperor's persuasion in Li Huimei, it is worth warning in Northeast, and the war is actively given up.

The Sino-Soviet Union has almost completely recovered the northeast of the northeast. When the War I was inventory, the Liberation Army found almost all empty in the warehouse of the Japanese, and the industrial foundation of Northeast China was also demolished last year. 7788, large batch machine equipment is running back to Japan.

Li Hua's third road to Chongren Tianghuang, Japan finally was implemented in accordance with this idea, and the Sino-Japanese war in British and American expectations did not end out.

In September of the year, Germany did not like history, sent people to pretend to be a Polish to Xuan War in the radio, but still maintaining the "peace" state of Poland.

The Germans did not stop, because the Soviet Red Army was not ready. According to Stalin, Germany will launch a war, postponed in October.

At 7 October 1939, Sude had "voice" at the same time, and the "territory" requirements were proposed to Poland.

The German request is that Poland is returned to the Versailles system, but it is cut by them.

The Soviet Union's requirements are not as defined by the Western Ukraine cut after the battle of Warsaw.

The most fearful things in the British Fa, finally happened, red Soviet and brown Germany, finally joined hands. Two countries have responded to the 24 hours within 24 hours.

Polish rejected this last pass.

On Octoba, Sude's two also declared war in Poland, and the two declarations, even only a gap of less than 30 seconds.

When Germany and the Soviet iron horses raised through the land of Poland, the British Fa's two governments protested for two days in the molding model, announced on October 10th to the Soviet and Germany.

The Second World War broke out.

The fourth volume is different World War!

Chapter 229 from the White Plan to French Battle

Q: Who is the most dead country in Europe?

A: Pingde Town exposes large wave.

What is the most fascinating country in Poland?

After the end of the battle, the Russian civil war did not stop, Germany was seriously weakened, and the new Poland was supported by the British and French, and the east stepped on the Mao, the West bite His, so unfortunately.

In Europe, the two major traditional powers in Europe, the tiger must also be released, on the issues other than Europe, this country is also a wonderful existence.

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