The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions, Men's Crossing, Chapter 295

On May 18th, after returning to the prime minister, "Hitler" announced the assassination incident in the public speech of the national, and all the Germans he used to use the privilege to "special". It will not be died, the highest punishment "top more" is only life imprisonment.

Hannah did not kill people, not because she was so good, but listened to Lin Han's suggestion.

"Now Germany, need to stabilize people. Those who you want to kill, you can kill them in prisons, there are countless ways to kill them, there is no need to kill them too much, so as not to cause the rabbit death."

In the entire May, Germany was in an uneasy panic, but this uneasiness did this because the heads of "not killing" commitments, the fluctuations triggered were in a controlled range.

The "anti-Hitler Group" headed by Weizri Marshal is raised in this storm, and Hanna took the opportunity to clean the internal defense force once by pulling out the ladle. Some "old guys" who are not too listened are retired in advance, and then replace itself. However, Hannah did not completely clean the "Roll" group, she only handled some people, the rest of the people, such as Manistan, Madell's new generation of new generations, did not be affected in the storm, Instead, it has been upgraded.

Politics is a compromise. After all, the Room of Room is in the important part of the German war machine. Before finding "new parts" that can replace his "new parts", Hannah is not possible to completely destroy the entire Room. With the "Five-Year Seventh" incident, I knocked on the mountain, after I want something you want, Hannah has to continue to cooperate with the Room.

In fact, in May, the class of Room is greatly declining in the army, but in economic and wealth, not only do not damage, but "eat fat" is a lot.

Before May, after reading Lin Han's program about Germany's socialist transformation, Li Yunshi Chairman was evaluated:

"The Germany, which is conducting socialist transformation, and finally born, will be a weird tire wearing socialist skin."

And when Lin Han replied him:

"Well, integration, merger, so-called nationalization, newly born giant Toras state-owned enterprises. The name is state-owned enterprise, but it is actually the property of the reached capitalist, only their production Planning and freedom are directly controlled by the central government directive, and it is no longer as you like. You said this is a freak, it is not wrong. "

Li Yunshi Chairman He pointed out: "Not only this, the company after the transformation of Krupp, Mercedes-Benz, but these big capitalists are not only non-destructive in this process, but they have achieved huge profits. The so-called German National Chinese-related transformation, but to sacrifice the interests of small and small capitalists to obtain support for large capitalists. "

Lin Han's answer: "It is this. But these new births of the so-called 'state-owned enterprises', they have been fully controlled by the national regime, nor is the property of capitalists."

"So I just said that this is a freak. By the control of these state-owned enterprises, those who live in the Greater Capital, their influence of German politics will become more bigger. Now rely on Hitler's prestige, can suppress They, but what is his successor? "

Lin Han said behind the blood: "There is also a few super big gap capitalists, it is not, Hitler, the party guards and Ga Shidao dispatched, and grab all those super room I like it when I killed all the guns in the same year, and the problem is solved. "

President Li asked: "Are you in that time space, in China after seventy years?"

Lin Han looked up and looked at the sky, it seems to see a bio-hidden creature in the eight-claws hidden in the void against him. His little channel: "What about it? I said that this is called marketization reform, but I know those large-scale state-owned enterprises that are marketed. Their leaders are the children of the people you know ... About this, another time and space You, I have foreseen it very early, so I have the last ten years of tragedy. "

He went to express his view: "Hitler's transformation of Germany, a bit like the historical overhead of the old man playing in Lu Guo, going to its branches, picking up the contradiction between the big capacity, and small and medium-sized, take the opportunity to thoroughly Eliminate the medium and small Roll. Finally, only the big capacity of these alone, to finally deal with these big gums. "

Chairman Li said: "After handling the big capacity, there will be a new room to replace their position, but it is only for diners who enjoy this feast."

Lin Han sighed: "The temptation of power and capital, and several people can resist it? So our time and space, the Soviet Union disintegrate. As a national ruler of the Soviet Union, the founding of the Soviet Union, happy and happy After disintegrating, the people who have gone in the year, and they have become a super rich in the Soviet body. Socialist, communist, the biggest misfortune is, this is a game And your own war. People are in some special periods, they can defeat themselves, but people can't win themselves and will always win themselves. "

Chairman Li was silent. At that time, Lin Han noticed that he was sitting opposite to pinch his fist.

Lin Han also said: "Before I cross, our time in China is already the second strong country in the world. Industrial production capacity is the world's first, and there is also the reputation of the world factory. Although I was called by my pseudo. It is transferring, turning to the left, but finally is in progress. Just forward, go to the end, what kind of road will be, I have come early, I didn't see it. But ... "

Lin Han hooks the renovation plan of Hitler tied to the table.

"Now Germany, after the Hitler is finished, the German economic and political structure should be very like China. China, China, one day, will finally become the time and space in my space. China, I think this is the inevitability of history. Before this inevitability arrives, I can take the present Germany as a reference to see this kind of socialist skin, and a few privileged accommodation. The national economy is even the Germans of the whole country, and will last, this is a very interesting thing. "

On May 17th, the Room military officer rebellion, the hanna mother, so it can be easily suppressed, except for the status of Hitler, another reason, but they got the "Dapuk" capital in Germany. Support. After the transformation of socialist leather, the big board of Krupp, Mercedes, Bai, and other companies, after carefully read Hitler's transformation plan, they were surprised to find that they were surprised. Lost the power and interests of their company, but has the opportunity to "share Germany" power with Hitler, which is much more than lost.

Strictly speaking, the set of Hannah now can only say "repairing", "Decheng", not true socialist transformation.

In the economy, such as Krupp, Baye, Mercedes-Benz, such large private enterprises, before being "nationalized", they all are "liabilities" operation, and there is a large borrowing in the bank. With the "national standardization", the original debt bank has also been protected by the state, and all the debts become left-handed, it is equal to it. This is this, I don't know how much huge benefits have been brought.

According to "Hitler", in the next century, these large-scale enterprises that have been dominated in the next hundred years are still being managed by the original boss. More importantly, in this process, Hannai mother and daughter also promised to give some state powers.

Once, these big-capacity capitalists can only stand behind the scenes, depends on the political election to affect the national policy of Germany, but after "renovation", they "theoretically" is eligible to sit in front of the stage, and Hitler controls the country. The premise is that Hitler will not be like Lin Han, directly torn the face, once again use the "slaughter" way.

Hannah when cleaning the officer, the reason why the opponent shouted "one alone", its root cause, is also the heart of these people.

In order to greater interests, Germany's Room Capitalists did not hesitate to stand on the side of Hitler, secretly colluded, and sold the Room military officer.

From Lin Han and Li Hua, Li Yunshi chairman learned another time and space, in 1950, the world's change in the world, knowing another time and space, what, what kind of consequences have been made, It also knows the disintegration of the Soviet and Eastern European Socialist Group.

After knowing it all, how to go in the future, it has become a big problem that has to be carefully considered before him.

Before leaving China Back to Germany, Lin Han persured him: "It will be able to fall, some things will be dropped, some things, some things will happen. The so-called Dynasty cycle rate, in my opinion It is impossible to avoid. Some things, you want to avoid him, resist him, often to be counterproductive, poured to promote the worst results. The world is better, and it is also like this world. When better, the times will progress, develop forward; when everyone starts to make a rotation, it is reversed in development ... I remember that history is a spiral. It is only an upward parabolic, but not The next parabolic, that is impossible ... "

At that time, Chairman Li did not answer him directly, just before Lin Han on the plane, gave him a word post, and the dragon flying phoenix wrote seven big characters.

"I recommend Xuanyuan!"

Chapter 342, seemingly uncomfortable alliance

The political sudden changes in Germany have caused a big jump throughout the world.

The British who were seriously lost by the World War, and the British who lost his blood, scared to the Germans will be excused, and provoke the war again. Fortunately, the German government issued a statement, just condemning the British government's assassination action against his country's head, in addition to condemnation or condemnation, in addition to condemnation, the biggest threat is to let the Bati-class battleship to the first Atlantic fleet to the Atlantic fleet to turn two laps into two laps Deterrence, after the situation in Germany, returning to Germany's local rest, and then after the passage of time, the intense situation between the two countries in English will be saved.

The British was shocked, and the two naval powers on both sides of the Pacific Ocean were very disappeared.

Americans are painful and lose a chance to send a war. When Hitler's news came, the stock of New York Huajie was mad for half a day. As a result, before the evening (six hours of Demmeth), from Germany, "The Head of Head", the previous crazy rose It took a lot to fall back. And then, with the increasingly clearization of Germany, the shares of the previous madness, basically returned.

The stock market is normal, but the elites in the US financial community are now a long pain for another problem: That is the issue of German foreign debt.

Before the start of the European War in 1939, Germany owed the foreign debt of the United States, has been as high as $ 4.0 billion. Although Germany still owes interest and loans on time, but with Germany step forward, especially the German government. In the domestic crazy, the assets of the financial capital family were confiscated, and the material injured, the US bankers' concerns about the Germans were also better than one day.

After June, under the pressure of the bankers in the US, the US government proposed to the German government to request its premium payment.

From Germany invading Poland, Germany in a series of wars in Europe, relying on the strategic reserve of the countries, the national gold reserves, Fishing a vote, especially Norwegian and Poland, let the German have a small hair. . When defeating France, because the French removed more than 2,000 tons of gold in the country in advance, the German did not grab this gold in France. Even if you know Hannah and Lin Han, the two can do it, it is only based on the "history known", ambolic submarine in advance in the gold warship.

Since the French will be distributed in gold, Hannah and Lin Han do the resort, and finally only sinking a warship that has more than two hundred tons of gold, this gold is secretly salvaged after the war, but he is owed What is the huge sum of the $ 400 billion dollars in Americans, it is still not enough, not to mention that Hannah is not too much money.

As a result, when the Americans were submitted to repay the loan in advance, the right to push the right and right, claiming that the French people "pay more money" is still the money. After a battle, Germany has more than $ 4 billion from the United States, but about $ 2.0 billion, which has been lost to the French in the way of war indemnity. At that time, the United States had called our repayment of Germans. War compensation. The result didn't have a few years, and I encountered this "triangle debt" bird.

Now Europe, from Paris to Berlin to Moscow, one side of the red flag is vertical on the flagpole. Looking at the indigenous Europe, the US financial community in the heart of the mother, I really want to encourage the President to "armed debt" in Germany, but the new President Wilky, even if he kneels the financial and military workers, he is not crazy. Use the power of the country to challenge this new birth, from the East Atlantic to the West Pacific, across the entire old continent "red axis".

On October 5, 1941, the "Amsterdam Agreement" signed the first anniversary, and held a grand parade ceremony in Berlin, Germany.

On the same day, including the Soviet Union, and Germany, China, South, Law, Bi, and these newly born socialist countries leaders gathered in Berlin on this day. The Government of the United Kingdom and the United States saw that the red shadow of the continuous expansion of the red, is like the old continent. In order to reflect the "communist unordance", and the so-called "harmony" of "a family of socialist families", this parade ceremony is not only a team of the German army's armed party, a team, The Soviets also sent a group's infantry plus 20 tanks and some artillery vehicles to participate in this three "soy sauce" countries in this parade, France, Belgium, and Yugoslavia, and also sent some military to attend.

Due to the distance from the distance, China only dispatched four hundred people in the square. On the day of the military parade, the pilots of the three countries in China, Su, and Germany also drove their own domestic aircraft, with a formation of colored smoke over Berlin, in addition to commemorating the three friendships that teamed up in the Chinese Liberation War, Take this to British and American demonstrations, showing the "hard" alliance between the three countries.

This is not really difficult, and the three is in fact, but the first brain is unwilling to repeat the tragedy in history. He "smile", "speaking and gas", but sleep But there is a bright eye to each other.

With the military ceremony, the Germans of the world's first Army strong country have successfully put on this "big tiger skin", and the American people who are reluctant to swear, they have to stop stretching for Europe. Missing, they can only wait quietly to the emergence of the world's new changes.

Americans also have patience, but some countries have can't wait.

The first person who couldn't help but looked at the Japanese of Asian colonies, but was "British Washington Agreement", which was obedient to defend the country.

Over-warming has been one year, with a large number of captive military war prisoners, the Navy's new ship is successful, the "improvement" of the security situation of the UK, the British domestic industrial production direction, and gradually produces steering from the battle Peace production.

However, because of the "British and Washington Agreement", the UK was forced to open local and colonial markets to the United States. After the end of the war last year, the big British Empire of the loss of losses, it was urgently needed to come to the colonial crazy to supplement the vitality. Then a paper "British Washington Agreement", but it seems to have a stone in their throat, don't mention more difficult.

It is crazy to curse the patriarch of the soldiers in the hearts of the British owners in the hearts of the United Kingdom. Inside the British government, close the foreign colonial market, the waising of the Washington Agreement is also getting higher.

Chapter 343 Poor Dutch

In the last few months of 1941, all UK would like to abolish the "Yingmei Washington Agreement" of "Evil".

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