The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambition Ship Men's Crossing Report Chapter 466

Turkish people are more simply, they take the knife in one hand, take the "Qur'an", give Serbia everyone two choices, or convert to Ivylan to mix with Laozi, not only keep the land and property can also be a scent of the official Or continue to believe in God but lose land and property, all. As a result, a part of the Serbian in Bosnia became Mu Silain, meaning that "Shu Shunan Li Wi-Wong", Boshopula's original intention is to keep its own real estate.

According to statistics from the 1910 Agriculture, Boss and Herzein only accounted for 20% of the total population, but accounted for 96% of land, this is illustration. But at this time, Musselin is still a Serbian family, with a Zevian, who believes in the east, talking about a land, saying a language.

After the battle, Serbia although the light of the battle of the battle, it was "standing behind the team" in the war after all, as a "standing team" in the "Standing Conference" in Versa Palace in the War. reward. Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovi area, a large large land, in the Same Palace in the English Fa, the big stroke, it is all praised to Serbia, established a later "Yugoslav ".

However, this is "abnormal country" that is forcibly tied with a bayonet and iron chain. The Croatian is a few hundred years ago, and the enthusiasm of defending Vienna is higher than Hungarian, and even the local residents of Austria are also high; Bosnia and Herbur and Albania's Musselin are the same heart to Istabul, and they will prevent the Race counterattack.

At this plane, after the one year of war, Tieco has been successfully supported by the secret support of Sude, and has launched a military coup to be successful, and established the Republic of Yugoslavia.

He has continued to have all its "trouble" while continuing all the territory of the former government.

In the future, Yugoslavia's question is like the so-called "national issues" happening in many countries, it is still "religious" problem.

After the sacred impact start, there is no "God" to support the tip of the waist, and it is facing similar problems in other European countries: Domestic ideology is seriously confusing.

East Soviet East, West Side Germany, Safaros, two of the names of the gods, keeping their own ideology to the entire European, and Yugoslavia is also a hardest hit area.

Tieco is a Croatian family, this plane is invested in prior to Germany, plus the Kka and Tiben people are "distant relatives", and the relationship between the two parties is not bad.

However, Ti To is a iron-handed figure with an idea. Although it is good with Germany, he also pays very much attention to maintaining its own independence, and does not fall to Germany, but play "three balance" tricks. .

His to the country's believe in the East Church of the country is playing and oppressing and supporting, neither letting them sit on, and will not let them be weak. It is also this attitude towards a certain religion without a sense, giving it the space and soil of the survival - compared to Sude, even China and Langfang, is working hard to "guarantee the" domestic "belief. , Single-character, Tiezo's way of playing equilibrium, which can be "open history reversing", reverse historical trends.

This can't blame the iron, he is also a matter - after all, Yugoslav is not a "normal" country, but a "N family" that is forced to bundle, and these families, between each other because of the battle, there is still no Less "bloodstation".

At 70 generations, the Yugoslav government headed by Tieto has a big faint, artificially set Serbia Musselin as a nation, with Serbian, Montenegro, Macedonians, and believe in Roman Catholicism. Croatians, Slovenians are equivalent. In this way, on the land of Bosnia, there are three major ethnic groups: believe in the East Church of Serbian, believe in the Catholic Croatian and believe in the Mussels of Ivistan.

The practice of Tieto makes the national self-awareness of the "country", on the basis of religion, and the more severe cases of separation and cutting.

At this time, Yugoslavia has described the "Seven National, Six Republics, Five Nations, Four Language, Three Religions, Two Texts, and One Country".

On the eve of the burst of Bosnia and Herzegun, in the total population of 4.4 million, Musselin accounted for 43.7%, 31.4% of Serbia, and 17.3% of Croatian. The stupid national policy of the former Yugoslavia government buried explosives for future national conflicts, just waiting for the fire.

His approach has been praised by the American liberals, praising it for the European freedom window.

With the game playing three balls, Tieco controls the political power of Yugoslavia to ensure that "neutral" and "independence" in this country have not become the Soviet or German.

However, everything has to pay a price.

Yugoslavia's "Keep Self" is not a team, whether it is Germany or a Soviet Union, he is not very cool.

The Soviet Union during the Stalin period is not good as Yugoslavia.

After Dalin died, Katoha became the Soviet Union. At this time, the Soviet foreign policy, under the dark manipulation of Katoha, trend, or is a businessman.

"Improper Kay, not very fifteen, do not lose business."

Under the influence of Katoha, the Soviet foreign policy began to speak only interests and benefits, no longer pursue "virtual floating" things, and gradually realistic. For the Moistram, I can't stand the right, she is still able to endure.

However, she and the Hannah, "tolerance" for Yugoslavia, but only before Tieto.

In 1990, Tiezo died, less of the iron-fledged character, compressed three families, constituting the three columns of "distorted the country" in Yugoslavia, and its pedestal began to shake it in the first time.

Soon, the inside of the Thirtuo came to the sound of independent autonomous autonomous. This sound is not just that they have issued, and the two of Suide also made hands behind the scenes, and even the UK that has been moved to Australia, all inserted a foot.

In the secret diplomatic negotiation between and Germany, Kaqiu Shao said: "The Kk family is attributed to you, the Serb is returned to me, the Mu is nausea."

Hannah's answer is: "Agree."

Soon, Yugoslavia split.

After July 1995, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Macedonia have announced independence, and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia will declare.

In this process, in the process of "Looking at the tragedy of others", the Soviet Union looked at Yugoslavic disintegration, without intervening, but borrowed it as many of the broughtly in the country with antispetent teaching materials.

At that time, I have been hidden in the background of Kaqi, who has stopped coming out to the national nationals of the Soviet Union, "Next, there will be a lot of war, turmoil, hunger and a lot of death!"

Everything is just as he predicted, the civil war has emerged soon, the cause is the conflict between the nation and belief, the essence is the issue of interest disputes. Serbian soldiers who have the strongest military strength to help Boshamia's Serbs, triggered the Kuk's Mu's teamwork.

Germany publicly supports Kkka and Mu, while providing a large number of weapon military aids, more combined with EU EU sanctions against Serbia. In order to split Selvi, the Soviet Union is more closely "holding" his own thigh, and the early period is intentionally defile to keep neutral.

Three years, by 1998, the Bosnia and Herble-Heping Agreement was signed, declared the end of the War and Herbia, the official independence of Bosnia, the principle of "national autonomy", including the country, they included Slovenia Republic, Croatian Republic, Bosnia Republic, Herzegovina Serbia Republic, Mesan Republic, Macedonia Republic.

Before Yugoslav disintegration, it is a secondary industrial country in Europe. There are 36% of the people in the country with their own cars. Each 1.8 families have a TV. Each 2.1 family has a refrigerator. All children aged 7 and 15 are children. It can be received for free from 8 years of affiliation. Although the EU EU made in Germany is still behind, it is sufficient, but the life of the Yugoslavia people is abundant than the socialist countries in the same period.

But the problem of poor in Yugoslavia has been very serious, the most developed Slovenia and the neighboring Austria, the Italian economy is similar, and Macedonia, Kosovo is one of the poorest regions of Europe.

This country has the ability to make cars, light tanks before disintegration, and has little industrial strength. However, after disintegration, the industrial industry chain of the entire country is broken, and the related factories have fallen a lot, caught in the strange circle to industrialization.

Not only that, three years of war, also squeezed the national treasury of these Bao South States, in order to civil war need, all countries have hollowed out the last gold coins in China, and imported the arms to Sude, and the debt after the war. Tired, the domestic economy collapses, and the people are suffering.

In Yugoslavia, Katsha has become a "typical" of the educational public in order to maintain the Soviet Unin-disintegration.

In order to make the Soviet people feel deeply, the Yugoslavia after the disintegration is more miserable. Under her secret, after 1995, in the Soviet territory, the folks have flowed a lot of "heavy taste" from Yugoslavia, "ghost", "Bloody", "true", "non-love violent action film", its actors are all soldiers and enemy civilian women in civil war. KGB's agent, with a "non-love violent action film" 10,000 rubles, to the "ordering" to the civil war, "order", three years from Yugoslav "introduced", the number of film volume exceeds two hundred, almost Men of each Soviet family have seen this type of film through various channels.

For a while, KGB's school training specialists, received a few tasters of the superiors, was stopped with a dozens of video tapes, on the streets of Moscow, Leningrad, Stalin Glele, etc. Pedestrians, then they ask them: "Do you want to film? Have a good film, Yugoslav property! Violence, ghost, very exciting, not expensive, three rubles!"

The film has also greatly increased the extra income of the Soviet people, and there is also a certain social crime, but everything is in the controlled range.

In addition, Yugoslavia in the civil war, there are more emerging industries: human organs sell.

A few parties in the war, in order to get more money, all the exercises have thrown into the Mediterranean Sea. The Bosnia and Herzegovina in the civil war became the largest "human organ" in Europe. Whether it is the Soviet Union in the west, there is a large number of patients who need organ transplantation, under the arrangement of KG B, adventure, sneak into this area, from the local "acquisition" organ to transplant, and thus form a black industry chain.

In this case, KGB is an intermedian contact, Western European countries, and civilians within the United States and even the Soviet Union are "consumers", and Yugoslavians are "raw materials providers".

This situation was attracted to the international situation after the reason why the confidentiality is not strict. But the Soviet and EU EU still do my best, continue to engage in this "black industry." And the European people, also take the opportunity to learn and "believe" the tragic thing that Yugoslavia is happening.

At that time, Katoha contained the young head of the Christian head:

"This is the scandal of socialist Soviet Union, but there is no relationship."

"The people are stupid, their rebels, I like to listen to this scandal, and I believe this scandal. We deliberately pass this scandal, the purpose is to let them know that the incident occurred in Yugoslavia, let those people know these After the tragic incident, strong fear of tragedy also happened to their own body, so that the Soviet Union's people's efforts to the Soviet efforts. "

In the face of the overseas accusations in "morality", the Soviet practice is only the number of specific people to participate in such "organ" transplant surgery: 5,300 cases, which shouted the most, there is one Thousands of people accepted the organ transplantation of Mrs. Yugosla. In addition, EU is the largest consumer, even China and Lanfang, which have been mole, there is also a "consumption" record.

After the scandal, KGB has received more "orders" from all over the world, which has continued until the end of the war.

Because in this matter, "Excellent", Putin is later seen in Kaqiu, becoming the next leader of the Soviet Union.

Then, European artists took a black movie named "Sewen Mother" according to this incident, and the theater was released, and countless viewers.

The tragic destiny of Yugoslavia, so that the separation forces within the Soviet Union have been resurrected for more than ten years. When they are in 2010, they jumped out of Latvia, and the Banba of Bulgaria was behind.

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