Hearing the sound coming from behind, Xiao Chen immediately used his speed even faster. The two of them were chasing the wind and lightning in the lonely and uninhabited mountains. A moment later, Xuan Daozi's voice came again: "Boy, do you think that with Tianshu, can you leave here? I will count to three, and if you don’t stop, you will be driven to pieces!”

The sound was sonorous and powerful, vibrating like thunder, causing the nearby birds and beasts to flee in fright. If it had been in the past, Xiao Chen might have been frightened by this "immortal" aura, but it seems that right now, This Xuan Daozi may indeed have some level of cultivation, but he is still far from being a true strong man.

At this moment, Xiao Chen performed Ling Xian Step faster. There was enough spiritual energy in the immortal world, and it seemed that he also felt that his inner energy was much more abundant.


The roar of thunder came again, shaking the nearby mountains, but Xiao Chen still didn't stop. He could use Dugu Tianxia's god and demon body to kill this person, but at the last moment, he just didn't want to use Dugu Tianxia's body. It’s just a body of gods and demons.

Firstly, the body of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia is not his power after all. Secondly, in this ancient immortal world, it is definitely not as peaceful as what you see in front of you. Dugu Tianxia was a man of great influence thousands of years ago. Once anyone notices, I am afraid that It will cause a lot of trouble.


While he was hesitating and thinking, the last word of Xuan Daozi came, followed immediately by a golden celestial seal that broke through the void and suddenly enveloped him from behind.

This Golden Light Immortal Seal was a hundred feet long and wide, and its power was earth-shattering, as if tearing apart the void. Wherever it passed, several mountaintops were directly turned into powder!

"What a powerful force..."

Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a little shocked. This kind of power was indeed incomparable to those of the first and second realm holy cultivators in the human world. Even Chu Fengyang, who had entered the third realm, seemed insignificant under the power of this "immortal" .

Fortunately, after he came to the ancient immortal world, his inner energy was much more abundant. He could perform the Ling Xian Step faster than before. When the hundred-foot golden seal came behind him, he only left a shadow in the original place. Oh my god, I have gone ten miles away in an instant.


With a loud noise, the entire mountain behind disappeared and turned into smoke and dust. A layer of cold sweat had formed on Xiao Chen's back. If he hadn't used the Lingxian Step in time just now, it would have been difficult to escape the golden light. Immortal Seal, at this time, he was a little hesitant whether to use the body of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia.

In the blink of an eye, Xuan Daozi was chasing him from behind. Yesterday, he was obviously injured. Today, except for the blood stains on his clothes, there seemed to be nothing wrong with him elsewhere. Even his face looked pale. All restored.

However, in his heart, he was not as calm as he looked on the surface. Firstly, what happened yesterday was too weird, and secondly, he had just prepared a move that could hit the opponent, but he didn't expect that the opponent actually escaped.

Where did this kid come from, and his movement speed is so weird and unpredictable? Why has this person never been heard of in the fairy world before?

While he was thinking about it, Xuandaozi had already arrived at a cliff ahead. Dusk had arrived, and a breeze blew from the opposite side of the cliff. At this time, on the green cliff opposite, he saw a figure standing there. The slanting wind Under the cold sun, his back looks particularly lonely.

"Fellow Taoist, chase me all day and night. You might as well tell me what you want."

The voice was also cold, and at this moment, for some reason, Xuandaozi suddenly felt a little wary. At this moment, he stood motionless and looked at the white-haired figure on the cliff opposite with his back to him. He held his breath and concentrated for a long time before saying, "Your Excellency Who is it..."

When he spoke, a green energy had secretly condensed in his palm. At this time, on the opposite cliff, the white-haired figure still had not turned around, and his voice was as cold as frost: "You don't need to know who I am, Tell me what you want."

Faced with such a cold and threatening aura, the fear in Xuan Daozi's heart became stronger for some reason. During the previous pursuit, he had never felt so depressed and suffocated at this time. The person in front of him... who is it?

After a while, I heard him say coldly, "Yesterday, your Excellency took away the words in the Heavenly Book. I hope that you will hand over the words in the Heavenly Book today."


Xiao Chen's voice suddenly became a little cold, "Those words have all been imprinted into my divine sea. How can I take them out again? If I read a few sentences to you casually, would you believe it?"

As soon as these words came out, the wind on the cliff seemed to become even more bone-chilling, and at this moment, in Xuandaozi's eyes, there were clearly two cold murderous intentions coming out.

I saw him walking towards the cliff step by step, the energy in his palms gathering more heavily, and he said in a deep voice, "As long as you are willing to hand over the words in the heavenly book, I will naturally have a way, so you don't need to worry..."

At the end of his words, the murderous intention hidden in his eyes became more and more serious. And Xiao Chen's consciousness was so sharp, how could he not detect this murderous intention? He said, "My fellow Taoist, it is not easy to cultivate for thousands of years. If you take another step forward, you will be in an abyss. But have you thought clearly?"

Xuan Daozi's breath condensed. At this moment, there was indeed a bottomless abyss under his feet. But there is a saying that people die for money and birds die for food. At this time, although he was very afraid of the person in front of him, he didn't care about him. The coveting of books that day clearly outweighed reason.

At this moment, he violently activated his true energy, bent his five fingers into blades, jumped up suddenly, and attacked Xiao Chen on the opposite cliff.

A strong wind suddenly rose, turning the flowers, plants and trees on the cliff into powder in an instant. If you want to get the Book of Heaven, there is obviously only one way at the moment, which is to kill Xiao Chen and forcibly capture his soul!

Without leaving any room, as soon as Xuan Daozi took action, he launched the most powerful attack, directly taking Xiao Chen's life!

"I gave you a chance, but unfortunately, you didn't cherish it."

At this moment, Xiao Chen finally turned around, and at this moment, it was as if even time had been frozen. On the cliff, the strong wind suddenly stopped, and even the flowers, plants and leaves flying all over the sky were... For a moment, it seemed as if it was frozen in the air, motionless.


When he saw the appearance of the person in front of him, Xuan Daozi seemed to fall into the bottomless abyss beneath him. It was hard to believe that the person in front of him... was not the person he saw yesterday! This person looked completely different from the person he saw yesterday!

At this moment, he seemed to see the eternal gods and demons. What a shock it was, making him unable to move any more!


Saying one cold word was like a death sentence for Xuan Daozi. As Xiao Chen raised his palm, a black light shrouded him, as if he was controlling life and death!

"Manipulate...life and death!"

Who is Xuan Daozi, how can he not recognize this manipulation of life and death? At this moment, he was even more frightened to the extreme, but he could not escape. Under the imprisonment of Dugu Tianxia's power of gods and demons, he was no different from a mortal with no cultivation!


A scream echoed among the cliffs. Xuan Daozi's face was twisted, and he wanted to make a final struggle, but before he could throw out the talisman in his hand, his whole person was turned into powder in an instant, and finally he was completely destroyed physically and mentally!

The cliffs on both sides slowly returned to calm. At this time, the voice of the Bone Demon was suddenly heard, "Boy, your methods seem to be getting more and more cruel..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and his voice was also very cold, "Didn't you tell me that this path of cultivation is paved with blood?"

"Not bad, not bad... Haha! Boy, you are starting to behave like me back then..."

The Bone Demon seemed to be very happy and began to brag about the past, "I think back then, I was able to fight my way out of thousands of people with the power of one person. I could kill all those so-called immortals with one palm... "

Xiao Chen didn't listen to him anymore bragging about his glorious deeds back then. He immediately came out of Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons, carefully put away the body of gods and demons, and said, "Let's go."

"Boy, you just killed that man. Aren't you afraid there will be trouble after you get out?"

"If I don't kill him and let people know that I possess the Book of Heaven, I think there will be more trouble..."

Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and moved forward. At this time, the sunset on the horizon was forming a spectacular scene, but it seemed to give the fairy world a layer of cold blood.

Three days later, Xiao Chen came to an ancient immortal ruins. There were many remnants of the immortal world living in this ruins. In fact, most of them were not much different from the mortals in the world. It was just because they were nourished by the atmosphere of the immortal world, so there were not as many of them as mortals. Suffering, therefore life expectancy, is also longer.

"Boy, where are you going next?"

The Bone Demon's voice appeared in his divine sea again. Xiao Chen did not speak. Next, the main thing was of course to inquire about the Immortal World Rain and Dew. This Immortal World Rain and Dew does not seem to be simple. It definitely does not stop at Yun Dian and Yun Dian. Shui Hanyan said it was so simple at first.

Seeing that he was silent, the Bone Demon added, "It is said that in the past, most of the human cultivators who came to the ancient immortal world would choose a sect in the immortal world to join. Boy, are you interested?"

"Immortal sect? No interest whatsoever."

Xiao Chen's tone was flat. Not to mention that he had no interest in this sect in the immortal world. Even if he was asked to go to heaven and become a heavenly official, he might not be interested.

"Wait a minute, the aura of the fairy world here..."

"Boy, you finally found out?"

"Let's go and take a look at the front."

Xiao Chen had a solemn expression on his face, and he immediately deployed his wind control technique and flew forward. A few days later, in the afternoon, he came to the top of a deep valley. What he felt at this time was exactly what he felt at this time. The spiritual power of the immortal world revealed from the bottom of the abyss.

"This spiritual power... is so strange."

Xiao Chen's frown deepened. It would be great if Weiyang was here at this moment. She must be able to sense the abnormalities in the spiritual power of the fairy world better than herself.

At that moment, he had no choice but to come to the top of the abyss valley. However, when he approached the cliff, he was pushed back by a strange force. This seemed to be some kind of seal and restriction force in the fairy world.

And the spiritual power gathered under the abyss valley, he could feel that this must be the spiritual vein that maintains the stability of the spiritual power in the ancient immortal world, and there is definitely more than this spiritual vein in the entire ancient immortal world, but why is the spiritual power of the immortal world here vaguely... strangeness?

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