The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,348 Fairy Mountain

It was already very cold above the Underworld Sea, and the atmosphere at this time was more like freezing the sea water into ice. Finally, Xiao Chen slowly took out a Dinghai Pearl from his sleeve and walked towards the slowly approaching Taoist Qingdeng handed it over, "This Dinghaizhu was accidentally found by a junior on an island. It is a small care and not a sign of respect. Please accept it with a smile, senior."

"This is it."

Qingdeng Taoist walked over slowly and nodded slightly, as if to say that he was very sensible and appreciated.

However, the moment he took the Dinghaizhu from Xiao Chen's hand, Taoist Qingdeng's expression suddenly condensed again. At this moment, he didn't know whether he sensed something or discovered something. He looked at Xiao Chen's eyes and said, Suddenly he felt a little confused and just kept looking at each other, motionless.

But Xiao Chen's face was still calm, and he asked, "Senior, is there anything else you can do?"


Taoist Qingdeng narrowed his eyes and looked at the Dinghaizhu in his hand. At this moment, his eyes were as sharp as the tip of a needle. He stared at him and asked, "Tell me again, where did you come from with this Dinghaizhu?" ?”

Xiao Chen said, "Not long ago, I accidentally found it on an island."


Taoist Qingdeng suddenly said in a stern voice, "This vast sea of ​​darkness is a dead sea. Where did the island come from? Don't try to fool me. Please tell me quickly. Where did you find this Dinghai Pearl?" ✩

Xiao Chen said, "The junior did not deceive the senior, but it is an island rather than a mountain. There was a heavy fog on the sea that day. The junior broke into the fog in a daze, and then couldn't get out. Then he was found in the fog again." A big island floating on the sea is the Dinghai Pearl found on that big island. After the junior came out, the fog cleared and the island disappeared. "

In order to increase the authenticity of what he said, Xiao Chen described the Daiyu Fairy Mountain, but Taoist Qingdeng still looked at him with doubt, "There is such a strange thing? Are you not lying?"

Xiao Chen said, "Everything of this junior is true, and I would never dare to deceive my seniors."


Hearing this, Taoist Qingdeng nodded slightly, and thought to himself, this boy's cultivation seems to be ordinary, but his palm technique just now was a bit strange. If he can run into this place, other than Ding Haizhu, he must still be there. Find some other important things on the island that you shouldn't miss.

After thinking about this, he said, "Just open up the world in your sleeves."

"What are you going to do, senior?"

Xiao Chen pushed his sleeves back, and deliberately showed a bit of vigilance, saying, "Senior just made it clear that junior only needs to dedicate this Dinghai Pearl to senior, and senior will no longer be in trouble. Now junior has settled If you offer Haizhu, how can you say it back?"


Taoist Qingdeng's eyes narrowed slightly and he said, "What you said is so good, but your Ding Haizhu came in an unknown manner. It's better to follow Pindao's words and open the world in your sleeves yourself. Don't ask Pindao to do it himself. That's it." It might hurt your soul." After he finished speaking, he took another step forward.

Xiao Chen took a step back. He knew clearly in his heart that what Qingdeng Taoist wanted to do was to covet his treasure. If the universe in his sleeves were opened, Fuxi Qin, Emperor Gujian, Samsara Jade, and Golden Crow Foot would be revealed. It is impossible for these things, as well as another Dinghai Pearl, to remain.

"I have given Dinghaizhu to senior, please don't break your promise."

"Huh? So you are determined to let Pindao do it yourself?"

Suddenly, Taoist Qingdeng's eyes turned cold and he suddenly came closer. He stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Chen.

But at this moment, he didn't know whether he suddenly sensed something or something else. In short, when he was still a few feet away from Xiao Chen, he stopped suddenly, and his expression seemed to suddenly become a little fearful.

Looking at Xiao Chen again, his eyes were cold and sharp at this time, his palms were slightly raised, and the divine consciousness just now seemed to be giving the other party a final warning.

If Taoist Qingdeng takes another step forward, he will risk his life and sacrifice the body of the gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia to kill them!

Obviously, at that moment, Taoist Qingdeng felt the cold murderous intention, and also felt the other party's spiritual warning. More importantly, the dangerous aura that made him inexplicably uneasy.


In the end, Taoist Qingdeng nodded slightly. After weighing the pros and cons again and again, he did not want to take the risk. The young man in front of him seemed not as simple as it seemed on the surface. Since he had already obtained Haizhu, there was no need to Continue to covet other things.

I saw him flying far away, and before his figure disappeared, another voice came from "If anyone dares to embarrass you in this sea of ​​​​underworld, just tell me Qing Deng's name."

This sentence had no meaning, but Xiao Chen stared at the figure disappearing into the clouds, still holding it tightly with his ten fingers.

"Boy, on the road to becoming strong, what does this little bit of humiliation mean?"

At this time, the bone demon's voice came into his mind again, "This is a world where the jungle is the strongest. It's natural to have no strength, to be stepped on by others, and to be unable to resist... I think about my past, that's it, that's it."

After a long time, Xiao Chen slowly calmed down. He had never had anything snatched away like this before, but just now, there was nothing he could do. If it weren't for the divine and demonic body of Dugu Tianxia, ​​it would still be able to intimidate Taoist Qingdeng. Today, even Fu Xi Qin and Di Gu Sword will be taken away from him.

It was already getting late, and the Bone Demon said again, "Let's go quickly. Before the windless waves hit you, you only have one Dinghai Pearl left. There will never be more than one person like just now in this Underworld Sea." I don’t need to tell you how to get down, right?”

"I know."

Soon, Xiao Chen was able to adjust his mentality. The most important thing now is to find Penglai Immortal Mountain. As for what happened just now, as the Bone Demon said, there is nothing to say. He is just not as strong as that person. If he doesn’t want the same thing to happen again, If you have something to do, then make yourself stronger.

Just like the Qingdeng Taoist just now, he can only show his majesty in front of people with lower cultivation level than him. If he meets a cultivator in the late seventh realm, he can also kill him with one palm. If he meets an eighth realm cultivator, he can also kill him with one palm. A cultivator can turn him into ashes in one breath, but if he meets a big shot like the Empress, he will not even be able to breathe.

In the next half month, another half month passed. During this half month, the windless waves on the Nether Sea were extremely ferocious, devouring the lives of countless cultivators.

Xiao Chen has learned from the past and has become very cautious in the past half month. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will never take out the Ding Haizhu casually like before.

When he found Penglai Immortal Mountain, he would need to be even more careful. Regardless of what was originally on Penglai Immortal Mountain, just imagine, anyone who can cross this sea of ​​​​underworld and go there is an ordinary person? Obviously there is someone more powerful than Taoist Qingdeng...

On this day, there were almost no windless waves on the sea, which meant that Xiao Chen should be in the center of the sea now. But in the afternoon, there was still no sign of Penglai Fairy Mountain, as if this sea was just There is no such thing as a dead sea, and there are no fairy mountains. They are just legends of the world.

"It's not at sea, is it at the bottom of the sea?"

Xiao Chen controlled the flying sword and looked at the black sea water below. Under the sea surface, it was pitch black, and even the sunlight could not penetrate, giving people a deep feeling of fear.

"Boy, look for it again and be careful."

The bone demon's voice came into his mind, and Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and immediately controlled the flying sword and flew towards the sea level where the sunset was setting.

In this way, until late at night, a crescent moon gradually rose, the sea was windless and silent, and there was no smell of anyone nearby, giving rise to an indescribable and strange feeling.

In the second half of the night, the moon gradually sank into the bottom of the sea, the surroundings became pitch black, and Xiao Chen gradually lost his sense of direction. If Weiyang was here, she would definitely be able to find the Penglai Fairy Mountain.

But Xiao Chen's sense of spiritual power was not as good as hers, so he could only continue to search forward. Until dawn, a layer of fog gradually filled the sea, making the way forward even more difficult to find, but he could feel that Penglai The fairy mountain must be in this fog.

"Boy, be careful. Penglai Immortal Mountain is not like Daiyu, and there must be ancient restrictions around it."

At this time, the Bone Demon sent a spiritual thought to him. It seemed that even the Bone Demon had sensed that Penglai Immortal Mountain must be nearby.

Finally, at noon, the thick fog began to slowly fade, and the shadows of mountain peaks appeared faintly in the clouds ahead.

"Bone Demon, look."

Xiao Chen stopped immediately. In the clouds that day, the outline of the mountain shadow had already appeared, but it was difficult to tell whether it was a mirage, so he should not be careless.

"Well... come closer."

The Bone Demon did not appear careless, and Xiao Chen also gathered all his aura and cautiously approached the direction where the mountain shadow appeared.

After about a stick of incense, I felt that the Penglai Fairy Mountain was not far ahead, but there was still white mist low in the sea, so I still couldn't see it clearly.

At this moment, from deep in the thick fog ahead, a voice suddenly came: "If we don't break the restriction here, neither you nor I can get in. At this point, you don't have to fight anymore, right? Just go to In Penglai Fairyland, after drinking thousands of years of rain and dew, you and I will truly ascend to heaven. Why bother to stay in this broken ancient fairyland anymore? Do you think..."

"Yes, yes, outside Penglai Mountain, the restriction imposed by that man was very tight. You have been here for hundreds of years, but you have not found a way to break the restriction. Now it is not easy to wait until the spiritual energy of the immortal world is fully opened. If we do not join forces at this time, Open the restriction, and once the spiritual energy of the fairy world passes, I'm afraid I will have to wait for hundreds more years. Can you still wait until then?"

"Hmph! If anyone dares to have ulterior motives and deliberately alienate us, you're welcome!"

"Don't talk about it. In three days, the spiritual energy will be at its peak. Until then, everyone will work together to use this immortal spiritual energy to break through the restrictions of Penglai Mountain. At that time, we will be able to enter. As for those ten thousand years Rain and about everyone present today?"

"That's it. Just to avoid unnecessary complications, from today on, no one is allowed to leave here for even half a step. If anyone comes, kill him!"

In the distance, Xiao Chen was hiding in the fog. He didn't expect that there were so many people with the same cultivation level as Taoist Qingdeng in front of him, and even among these people, there were even more powerful ones.

He must not let these people find out at this time, otherwise he is afraid of unpredictable consequences. From what these people mean, it seems that they want to kill other people who also plan to go to Penglai Wonderland, and then they divide the ten thousand years of rain and dew.

There was just one problem. He couldn't help but wonder. These people had come here hundreds of years ago. It was impossible for them to predict that the rain and dew of the fairy world would gather here hundreds of years later, right?

If not, then what is it? Is there something in Penglai Wonderland...

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