The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,360 Altar of Gods and Demons

If this scene was seen by cultivators outside, who would believe it? There are so many afterimages of gods and demons here, and there is such a heavy aura of gods and demons condensed here. How could there be such a strange place in Penglai Wonderland?

The further Xiao Chen walked forward, the heavier his steps became, because with every step he took, he felt that he would never be able to look back.

Why did he come to this land of gods and demons?

Could it be that everything has its own master somewhere...

At this moment, with his arrival, the shadows of gods and demons in the Abyss Valley seemed to suddenly come to life. There were constant screams of demons all around, and it seemed as if he was hallucinating, as if everything was not supposed to be. Existence, whatever he thinks in his mind, he sees.

The further he walked, the more oppressive the atmosphere became, and Xiao Chen gradually felt like he couldn't breathe. At this moment, for some reason, the shadows of gods and demons all over the sky suddenly pounced on him, with a burst of The screams and screams were extremely terrifying.

But look at the shadows of those gods and demons. Some have faces covered with blood, some have broken heads, some have big holes in their chests, and some have lost their eyes. All in all, they look very scary. If an ordinary person sees this scene, he will He must have been frightened to death.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

The shadows of gods and demons all over the sky rushed towards him. Xiao Chen quickly raised the Chongxiao Sword. The light of the sword burst out, destroying all evil spirits and blocking all the shadows of gods and demons all over the sky.

After resisting the shadows of gods and demons all over the sky, Xiao Chen continued to walk forward, but there was darkness in front of him. Where was that?

He couldn't see clearly, but he could feel that there seemed to be something there, guiding him. Although it was full of danger, he had to go.

The further they walked, the stronger the aura of gods and demons around them became, and the sound of demonic roars in the sky became more and more terrifying. Finally, an altar loomed in front of them.

But seeing that the altar was square and square, about twenty feet high, it looked like it was made of countless bones of gods and demons, and it was terrifying.

Xiao Chen slowly came to the bottom of the altar. It turned out that the altar had a total of eighteen floors, each floor was one foot high and covered with bones.


Xiao Chen never expected that there would be such a terrifying altar of gods and demons here. Who built it here? And for whom was it built?

At this moment, he suddenly thought that it was this altar of gods and demons that led him here. It was full of dangerous atmosphere, but it was also the only way for him to enter the realm of the strong. .

"I see……"

At this moment, Xiao Chen finally understood that the world's path was a path to sainthood, but what he was treading was a path to gods and demons.

He has to go to that altar, no matter what greets him there, whether it is sanctification or demonization, it is all destined.

When he arrived at the altar on the first floor, he immediately felt a heavy aura of gods and demons, and the voices of gods and demons seemed to be constantly ringing in his ears, as if they were coming from the Netherworld River or the icy abyss.

On the second level, the aura of gods and demons became even stronger. The black mist enveloped the sky, as if it was going to swallow him up. But in the blink of an eye, he seemed to see countless hands of gods and demons under the altar, pointing towards him. It stretched out, as if to pull him into the dark abyss.

On the third floor, the sound of demonic roars continued, and it was extremely shrill. Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and a terrifying aura rushed straight towards him, seeming to engulf him.

Each level of the altar is only one foot high, but when Xiao Chen walks on it, each level seems to take a year to get up. The higher you go, the more difficult it becomes.

When he arrived at the altar on the tenth floor, thunder and lightning kept falling from the sky, almost hitting him several times, and the sound of demonic roars continued all around. For ordinary people, if they heard the demonic roars filling the sky, they would probably Already mentally insane.

"Brother, brother..."

Suddenly, Xian'er's voice sounded from below. Not only Xian'er's voice, but also Wei Yang's voice, Shen Jing's voice, Qian Yu Nishang's voice...

Hearing these familiar voices, Xiao Chen felt confused for a moment. He didn't want to look back, but he couldn't help but look back.

Just this glance back almost pushed him into the abyss. There was no shadow of Xian'er, no junior sister, no Weiyang down there. Instead, there were countless terrifying gods and demons, stretching out their bloody claws towards him. , as if to pull him into the bloody hell!

Xiao Chen's heart trembled, and he suddenly came to his senses. He never looked back, kicked his feet, and flew up to the eleventh floor again.

His ears were filled with the terrifying sound of demonic roars, and he was surrounded by the terrifying shadows of gods and demons. Xiao Chen raised the Chongxiao Sword, and the sword light protected his whole body. Those with an innocent heart will not be confused by evil spirits... He will never Don't lose yourself on this altar of gods and demons.

Finally, he climbed onto the 18th floor of the altar of gods and demons. There were lightning and thunder, bursts of blood, and countless terrifying shadows of gods and demons surrounding the surroundings, constantly making shrill and harsh sounds.

In the center of the altar of gods and demons, there was a black stone, shaped like a skull, exuding an endless weirdness.

There is an aura of danger here, but at the same time it also gives people an endless temptation, which is infinite power. In the black skull of gods and demons, there is power that everyone wants.

But anyone who comes close, anyone who wants to get that power, will eventually lose their mind and sink into the sea of ​​demons forever, unable to extricate themselves.

The countless bones on the altar of gods and demons are the best explanation.

"I see……"

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to suddenly have an epiphany. Looking back at the past, he couldn't bear to look back. The road to seeking immortality was long and bumpy. He was originally devoted to the Tao, but in the end he was abandoned by the immortal way and abandoned by the world. Not tolerated by the right path...

Immortal, what is an immortal; demon, what is a demon...

If the road to becoming a saint is so difficult... then what's the harm in cultivating yourself as a devil for a lifetime...

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to be possessed suddenly, his eyes were dull, and he walked towards the center of the altar step by step.

"The Tao is not the Tao, and the devil is not the devil. The human heart is unpredictable, and even if it looks like a devil, it is not a devil..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly woke up again, but the thoughts in his heart remained unchanged, and he still walked towards the center of the altar step by step.

At this moment, in his mind, scene after scene, he recalled the past, the past at Xuanqingmen, Zixiao Peak, junior sister, master...

All the familiar faces and scenes passed through his mind like a scroll.

"Those who cultivate immortality should put the common people in the world first. I wholeheartedly follow the Tao... But have people in the world ever treated me fairly..."

Slowly, Xiao Chen has arrived in front of the black skull. He knows that this time, if he successfully overcomes the tribulation, his cultivation level will definitely break through. But at this moment, for some reason, his heart felt like this The stinging pain was like the tip of a sharp needle, stabbing hard one by one.

"If I become a demon one day and you want to kill me, I will have no regrets about what I did today..."

At this moment, in his mind, he was still thinking of his master, but he had made up his mind. Even if he became a demon in the future, he would not regret taking this path of gods and demons today...

"If there is an afterlife, I, Xiao Yichen... will no longer be an immortal."

As soon as he finished speaking, he closed his eyes, with a determined heart and no longer repented. He raised his hand and pressed it on the black skull!

At this moment, the wind was strong, the black clouds were surging, and the energy of gods and demons all over the sky suddenly surged towards him. Lightning and thunder in the sky seemed to tear the sky apart!

The power of gods and demons in this mysterious black skull was directly absorbed into his body, and the energy of gods and demons around the altar poured into his body crazily!

"Boom!" Black lightning also appeared in the sky. Why is this lightning black and so scary?

At this time, outside the valley, even Qingdeng Taoist saw the dark clouds surging in the sky behind the valley, and black lightning falling one after another!

"That is……"

Taoist Qingdeng quickly stood up from the ground, as if at this moment, even he felt the terrifying aura of gods and demons coming from behind the valley.

At this moment, I saw him constantly calculating something. When the last black lightning fell into the valley, his expression suddenly changed, "That kid... is possessed!"

In the abyss, there were bursts of booby traps and streaks of black lightning, which seemed to tear the void apart. Xiao Chen was not possessed by the devil, but the path he took was different from others.

Other cultivators followed a path to immortality and sainthood, but he followed a path of gods and demons that was difficult to turn back!

Others who became saints were looking for a blessed land full of spiritual energy, but he actually chose such a land of gods and demons.

On the entire altar of gods and demons, strong winds were blowing, bones were flying everywhere, and the energy of gods and demons all over the sky continued to gather towards Xiao Chen.

He knew that this time was the key to his breakthrough. Success or failure depended on this, there was no turning back!

After absorbing the power of gods and demons in the black skull, he no longer hesitated, and immediately sat down cross-legged and circulated the remaining scrolls of the Book of Heaven!


A bolt of lightning struck him straight down, but he couldn't dodge it and could only resist it, because he knew what it was. This was not ordinary lightning, but the divine punishment caused by his tribulation!


Even though he had Xuanwu armor and the aura of gods and demons that filled the altar to resist it, the power of this heavenly punishment was no small matter. Almost in an instant, he was knocked back more than ten feet away, almost missing from the altar. Fly out.

But soon, he stabilized his figure and sat firmly again to face the next thunder catastrophe. Whether he became an immortal or became a demon, he would never be able to escape this thunder catastrophe of punishment...

The second thunder tribulation will fall after an hour. He has an hour to gather the power of gods and demons, but if he fails to withstand it in the end, he will fail to overcome the tribulation, and his cultivation in this life will... start all over again.

An hour passed quickly, and the sky was covered with dark clouds. The second thunderstorm finally took shape. With a "bang", it seemed to tear through the void and fell straight towards the altar of gods and demons!


This time, Xiao Chen was knocked out again, and even the Xuanwu Armor on his body had cracks. The Xuanwu Armor was an ancient treasure armor, but it couldn't withstand the power of this heavenly punishment...

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