After a long time, Xiao Chen finally seemed to accept this reality. The Yuanying that could not be cultivated and was in name only had the same chance of appearing as the Supreme Taixu Ying, but God seemed to have played the biggest joke on him.

"Thank you very much for these days, senior."

Xiao Chen slightly bowed his hands to Master Gudeng. If he can't practice Yuanying, then he can't practice. He won't sink like this. He can still practice the Heavenly Book. There are still many things waiting for him to do, even if he can't practice. Nascent Soul, how many of his peers can compete with him now?

Gudeng Zhenren said, "Young man, don't be discouraged. In the world, for every gain, there must be a loss, and for every loss, there must be a gain. Although your Nascent Soul cannot cultivate, it cannot form its own world and laws like others... But, All things coexist, and since they exist, there is a reason for them.”

"Senior means..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes became focused again. The senior in front of him had studied Yuanying all his life, and his insights must be unique.

Gudeng Zhenren stroked his white beard with his hand and said with profound meaning, "Why don't you think about it, the probability of the White Infant appearing is the same as the Supreme Taixu Infant. Since there is the Supreme Taixu Infant, why is there still a White Infant? Everything in this world, Mutual growth and mutual restraint, Bai Ying must have its own reason for existence.”

After hearing this, Xiao Chen also fell into deep thought. After a long time, Master Gudeng said, "During these days, little friend Wuchen can come to me at any time." ✰


Xiao Chen raised his head and suddenly felt a little regretful. Master Gudeng shook his head, turned around and looked at the falling leaves outside the window, and said slowly, "My whole life is to study the Yuanying, but my little friend has such a special Yuanying." Baby, maybe it’s God’s will.”

"So...thank you, senior."

Xiao Chen bowed his hand again. In the next more than two months, he would come to Zhenren Gudeng every day. Sometimes he even stayed in the Xuanjing for several days in a row without leaving. However, every time when the death energy came back, he would Will leave. Regarding the death energy in his body, Master Gudeng has not discovered anything.

On this day, he woke up from a mysterious state. Master Gudeng had been standing by his side. When he saw him waking up, he asked, "How is it?"


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said, "Thank you for these days, senior."

Obviously, with the help of Master Gudeng over the past two months, he has been able to sense his Nascent Soul again, even more clearly than before. Although neither he nor Master Gudeng can yet understand the mystery of Baiying, but Much better than two months ago.

Master Gudeng smiled slightly, "It's good that you can sense the mysteries of the Nascent Soul again." At this point, he paused for a while before continuing, "You... are leaving?"

Xiao Chen did not speak. In fact, during this period of time, his relationship with Master Gudeng has become very close. Among other disciples and elders of Tianji Tower, there will never be anyone as close as him to Master Gudeng. He can also see it. , Gudeng Zhenren intends to accept him as his disciple.

Being able to become the disciple of the four elders of Tianji Pagoda is something that many people would envy and cannot envy? But he can't.

Perhaps in the ancient realm of Xianbei, there can be two masters. Even if you join the sect and worship one master before, you can still worship another master after coming to Tianji Tower.

However, he is not from the ancient realm of Xianbei. He has only one master. Whether he is alive or dead, he will have only one master in this life and the next life.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Chen stood up from the ground and bowed his hand to Master Gudeng again. "The junior came to Tianji Tower this time just to meet the senior, but in the past two months, the senior has spared no effort to help the junior. Feel the Nascent Soul again... Today's friendship will be remembered in my heart."

Master Gudeng stroked his beard and smiled, "It's okay, but in the future, if you want to return to Tianji Tower, you can still come to me. Remember, don't tell others about your Baiying.

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me. I know this junior."

Xiao Chen cupped his hands slightly and turned around to go outside. Master Gu Deng looked at his leaving figure, with a look of sadness on his face at this moment. He was such a talented person, but he didn't know whose disciple he was.

It was already dark outside, and a bright moon hung in the sky, reflecting the entire Tianji Peak clearly and brightly. Xiao Chen was walking on the deserted mountain road, thinking that the matter with Yuanying was finally over, and he should really leave now. , Weiyang still doesn’t know where she is.

If he didn't find Wei Yang in the ancient realm of Xianbei, then he would go back to the five realms of Xianyuan, go south, go east, go west... In short, he would definitely find her even if he traveled to the ends of the earth.

Suddenly, he remembered the Danfeng Villa that Granny Meng had talked about last time at Kuangsha Castle. The owner of Danfeng Villa, Bi Feng, rescued a seriously injured and comatose girl in the desert more than two years ago.

It has been almost half a year since he came to Tianji Tower, and Farewell Feng's birthday is coming soon. It will be next month. By then, he will have to find a way to get an invitation, and then sneak in. At least he has to confirm that Farewell Feng saved him in the first place. The girl in question is not Weiyang, so that he can feel at ease.

Just as he was thinking this, a violent vibration suddenly came from the bottom of the mountain, making the entire Tianji Peak seem to shake.

"what happened?"

Xiao Chen suddenly became alert. This shock came suddenly and without any warning. At this moment, all the mountain peaks seemed to be shaking continuously. Even the Tianji Tower shook violently, but it was originally bright and clear. The clear night suddenly became shrouded in black clouds, covering the sky and the moon, as if some ancient demon was about to awaken. The scene was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, all the disciples who were practicing or sleeping suddenly woke up and ran outside the house one after another. When they saw the scene of black clouds at the top, all the disciples turned pale with fear. What happened?

The elders also quickly came out to maintain order. This continued for about half a stick of incense before the shock slowly subsided. The black clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, revealing the full moon in the sky.

"What's going on? What was that shock just now..."

At this moment, not only the new disciples looked confused, but also many old disciples who had been here for more than ten years or more did not know what was going on. They had never seen such strange things in the Tianji Tower for so long.

Near the Tianji Tower, Xiao Chen slowly came to his senses. What happened to the sudden shock just now? It doesn't seem like it's coming from under the mountain, strange...

The next day, the elder summoned all the disciples and told everyone that the shock last night was due to the change of direction of Tianji Peak's formation, and that the shock was caused by the sudden loss of spiritual power. It is now cured.

After hearing this, the disciples finally calmed down. They thought there was some powerful enemy coming last night.

At this time, Xiao Chen was standing in the crowd. Although several elders spoke calmly, he still felt that the shock last night was slightly unusual. His consciousness was sharp, and it was definitely not due to out-of-control spiritual power. If it is not the shock caused by it, why do the elders seem to be hiding something at this moment?

But then I thought about it, he was already leaving, so what did this have to do with him? Even if something happens to Tianji Tower, there are still four elders here and there are so many Tianzi Realm disciples, so why should he worry?

After a while, after the crowd calmed down, an elder in green said again, "Of course, I have asked you to come this time, and there is another thing to announce. The fifteenth day of next month is the day of the Canglong Trial. I hope At that time, you can actively participate.”

As soon as they heard the three words "Canglong Trial", the crowd started to boil. No matter they were new disciples this time or old disciples in the past, they could not suppress the excitement on their faces at this moment. They had already shaken off the shock of last night. I forgot about it.

Discussions continued among the crowd. The so-called Canglong Trial refers to the fact that there are four endless ancient mountain ranges in the ancient realm of Xianbei. They are the Canglong Mountains in the east, the White Tiger Mountains in the west, the Suzaku Mountains in the south, and the Xuanwu Mountains in the north.

And because the ancient realm of Xianbei has earth spiritual veins, every shift of the spiritual veins will produce extremely strong spiritual power, eventually forming the "Power of the Blue Dragon", "The Power of the White Tiger", "The Power of the Suzaku", and "The Power of the Black Tortoise". force".

These four kinds of spiritual power, no matter which one they are, have a strong attraction to the cultivating families or sects in the ancient realm of Xianbei. Therefore, a long time ago, in order to compete for these four kinds of spiritual powers, various families and sects would They were killed until the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and it was not until later that an agreement was reached. In order to prevent the ancient realm of Xianbei from flowing into rivers of blood again, every spiritual power in the future will be competed by three special forces.

Of course, in order to prevent the three major forces of Shenwu Temple, Xuanshuang Pavilion, and Tianji Tower from causing too much damage in the mountains, the three major forces later reached an agreement. Only disciples can enter to compete for spiritual power at a time. A few more trial elders will lead.

And people with profound spiritual knowledge like the four elders will never be allowed to enter the mountains to compete for spiritual power. Otherwise, if they fight inside, what's the point? The damage caused to the entire Xianbei Ancient Realm by then would probably be immeasurable.

At this moment, the discussion in the crowd became louder. The earth's spiritual veins shifted every twelve years. This time, it happened to be on the east side, forming the power of the blue dragon.

The power of Suzaku, Black Tortoise, and White Tiger were all taken away by Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion in the past few times. This time, the power of Canglong is in the east. As the saying goes, the first to get the moon is the tower near the water. If the Tianji Tower is still there this time, If you fail to compete with the other two forces, you will really lose your face.

After a long time, the disciples gradually calmed down. At this moment, everyone's eyes were very focused. Regardless of the high level of cultivation or the low level, they would go to the Canglong Mountains to contribute their part, even if they could not compete for Canglong in the end. He can show off his talents when he has the power, but before that, he must obtain enough ordinary spiritual power to help Feng Gufei and others obtain the power of the Canglong.

As for those disciples of the Tianzi Realm a hundred years ago, they have disappeared since a hundred years ago. During this hundred years, the subsequent disciples do not know where they went, as if they suddenly disappeared one night a hundred years ago. From then on It never appeared again, so over the years, Tianji Tower could not compete with Shenwu Palace and Xuanshuang Pavilion.

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