In the past thousands of years, every generation of Canglong has died, even the previous generation of Canglong. This is like a curse, and the Black Emperor has seen too many generations of Canglong.

Xiao Chen looked at the black mist in front of him and said, "No problem, please tell me the Black Emperor how to get rid of that person's tricks."


The Black Emperor's voice came from the black mist, "Then you heard it clearly. You need to find seven things. These seven things are indispensable. They are... horn, Kang, Di, Fang, Heart, Tail, and Ji. ”

After listening, Xiao Chen couldn't help but be startled, "What Black Emperor Canglong Qisu?"

"Yes, it is Canglong Qisu."

The voice in the black mist suddenly became much richer, "Canglong Qisu, are seven artifacts that were lost many years ago. Now they are scattered in every corner of the world, or they may have fallen into the hands of some powerful people... In short, only when the seven artifacts are gathered together can the Canglong Qisu be complete and the power of the stars be used."

"I see……"

At this moment, Xiao Chen carefully recalled that the first time he heard "Canglong Qisu" was when he attacked the Wangchuan Gongsun Yi clan. The Wangchuan Xuanjie was closed and he could not open it. At that time, Qilin once mentioned that unless Canglong was found Qisu, with the power of stars, breaks through the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm.

Canglong Qisu had long been lost. I heard from Qilin at that time that only old Canglong knew where Canglong Qisu was. But now that old Canglong is dead, no one knows where Canglong Qisu is.

Nowadays, the spiritual power of Canglong's world is facing exhaustion, but this is not the most serious problem. The most serious problem is the decline of Canglong Palace's luck. Even if the "source of sin and filth" planted by that person is removed, Canglong's luck will be difficult to reverse. Only by using the Canglong Qisu and borrowing the power of the stars can the situation be reversed.

At this moment, Xiao Chen has completely understood that he has to find Canglong Qisu to turn things around. Now the fate of Canglong Palace is also his fate. Success or failure is all in his hands.

Hei Di said, "It seems that you already understand, then I will tell you again, the seven artifacts corresponding to Qisu are... Ziqing Sword, Xun Fire Bead, Bingxuan Thread, Sky Swallowing Seal, Heart Mirror, and Jun Wu Hook, Panlong Jade."

Listening to what Black Emperor said at this time, Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown slightly, and the expression on his face became solemn, saying, "The Purple Green Sword corresponds to the angle, the Xunhuo Bead corresponds to Kang, the Bingxuan Line corresponds to Di, and the Swallowing Sky Seal corresponds to the room. The heart mirror corresponds to the heart, the Jun Wu hook corresponds to the tail, and the Panlong jade corresponds to the Ji..."

"Yes, that's right."

"Today...thank you Black Emperor for telling me."


A burst of laughter from the Black Emperor came from the black mist. "Thank you? No, I just want to see if this generation of Canglong can reverse the fate of Canglong in the past."

"The fate of Canglong..."

Xiao Chen's heart froze, could it be that that person back then not only wanted the fate of Canglong Palace to decline, but also wanted every generation of Canglong to end up in a violent end? What kind of hatred is this?

He knows that everything that follows will not be easy, but if he succeeds in the end, he will not only be able to reverse Canglong's fate, but also... and his own fate.

The ground is covered with thorns, this is the only way for the strong to pass.

At this moment, Xiao Chen looked at the sleepy Wei Young in his arms and said, "I have disturbed Black Emperor for a long time today. When I go back, I will give an order that no one will come here privately again to disturb Black Emperor's practice."

"Hahahaha... Apart from you, who else dares to come to the Black Emperor's Abyss again and again? That's all, you can take her back."

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding wind blew up, and the black mist dived into the abyss again. Only the Black Emperor's voice slowly came out: "Whether your life can be changed in the future is all in your own hands. As for her, Life...hehehe."

Xiao Chen looked down at the pale Wei Young again. The pale look on Wei Young's face just now really scared him. He had never seen her look so pale for so long. The moment before she fell into coma, she What exactly did you see?

After Xiao Chen took Weiyang away from the Black Emperor's Abyss, the Black Emperor's gloomy voice sounded again from the bottom of the abyss: "The sky is the scheming, the stars are the children. This is a child that cannot be tolerated in the world, but someone has hidden the truth and deceived everyone." Gods and Buddhas,’s getting more and more interesting.”

After returning to Canglong Palace, it was already evening. Liu San searched for a long time but saw no sign of the master and apprentice. When he saw Xiao Chen coming back with the unconscious Hua Weiyang in his arms, and Hua Weiyang's face was so pale, he couldn't help but be frightened. After a jump "What happened to her?"

Xiao Chen didn't speak, but Liu San could see something from his expression at this moment, and his face changed drastically, and he was speechless: "You, you went to the Black Emperor's Abyss again..."


Xiao Chen did not deny it, but he planned to talk about Canglong Qisu in a few days. The important thing now was to let Weiyang wake up and said, "I will take her back first, and we will talk about the rest later."


Liu San's face was pale. Looking at him hugging Hua Weiyang and leaving, a layer of cold sweat had formed on his back. He really didn't want his life and ran to the Black Emperor's Abyss again, but why did he do it this time? It seems like nothing happened?

Several days passed like this. At noon that day, Hua Weiyang finally woke up. Her face looked much better than that day.

"Um...Master, where am I..."

"Lie down and don't move."

At this moment, Xiao Chen is holding a silver needle in his hand and is giving her acupuncture. Although he is not as good as Fairy Su Wen in medical skills, he is already better than many people. In the past few days, Wei Yang has been treated with acupuncture by him. Much better.

"Ah You……"

Hua Weiyang woke up and saw that she was only wearing a thin piece of obscene clothing. Her face turned red with embarrassment and she covered her eyes, "You, oh oh oh, so shy..."

Xiao Chen said, "Don't move around. Elder Xinyue has been changing your clothes these days."



Xiao Chen gently applied the acupuncture on her and said, "That day in the Black Emperor's Abyss, you were frightened and fainted. Now... are you feeling better?"


Hua Weiyang looked at him, recalling the day in the Black Emperor's Abyss in her mind, but at this time she couldn't remember the last scene she saw before she fell into coma.

"That's right, that's when I discovered a trace of abnormal spiritual power..."


Xiao Chen then told what happened that day in the Black Emperor's Abyss. After hearing this, Hua Weiyang's face suddenly became serious, "Sure enough..."

"It seems that you have discovered it."


Hua Weiyang thought about it carefully. She was so sensitive to spiritual power that no abnormal spiritual power could escape her senses. Even though that person had powerful means to refine the source of sin and filth in the world into "Taoist spiritual energy". ”, it was hidden from the eyes of everyone in the Bahuang League, but how could it escape her spiritual sense?

But she didn't expect that this abnormal spiritual power would be the source of sin and filth in the world. If the Bahuang League and even other cultivation forces in the Bahuang world knew about this matter, then what would happen in the Bahuang world next? What kind of storm is caused in this land?

"Could it be... related to Tianwaitian?"

Hua Weiyang really couldn't think of anyone who had such ability to get the source of sin and filth from Tianwaitian, and this person was a Taoist, a Taoist strongman who had stepped into the realm of Fangwaitian.

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