The appearance of a bright light meant that there was an exit ahead. Xiao Chen refreshed his energy and immediately drifted towards the bright light. When he got close, there was indeed a crack in the void in front of him, which seemed to lead to the outside.

He no longer hesitated and immediately rushed towards the light. When he rushed into the light, his eyes suddenly became very bright, so bright that there was only a vast expanse of white.

After a while, the white light gradually dissipated. At this moment, Xiao Chen felt an unusually strong spiritual energy. He slowly opened his eyes, and everything in front of him gradually became clearer. He actually came to a In the valley where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

But the water in the valley was gurgling, the flowers were blooming, and the sky was full of white clouds. It was no longer the terrifying scene like the thunder sea before.

This place was like a lost ancient ruins. Xiao Chen did not expect that there was such an ancient fairy land full of spiritual energy hidden under Lei Ze.

No, it’s not just the rich spiritual energy here…

At this moment, he felt that although there was plenty of spiritual energy in the valley, there was another breath, which was a breath from the fairy world...


Xiao Chen raised his head and looked into the distance. A complex look gradually appeared in his eyes. There were countless cultivators in the world, and most of them thought that one day they could become immortals and ascend to the immortal world. However, the immortal world was very difficult for mortal cultivators. How far away is that?

From ancient times to the present, people who have ascended to the Immortal Realm may have existed, but they are very rare. This is because I don’t know when there was a powerful restrictive seal between the three realms, making it impossible to travel freely.

At this moment, he actually felt the aura of the immortal world here. Could it be that it was left over from ancient times? Could it be that at that time, there was no obstacle between the two realms of immortals...

Suddenly, he remembered the afterimages of immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas, as well as the ancient ruins discovered under the Desert of Death. Coupled with the aura of the fairy world here at this moment, he became more and more convinced that a long, long time ago, the most glorious world had ever existed. when.

The strong men in the world at that time made the gods in the heavens feel fear. However, in such a peak era, the countless strong men who had reached the heavens have all disappeared. Not even a record of that time has been left. After all, Why? Where did those immortals, demons, gods, Buddhas, and those powerful men in the world go in the end?

Everything in the past has now become an unsolvable mystery. At this moment, Xiao Chen discovered the remaining aura of the fairy world here. Is it just a coincidence?

He walked forward along the stream. After about a mile, the stream that was originally going straight suddenly turned to the left and passed through a fairy forest. Under the sunlight, the fairy forest actually shrouded the sky. Layers of faint purple smoke.

I saw the purple smoke floating and lingering, always shrouding the fairy forest. Xiao Chen focused his eyes. When he got closer, his keen consciousness actually felt the beginning of chaos in the faint purple smoke. The aura of prehistoric times came to my face.

Ordinary people would never be able to feel it, but he could, not only because of his keen consciousness, but also because of his physique that was different from ordinary people.


In the past ten years, his heart has always been calm and his face is calm. But at this moment, his heart began to beat violently. Where is this place? What is hidden in this purple smoke...could it be the legendary Hongmeng Purple Qi!

Hongmeng Purple Qi is the innate Qi that manifests when Chaos first opens. It is said that just one ray can transform a person into an immortal, escape the suffering of reincarnation forever, and achieve an immortal body...

In the past thousands of years, it is not that no one has tried to find the Hongmeng Purple Qi. However, this kind of innate Qi can be found just by looking for it? Some people spend their whole lives traveling to every corner of the world, but in the end they are unable to find this ray of innate energy.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's heartbeat was getting faster and faster. Could it be that the purple smoke hidden in the forest was really the legendary Hongmeng Purple Qi? Otherwise, how could there be such a prehistoric spirit rushing towards me?

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. Anyway, he had encountered obstacles in his cultivation and the time left was not more than a year. Why not give it a try? Immediately, he went to the forest, sat down cross-legged, and began to breathe in and out, trying to absorb all the wisps of purple smoke into his body.

It is not easy to absorb all the purple smoke of this entire fairy forest into the body. It must be free of distracting thoughts internally and without any obstruction externally. Seeing that the purple smoke was coming slowly, Xiao Chen immediately took off his outer clothes and started the breathing and breathing technique.

Time passed little by little, but he saw that the purple smoke began to seep into his body little by little. After a day and night, there was still a large area of ​​purple smoke in the forest. At this time, Xiao Chen could finally be sure that there was a piece of purple smoke in this fairy forest. The large area of ​​purple smoke was transformed by a wisp of Hongmeng purple energy in ancient times.

It's just that after so long, this wisp of Hongmeng purple energy is no longer what it used to be. Over time, it has gradually been infected by the turbid air of the world. What he has to do now is not just to absorb all the purple smoke in this fairy forest. body, and also to extract the wisp of Hongmeng purple energy from this purple smoke.

At this moment, his body was like a furnace, slowly refining the purple smoke bit by bit into the original wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

This refining process took half a month. Half a month later, Xiao Chen finally refined a piece of purple smoke in the fairy forest back into a wisp of Hongmeng purple energy. At this time, he was dripping with cold sweat, and he was obviously half After a few months, his skills have been greatly depleted and he needs to recover as soon as possible.

However, this effort was not in vain. This wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi can be completely integrated into his body without rejection at all. Although it is not as powerful as in the legend, it only takes one wisp to transform mortals into immortals, but I think this wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi can Qi will definitely become the key to his breakthrough in cultivation in the future.

At this moment, he can clearly feel it. Now there is a wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi in his body, and even his perception has become much sharper. Although his power has been greatly exhausted in the past half month, he feels refreshed at this time. Feeling refreshed and not feeling tired at all, I think it's all thanks to this ray of purple energy.

At this moment, a mysterious aura suddenly came from outside. Xiao Chen's expression condensed, and he immediately knew that someone had come down to the Immortal Valley. He put his clothes on with a flick of his hand. Just when he was about to stand up, that one The breath was approaching, and then an old man's voice sounded outside the forest.

"My little friend has not yet understood the way of heaven, but he can step into the Hehe stage in one step, and even have skills close to the Dongzhen stage. It is really incredible..."

I saw a figure slowly appearing outside the forest. Every time the figure took a step, the figure moved a hundred steps closer to the woods, leaving an afterimage behind him, as if teleporting. After three or two steps, he had arrived. In the forest.

(Thanks to the Hidden Alliance Leader for supporting me with 440 monthly votes yesterday!)

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