The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 802: Formation Destruction

After hearing what she said, everyone slowly regained their morale. After a while, Hua Weiyang turned her head again, looked at Xiao Chen, and whispered, "How are you?"


Xiao Chen stroked his chest to calm down his breathing.

About three hours later, Xiao Chen was sitting in the room practicing his kung fu. Suddenly there were footsteps outside. It was Hua Weiyang who came. He opened the door and saw her walking in. She looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Are you okay?" ? ” ❂

"never mind……"

Xiao Chen took a breath, stood up slowly and walked over, but Hua Weiyang still frowned slightly, raised his left hand, looked at his wrist and said, "At this time last year, the Three Corpse Demons were less than an inch away. Today I saw By the time you arrived, the Three Corpse Demon seemed to have grown to nearly two inches long.”

At the end of her words, she raised her head and her expression became very serious, "The Three Corpse Demons are very powerful, but every time they wake up, they will grow a little longer, and you will be in more danger. Qian Don’t let it eat away at your mind..."

"Don't worry, I can still suppress this wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi in my body."

Xiao Chen looked at her and smiled softly, but at this moment, he remembered Ku Lingzi's words not long ago, "Sure enough, I was the one who missed it at the beginning. I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful three-corpse demon in your body." , Do you still remember everything I told you about the Three Corpse Demons?"

"Of course I remember."

"Yes, but the three corpse demons in your body are very unusual. It seems that the person who put this three corpse demons into your body is also very unusual. His moral conduct is very high."

"How high.

"Maybe... he is close to becoming a saint, or even... he is already a saint."

"Saint... is interesting. That's all. I just want to know the outcome. What will happen to me when these three corpse demons are fully formed."

"This... I think these three corpse demons are extremely powerful. It can be said that they are only seen once in ten thousand years, and they are coming for you. Once the three inches are formed, there will probably be only one result..."

"Senior, it's okay to say so."


"Death... Haha, according to the senior's opinion, when will these three corpse demons take full shape?"

"Three years."

"Three years..."

At this moment, the room was silent. Xiao Chen saw that Hua Weiyang still looked worried and said, "Weiyang, you don't have to worry..."


Hua Weiyang shook her head, looked at him and said, "This matter is by no means simple. Who is it that drove the Three Corpse Demons into your body? You were still so young at that time. This person was too vicious. If you hadn't been killed later, How can I survive being saved by Fairy Ling Yin..."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, looked out the window and said, "Ku Lingzi said that he is a man of very high moral character. As for who he is, he can't guess at the moment."

At the end of his words, he closed his eyes and thought over and over again in his mind that back then, if his master hadn't used the Three Flowers Gathering to lure out half of the Three Corpse Demons on his behalf, and tried his best to suppress them, he would have been... already dead.



Just when he was immersed in memories, Hua Weiyang suddenly walked up and hugged him gently from behind. Xiao Chen turned around and looked at her, seeing tears suddenly gathering in her eyes, and asked, "What's wrong with you?" "

Hua Weiyang raised her head and said, "No matter what, I will never allow anyone to hurt you. If someone wants to harm you or kill you, then just step on my body first..."

Hearing these words and looking at her determined eyes at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly trembled in his heart, smiled softly, and took her into his arms, "Fool, shouldn't I be the one to say these words..."

While gently stroking the long hair on her back, he continued, "In a few days, when my magic power is stronger, I can use the seventy-two formations to break the imprisonment of Beigong Changfeng. At that time, no matter how slow I am, Let’s go find him to settle accounts and avenge You Chang…”


The two hugged each other. After a while, there were footsteps approaching outside, and then the voice of the Mingyue Valley Master said, "Your Majesty..."

With a slightly trembling voice, Xiao Chen relaxed and looked outside, "Master Mingyue Valley, what's wrong with you?"

"Seventy-two formations..."

The Mingyue Valley Master's voice was still a little trembling at this moment. Xiao Chen knew that she had always been calm in situations and would never be like this. He expected that something would happen. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What happened to the Seventy-two Formation?"

“The Seventy-Two Formation…was destroyed.

The Lord of Mingyue Valley said in a trembling voice. Inside, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang both frowned. Seventy-two formations, seeing that the forbidden world was about to be broken, how could they be destroyed at this time!

The two of them walked out at the same time. Hua Weiyang saw that the master of Mingyue Valley was pale, and she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Mingyue, please don't be impatient. Tell me clearly what's going on?"

"Talking as we walk."

Xiao Chen looked solemn, and as he spoke, he walked out of the courtyard. The Lord of Mingyue Valley immediately followed him and said, "I don't know what's going on. When I went to see it just now, I found that the spiritual power of each formation was... It disappeared and everything was in disarray. It looks like someone did it on purpose..."

"How is it possible? Could it be..." Hua Weiyang frowned. Could it be that there is a ghost inside Wuyutian?

The Lord of Mingyue Valley seemed to have been reminded, and murmured to himself, "I see that Yang Xiaoran has been acting strangely recently. He also knows about the deployment of the Seventy-two Formations. Could it be..."

“Don’t say anything lightly until things are confirmed.”

Xiao Chen frowned and said, as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately started Qinggong and flew down the mountain. When he arrived below, he saw all the disciples staying in place, looking at the formation that had lost their spiritual power. At this moment, they seemed to have lost everything. Soul is the same.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty is here!" Seeing Your Majesty coming, everyone cheered up and moved to both sides to get out of the way.

Xiao Chen quickly walked to the main formation, squatted down, and carefully observed each formation. Hua Weiyang was also beside him, watching carefully.

Hearing that something had happened, Mrs. Xianshu also rushed over and looked at Mingyue Valley Master, "I heard that the formation was destroyed, Mingyue, what happened?"


Mingyue Valley Master bit his lip, finally raised his head and looked at the figures in the distance, "Who were patrolling before?"

As soon as these words came out, about twenty people shrank their heads, but did not dare to stand up. At this time, a figure came out, and that person was Yang Xiaoran. He frowned and looked at the Mingyue Valley Master, "He is my person. how?"


Mingyue Valley Master looked at him, "Since your people are patrolling, why were all the seventy-two formations destroyed at this time? Do you not know the importance of these seventy-two formations?"

Hearing this, the twenty or so people behind Yang Xiaoran trembled all over, not even daring to raise their heads. Yang Xiaoran looked at her, took a few steps forward, and said, "What? What Mingyue Valley Master said... is difficult Could it be that you doubt the formation I destroyed?"

Mingyue Valley Master looked at him motionless, "Deputy Ambassador Yang knows the defenses of these seventy-two formations better than anyone else, and yet the formation was destroyed at this moment. It's such a coincidence..."

At this time, a man behind Yang Xiaoran walked out shakily and said in a trembling voice, "No, it's not the fault of Commander Yang, it's us brothers. We thought it would be too cold, so we found some jars of wine to warm ourselves up, but it didn't happen." , never imagined..."

"Yeah, yeah..." A few more people immediately echoed behind him.

Yang Xiaoran raised his hand and immediately stopped them from continuing to speak. He said coldly, "Step back, it's not your turn to talk to the Mingyue Valley Master here."

When he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Mingyue Valley Master coldly, and he said coldly, "Mingyue Valley Master, I know you have always looked down on Yang for subduing the various factions below using what you consider to be 'low-grade' methods." , Yang comes from a humble background and only knows these dirty tricks. After all, he is no match for you, the majestic Master of Mingyue Valley, but you must make it clear what you meant by those words just now..."

Slowly, the voices on both sides became louder and louder, and they were about to start a quarrel. At this time, Xiao Chen suddenly stood up and said calmly, "Okay, shut up..."

The surroundings immediately fell silent.

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